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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.
People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised.
Song title
"Weekender Girl"
Original Upload Date
August 23, 2012
Hatsune Miku
kz (lyrics & arrangement)
Hachiouji-P (music)
SEGA & WakamuraP (MV direction)
YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
きらびやかなストロボが kirabiyaka na sutorobo ga The dazzling strobe lights
ときめくLEDが tokimeku LED ga And the pounding LED
私の手を取り走る watashi no te o tori hashiru Take my hand and begin to run
つまずいて目が醒めた Ah tsumazuite me ga sameta Ah I stumbled, and then I awoke from a dream (Ah)

まだ頭の中にある mada atama no naka ni aru It's still in my head
刺激的なラインと shigekiteki na rain to That stimulating line and
手元に流れる時間 te moto ni nagareru jikan The time passing through my hands
見比べたらため息 mi kurabetara tameiki When I compare the two, I just sigh

巡り巡るの meguri meguru no Round and round
退屈な日々を超える taikutsu na hibi o koeru I'll move past the boring repetitive days

今日も夢を見るわ kyou mo yume o miru wa Today I'll dream again!
七色 輝く音 nanairo kagayaku oto Colorful, shining sounds
空間を埋め尽くす kuukan o ume tsukusu I don't want to let go of
幸せ離したくないの shiawase hanashitaku nai no This joy that fills the empty space
ほら 両手を高く上げて hora ryoute o takaku agete Look! I'll raise my hands up high
プリズムの向こう側 purizumu no mukougawa On the other side of the prism
待ちきれない machikirenai I can't wait!
Weekender Girl
Weekender Girl

どんなに睨んでみても donna ni nirande mite mo No matter how much I glare
カレンダーはまだ真ん中 karendaa wa mada mannaka The calendar is still in the middle
ヘッドフォンから漏れ出した heddofon kara more dashita The beat leaking out of my headphones
ビートはちょっと走り気味 bitto wa chotto hashiri gimi ran a little faster than usual

繰り返してく kurikaeshiteku I'll break through the
日々を抜け出して hibi o nuke dashite Ceaselessly repeating days
恋に落ちてゆく koi ni ochite yuku I'll fall in love
この身体空中へ kono karada My body
空中へ kuuchuu e will float
ふわり浮かんでく fuwari ukandeku Softly in the air!

今日も夢をみるわ kyou mo yume o miru wa Today I'll dream again
七色 響くツイーター nanairo hibiku tsuiitaa Colorful, resounding tweeter
空間を満たしてく kuukan o mitashiteku I don't want to let go of
幸せ離したくないの shiawase hanashitaku nai no The joy that fills the empty space
ほら 両手を高く上げて hora ryoute o takaku agete Look! I'll raise my hands up high
プリズムの向こう側 purizumu no mukougawa On the other side of the prism
待ちきれない machikirenai I can't wait!
Weekender Girl
Weekender Girl

Weekender Girl

English translation by googoo888


This song was featured on the following albums:

A remix of this song was featured on the following album:

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