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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Weather Report
Song title
"Weather Report"
Original Upload Date
August 29, 2010
Hatsune Miku
Heavenz-P (music, lyrics)
Arisaka Aco (illustration)
ke-sanβ (video)
47,000+ (NN), 4,200+ (YT), 1,100+ (PP)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / piapro Broadcast

Alternate Versions

Humanoid Being
-append ver.-
Upload date: August 11, 2012
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): Heavenz (music, lyrics)


The following translation was made by Releska, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
汗ばむ季節に うな垂れて岐路を目指す asebamu kisetsu ni unatarete kiro o mezasu During this sweaty season, I head for the crossroads with my head hung low
小さな頃には 笑顔で走ってたのに chiisana koro ni wa egao de hashitteta noni but when I was small, I ran with a smile.

些細な事でも 経験が邪魔をしてる sasai na koto demo keiken ga jama o shiteru Even if it's something little, experience gets in the way
縛りつけてる shibari tsuketeru and I get all tied up.

悲しみさえ忘れてく このままじゃ kanashimi sae wasureteku kono mama ja If things stay like this, I'll even forget about sadness.
今までの想いすべて この街に染みこんで消える ima made no omoi subete kono machi ni shimikonde kieru Everything I felt up 'till now will seep into the streets and vanish.

駆け抜けてく白南風(しろはえ) うつろう陽炎 kakenuketeku shirahae utsurou kagerou The summer wind blows past and the heat haze flickers.
僕は影 ゆっくりと伸びてく boku wa kage yukkuri to nobiteku I am a shadow, slowly extending.
透き通る程ブルー コントラストの白 sukitooru hodo buruu kontorasuto no shiro White contrasts against the transparent blue
それでも今日は雨 晴れのち雨 soredemo kyou wa ame harenochi ame and yet today will rain. Sunny, then rain.

アスファルトに滲む 水滴に待ち(とぼ)けて asufaruto ni nijimu suiteki ni machi tobokete I wait in vain for drops of water to seep into the asphalt.
誰もいない坂道 時間は動いてるかな dare mo inai sakamichi jikan wa ugoiteru kana Nobody else is here on the hill road. Is time moving?
せめて応えて semete kotaete Give me an answer, at least.

寂然(せきぜん)する物影に 僕を見た sekizen suru monokage ni boku o mita I saw myself in that lonely figure.
あれはそう 幾星霜(いくせいそう) are wa sou ikuseisou Over months and years
待ち続け今も伝えてる machitsuzuke ima mo tsutaeteru they keep waiting, and even now they give their report.

煌々と動き出す 佇む街路樹 koukou to ugokidasu tatazumu gairoju The roadside trees come to life brilliantly
風は死す この夕凪の中 kaze wa shisu kono yuunagi no naka and the wind dies during the evening calm.
懐かしさにあるのは 子供らしい記憶 natsukashisa ni aru no wa kodomorashii kioku My childish memories have a sense of nostalgia.
あの日は黄昏の晴れ 外れた晴れのち雨 ano hi wa tasogare no hare hazureta harenochi ame It was clear that evening. The weather report was wrong.

駆け抜けてく白南風 うつろう陽炎 kakenuketeku shirahae utsurou kagerou The summer wind blows past and the heat haze flickers.
僕は影 ゆっくりと伸びてく boku wa kage yukkuri to nobiteku I am a shadow, slowly extending.
透き通る程ブルー コントラストの白 sukitooru hodo buruu kontorasuto no shiro White contrasts against the transparent blue
ようやく朝影の晴れ 雨のち晴れ youyaku asa kage no hare ame nochi hare Finally, it's clear at dawn. It’s clear after the rain.

ふと立ち止まる 振り返ってもいい futo tachidomaru furikaette mo ii It's okay to stop for a bit and look back.
僕はただ ゆっくり歩いてく boku wa tada yukkuri aruiteku I'll just keep walking at an easy pace.
瞬く間の日々でも 幸せは落ちてる matataku ma no hibi demo shiawase wa ochiteru Happiness will fall, even during days that pass in the blink of an eye.
晴れても曇り空でも 今日はどんな空が見える harete mo kumorizora demo kyou wa donna sora ga mieru It doesn't matter whether it's clear or cloudy, what sort of sky can you see today?

English translation by Releska


A version featuring Hatsune Miku Append was featured on the following albums:

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