Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Wantarou (わんたろう) was a VOCALOID producer who uploaded original songs from 2013 to 2016. They mostly used Kagamine Rin and Len in their works, and made rock songs. They are currently inactive and have removed most of their original songs from NND and piapro, though reprints exist on other websites.


Links Title Vocalists Date Roles
Removed "Bakuto" (バクト) Kagamine Rin Jan 20, 2015 music, lyrics
Removed "Bishounen de Meikaikei de do S" (美少年で冥界系でドS) Kagamine Len Append Jun 3, 2014 music, lyrics
Removed "Byakuya no Zephyranthes" (白夜のゼフィランサス) Kagamine Len Sep 18, 2015 music, lyrics
Removed "Classroom no Boukansha" (クラスルームの傍観者) Kagamine Len Feb 26, 2014 music, lyrics
"Cultic Aijou" (カルティック愛情) Kagamine Len Oct 2, 2014 music, lyrics
"Drastic Joukyou Blues" (ドラスティック上京ブルース) Kagamine Rin Feb 20, 2015 music, lyrics
Removed "Kimi to Snow Picture" (君とスノーピクチャー) Kagamine Len Dec 18, 2013 music, lyrics
Removed "Kirisaite Utau" (切リ裂イテ唄ウ) Kagamine Len May 21, 2014 music, lyrics
Removed "Kyoubyou wa Warau" (狂猫は笑う) Kagamine Rin Aug 14, 2014 music, lyrics
Removed "Matatabi" (マタタビ) Kagamine Rin Jun 29, 2014 music, lyrics
Removed "Roujou Jidaraku Online" (籠城ジダラクオンライン) Kagamine Rin Jul 26, 2013 music, lyrics
Removed "Sakasama Blue Sky" (さかさまブルースカイ) Kagamine Len Jan 27, 2014 lyrics, music
Removed "Teppuu Raika" (鉄風ライカ) Kagamine Rin Aug 31, 2015 music, lyrics
Removed "Tokumei Byoutou" (匿名病棟) Kagamine Len Mar 2, 2014 music, lyrics
Removed "Udauda Denpatou" (ウダウダ電波党) Kagamine Len Nov 23, 2014 music, lyrics
Removed "Undernight Halloween" (アンダーナイトハロウィン) Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len Oct 31, 2013 music, lyrics
Removed "Yuuyami Ajito" (夕闇アジト) Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len Apr 9, 2014 music, lyrics


Affiliation Title
"sync-loid:06 - Yellow Magic"