Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

About Warning Templates[]

Warning templates on this wiki fall into three main categories: epilepsy warnings, content warnings, and AI warnings. All are placed at the top of a page; if a song requires all three, the epilepsy template should be listed above the content template, which should be listed above the AI template.


Sometimes song videos contain visual patterns that can trigger seizures. Examples include:

  • Rapidly flashing lights
  • Alternating patterns of different colors
  • Stripes of contrasting colors

Please use the following code to add an {{Epilepsy}} warning:


On the page, it should look like this:

Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.
People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised.

Content Warnings[]

There are two types of content warnings: {{Questionable}} and {{Explicit}}. Only one should be used on a single page. Both are used to warn for content in the lyrics and/or video that has the possibility of causing distress to the average reader AND/OR "may be inappropriate for younger audiences."

If the topic is only hinted at or present with a few mentions in the song, please use the following code to add a Questionable warning:


Which should look like this on the page:

Warning: This song contains questionable elements; it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
All external links may also contain questionable elements.
The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice.

If the topic is discussed in detail or present with many mentions in the song, please use the following code to add an Explicit warning:


Which should look like this on the page:

Warning: This song contains explicit elements; it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
All external links may also contain explicit elements.
The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice.

Ultimately, the boundary between Questionable and Explicit is up to the editor's discretion.

Some readers will be comfortable with consuming certain forms of content marked Questionable/Explicit while not being comfortable with consuming others. In order to assist readers in making informed choices, please use the following code to add specific information about why the template has been added:


Here is an example of how it should look on the page:

Warning: This song contains questionable elements (death); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
All external links may also contain questionable elements.
The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice.

The details are not optional. If no reasoning is provided for a content warning template, it will be subject to deletion.

The category of song pages without details in their content warning templates is here. If you see a page for a song you're familiar with in this category, feel free to edit the warning template or delete it if it isn't necessary.

When to Use Questionable/Explicit Templates[]

Here is a list of common elements in vocal synth songs that warrant the use of Questionable/Explicit warnings, with examples of pages that use these templates.

This list is non-exhaustive, and the phrasing can be flexible. For example, "emotional abuse" can be used instead of leaving it at "abuse" if you feel it necessary, or you can use "themes of death" if you're not sure whether a song contains actual death or just heavily discusses it. However, keep it as brief as possible.

If the content being warned for is only present in the video, you can make it more specific by writing e.g. "violence in video."

When Not to Use Questionable/Explicit Templates[]

Here is a list of common elements in vocal synth songs that do not warrant the use of Questionable/Explicit warnings.

  • Content that could reasonably be expected to be inappropriate for mainly very young audiences. For example:
    • Small amounts of blood
    • Extremely mild violence (such as punches outside the context of abuse)
    • Curse words (insults with profanity can be warned for as "verbal abuse"; if the profanity is only present in a translation, it should not be warned for)
  • Content that is not actually, provably in the song. There may be popular fan theories that a song is about a darker and/or more suggestive topic, but if a topic/element is not unambiguously in the song, you must be able to provide at least three pieces of evidence from the media to support a particular theory/interpretation if requested. "Media" refers to lyrics, official videos, and any official extra text/derivatives. Otherwise, do not add a warning for that topic/element. For example, Fixer has very few lines that point to death and/or suicide, and no video evidence, so a warning for either is unnecessary. By contrast, Unhappy Refrain's "suicide" warning can be supported with:
  1. "An upside-down girl; an adult's world."
  2. "Wounded all over, it's game over"
  3. "Right, then, I'll be jumping off right away!"
  • Generic "themes of mental health/illness." This is an attempt to avoid contributing to the stigma surrounding mental illness (as placing it on its own in the same category as e.g. murder would suggest the existence of mentally ill people is inherently triggering and/inappropriate). More specific illnesses (e.g. cancer or OCD) and behaviors (e.g. self-hatred or derealization) can be warned for if they are concretely in the song to a degree that may be triggering.

If you're considering adding a Questionable or Explicit template but you can't think of any concrete reason for why it should be there—not even something like "disturbing imagery"—don't add it.

AI Usage[]

Sometimes a song uses AI generation for an element. There are different reasons to do so, obviously varying in validity, but all should be warned for with the {{AIusage}} template regardless for the sake of those who would rather avoid these songs.

You should be able to point to a primary source, such as statements by the producers themselves, or detailed reasoning, such as an analysis of the video, for this information. VocaDB tags could be a helpful reference point but should not be used as a primary source, while any analysis of the work should be as detailed as possible; simply writing "uncredited illustration" or "looks like AI" is not sufficient. If you have a primary source, you do not need an analysis.

Any pages without a source or reasoning will be sorted into the AI Usage To Be Checked tracking category, with the template subject to deletion if no reasonable explanation is inputted.

If you have a primary source, please use the following code to add an {{AIusage}} warning:


Here is an example of how it should look on the page:

! Warning: This song contains verified AI-generated material (illustration).
Source: YouTube description.

The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki does not credit people who input prompts into text/image generators because it is impossible to verify that their work does not plagiarize from lyricists and visual artists. Please note that songs with AI-generated music are not hosted on the Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki.


If you do not have a primary source but have a detailed and reasonable explanation, please use the following code to add an {{AIusage}} warning:

{{AIusage|<SPECIFIC ELEMENT>|<EXPLANATION>|unverified = 1}}

Here is an example of how it should look on the page:

! Warning: This song contains suspected AI-generated material (illustration).
Explanation: hands have too many fingers, lines from hair blend into the clothing, the same characters look inconsistent throughout the video.

The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki does not credit people who input prompts into text/image generators because it is impossible to verify that their work does not plagiarize from lyricists and visual artists. Please note that songs with AI-generated music are not hosted on the Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki.



In case a warning needs to be issued that does not fit any of the above templates, please use the {{Caution}} template. For example, for motion sickness the template would filled in like so:

{{Caution|This song video may cause motion sickness}}

Which will result in:

! Warning: This song video may cause motion sickness. Viewer discretion is advised. !