Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

I used to translate songs to test my Japanese skill, but recently I do it because my friend wants to know it. This translation is not by native Japanese/English speaker and didn't receive any proofread treatment.

7150日(7150-Nichi) | 7150th day

Japanese Romaji English
窓を開けて 目をこすって I open the window, and while rubbing my eye
充電器を探して歩いた I walk, looking for my charger

4%の朝ご飯は 正直のどを通らなかった 4% of my breakfast, to be honest didn't make it through my throat

美しく笑うぼくの顔は 少し汚かった My beautifully smiling face was a little dirty

なんとか、なんとか、なんとか、なんとか、生き抜いて Somehow, somehow, somehow, somehow, I made it through
『初めて』の気持ちを探すために To look for that "First" feeling

最後の、最後の、最後の、最後の、その日まで Until that last, last, last, last day of life
『嘘』で身を守るのです I protect myself with "Lies"

窓を閉めて 目をこすって Close the window, and while rubbing my eye
3分間の麺すすって I slurp the 3-minute noodle

当然、部屋の鍵もかけて Obviously, I also lock the door
人が少し怖くなった I'm a bit afraid of people nowadays

美しく笑えたはずなのに I should be smiling beautifully now, yet
突き刺さる視線の針 The intent stare is hurting

まともに生きてるつもりで過ごしてたのにな Even though I planned to live properly

なんとか、なんとか、なんとか、なんとか、生き抜いて Somehow, somehow, somehow, somehow, I made it through
『幸せ』の気持ちを探すために To look for that "Happiness"

最後の、最後の、最後の、最後の、その日まで Until that last, last, last, last day of life
努力は避けたいのです I want to avoid putting a great effort

ほんとは嘘つきたくないし To tell the truth I don't want to lie
誰かと仲良くなりたいよ And want to get along with everyone

現実は難しいけど。。 Reality is hard but..

なんとか、なんとか、なんとか、なんとか、生き抜いて Somehow, somehow, somehow, somehow, I made it through
『初めて』の気持ちを探すために To look for that "First" feeling

最後の、最後の、最後の、最後の、その日まで Until that last, last, last, last day of life
『嘘』で身を守るのです I protect myself with "Lies"

ぼくは I

なんとか、なんとか、なんとか、なんとか、生き抜いて Somehow, somehow, somehow, somehow made it through
『幸せ』の気持ちを探すために To look for that "Happiness"

最後の、最後の、最後の、最後の、その日まで Until that last, last, last, last day
誰かもきっと 死にそーだろうけど Someone surely feeling like they're dying but

こんなぼくでも生きてるから Even a person like me still alive now

今日で7150日 Today is my 7150th day.