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Fish Market Series - Kurage
Song title
Original Upload Date
September 8, 2013
Koronba 4-gou and Utane Uta
Niconico Broadcast (deleted)
YouTube Broadcast (reprint) / Niconico Broadcast (reprint)


Singer 4-gou Uta Both
Japanese Romaji English
空を見ていると sora o miteiru to When I was looking at the sky
宙に浮く何かを見つけた chuu ni uku nanika o mitsuketa There was something floating midair that caught my eye
よく見てみるとそれは yoku mitemiru to sore wa Looking closer I saw that it was
巨大なクラゲだった kyodai na kurage datta A massive jellyfish

サイズは人の大きさほど saizu wa hito no ookisa hodo It was as big as a person
電柱よりも高く飛んでいる denchuu yori mo takaku tondeiru And it was flying higher than the telephone poles

この街になぜ来たのか kono machi ni naze kita no ka Why did it come to this town?
何のために来たのか nan no tame ni kita no ka What is it going to do?
外を歩く人はみんな soto o aruku hito wa minna Everybody walking outside
ヘルメットを被っている herumetto o kabutteiru Are all wearing helmets

いつからいるのか どこから来たのか itsu kara iru no ka doko kara kita no ka Since when was it here? Where did it come from?
誰も知らない dare mo shiranai Nobody knows the answer
幻覚でも気のせいでもない genkaku demo ki no sei de mo nai But it’s not an illusion or a trick of the mind,
確かにそこに居る tashika ni soko ni iru It definitely does exist

窓を見ていると mado o miteiru to When I was looking out the window,
空を飛ぶ何かが目についた sora o tobu nanika ga me ni tsuita I saw something flying in the sky
窓を開けるとそれは mado o akeru to sore wa When I opened the window
こっちに近づいてきた kocchi ni chikazuitekita It started flying towards me

傘は小さく足は長い kasa wa chiisaku ashi wa nagai The umbrella was small, its legs were long
夜になると青白く光るのだ yoru ni naru to aojiroku hikaru no da When it was night, it shone with a light blue glow

頭を掴んでくっ付いて atama o tsukande kuttsuite Grabbing people’s heads and clinging on
頭蓋骨を溶かしていくんだ zugaikotsu o tokashiteiku n da Then melting their skull
脳みそを食べつくして noumiso o tabetsukushite Consuming their brain until there’s nothing left
増殖していくのだ zoushokushiteku no da Multiplying in the process

獲物を探し近づいて emono o sagashi chikazuite Finding prey, then getting closer
足で掴んで持ち上げる ashi de tsukande mochiageru To grab their legs and lift them
高いところから落とし takai tokoro kara otoshi And drop them from high places
生きたまま食べていくの ikita mama tabeteku no Then eat them while they’re still alive

頭を掴んでくっ付いて atama o tsukande kuttsuite Grabbing people’s heads and clinging on
頭蓋骨を溶かしていくんだ zugaikotsu o tokashiteiku n da Then melting their skull
脳みそを食べつくして noumiso o tabetsukushite Consuming their brain until there’s nothing left
増殖していくのだ zoushokushiteku no da Multiplying in the process

獲物を探し近づいて emono o sagashi chikazuite Finding prey, then getting closer
足で掴んで持ち上げる ashi de tsukande mochiageru To grab their legs and lift them
高いところから落とし takai tokoro kara otoshi And drop them from high places
生きたまま食べていくの ikita mama tabeteku no Then eat them while they’re still alive

English translation by Anonymous

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