Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Treow (トレオゥ, 逆衝動P, SakashoudouP) is a male composer who is known for uploading videos of original songs and remixes featuring VOCALOID. He made his debut in the VOCALOID scene on October 19, 2008, with the song "L'azur". The pseudonym "SakashoudouP" (逆衝動P) was coined by his listeners, drawing inspiration from a phrase in the lyrics of the same song: "himeta omoi wa saka shoudou e chitta" (秘めた想いは 逆衝動へ散った).

His work, a blend of electropop, classical, and breakcore, is characterized by its irregular time signatures, use of piano, and experimental sampling. While Treow primarily uses Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka, his compositions feature a variety of VOCALOIDs, including GUMI, Kagamine Rin, and LUMi.

In 2010, Treow established his own music circle, ELECTROCUTICA. Treow, in charge of composition, serves as one of the two key members, with the second being Shizuka (時透), who is responsible for art direction, design, and lyrics. The team is actively involved in producing music and occasionally participates in commercial projects, both in and out of the VOCALOID sphere. He then went on to create a private, dedicated record label, REVERSUS Inc., in 2011.

Notable works by this producer include "Chaining Intention" and "Dependence Intension".


Links Title Vocalists Date Roles
"Amefuru Hakoniwa" (あめふるはこにわ) Hatsune Miku Jul 22, 2009 music
Album Only "Anniversary" Hatsune Miku Nov 10, 2012 music
"Aquila" Kagamine Rin Nov 23, 2011 music
"ARCA" Hatsune Miku Dec 25, 2010 contributor
"ARTICUTION/Kijutsushi no Kokuhaku" (ARTICUTION/奇術師の告白) Hatsune Miku Dec 7, 2015 music
"Blindness" Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka Dec 9, 2009 music
"Chaining Intention" Hatsune Miku Nov 7, 2008 music
"Dependence Intension" Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka May 15, 2009 music
"Drain" Hatsune Miku Sep 4, 2009 music
"DYE2" Megurine Luka Dec 28, 2010 arrangement, tuning
"Fantasia Nr.1" Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka May 16, 2009 music
Album Only "Fantasia Nr.2" Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka Sep 6, 2009 music
Album Only "First"A"lphabet" Hatsune Miku Sep 6, 2009 contributor
"Hyoushou" (氷晶) Hatsune Miku Feb 22, 2018 music
"IDOLLA" Hatsune Miku and GUMI Jan 23, 2010 music
Album Only "Illusionika-β" Hatsune Miku May 5, 2010 music
"L'azur" Hatsune Miku Oct 19, 2008 music, lyrics
"Leucos" Hatsune Miku Nov 19, 2010 music
"Light Snow" Hatsune Miku Dec 31, 2008 music
"Lumière Hoshikuzu no Furu Umi de" (Lumière星屑の降る海で) LUMi Jun 2, 2017 music
Album Only "Melaleuca" Hatsune Miku Jul 19, 2010 music
Album Only "Melas" Hatsune Miku Nov 19, 2010 music
N/A "Mihitsu no Koi -Dolus Eventualis-" (未必の恋 -Dolus Eventualis-) Hatsune Miku Jan 7, 2016 music
(WIP ver.) "Piano Lesson" Hatsune Miku Aug 3, 2016 music
Album Only "Reverberation" Hatsune Miku Nov 10, 2012 music
Album Only "Right×Dark" Hatsune Miku Nov 10, 2012 music
Album Only "Right×Dark Re:stand" Kagamine Rin Dec 10, 2014 music
Album Only "Romancer" Hatsune Miku Nov 10, 2012 music
(short ver.) "SWANSONG" Hatsune Miku Jul 31, 2016 music
"Todokanai Hanataba" (届かない花束) Hatsune Miku Mar 19, 2021 music, lyrics
Album Only "Triplaneta-β" Hatsune Miku May 5, 2010 music
"~white~" Hatsune Miku Dec 31, 2008 music


Affiliation Title
U/M/A/A "Aimai Elegy" (愛迷エレジー)
P-VINE RECORDS "Gousei Onsei ONGAKU no Sekai" (合成音声ONGAKUの世界)
BinaryMixx Records, Dwango User Entertainment, Inc., and Sony Music Entertainment Japan "Hatsune Miku 5th Birthday Best ~impacts~" (初音ミク 5thバースデーベスト ~impacts~)
breakvag "Hatsune Miku Project DIVA X -Complete Collection-" (初音ミク Project DIVA X -Complete Collection-)
"Romanworks" (ロマンワークス)
"Souaiseiriron" (相愛性理論)
MUSIC STUDY PROJECT "Vocalo de Oboeru Koukou Sekaishi" (ボカロで覚える高校世界史)