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Song title
"Traditional Fake -禁断の果実-"
Romaji: Traditional Fake -Kindan no Kajitsu-
English: Traditional Fake -Forbidden Fruit-
Original Upload Date
May 6, 2013
Kagamine Len
KAITO, IA (chorus)
ryohs_k (lyrics, music, arrangement)
piapro Broadcast


The following translation was made by ElectricRaichu, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his user page.
Japanese Romaji English
何故人はこれほどまでに naze hito wa kore hodo made ni Why are people as foolish
愚かな生き物なんだろう oroka na ikimono na n darō a form of life as this?
禁じれば禁じる程 kinjireba kinjiru hodo The more it's fobidden,
禁断の果実を欲しがる kindan no kajitsu o hoshigaru the more they desire the forbidden fruit.

甘い香りに誘われて amai kaori ni sasowarete Enticed by the sweet scent,
花に蝶が舞うように hana ni chō ga mau yō ni like butterflies fluttering around a flower,
色とりどりの果実で誘い irotoridori no kajitsu de sasoi they entice using multicoloured fruit
偽装の森へと誘う gisō no mori e to izanau and lure into a disguised forest.

歴史は闇に葬られ rekishi wa yami ni hōmurare History is covered in darkness
黒い語り部たちが謳い継ぐ kuroi kataribe-tachi ga utai tsugu and black storytellers hand its glories down.
撒かれた餌は疑似餌でも makareta esa wa gijie de mo Even if the bait that is spread around is fake,
闇に咲く薔薇を求めて yami ni saku bara o motomete they seek a rose that blooms in darkness.

綺麗な花には刺があり kirei na hana ni wa toge ga ari Pretty flowers have their thorns
鮮やかな果実に毒がある azayaka na kajitsu ni doku ga aru and brightly coloured fruit has its poison.
美味い話に罠があり umai hanashi ni wana ga ari There's a trap in clever words
甘い言葉で嵌められる amai kotoba de hamerareru and they are caught with sweet talk.

何故人はこれほどまでに naze hito wa kore hodo made ni Why are people as foolish
愚かな生き物なんだろう oroka na ikimono na n darō a living thing as this?
誰かを犠牲にしてまでも dareka o gisei ni shite made mo There are things they want to obtain
手に入れたい物がある te ni iretai mono ga aru even if it takes sacrificing someone.

何故人はこれほどまでに naze hito wa kore hodo made ni Why are people as foolish
愚かな生き物なんだろう oroka na ikimono na n darō a form of life as this?
禁じれば禁じる程 kinjireba kinjiru hodo The more it's fobidden,
禁断の果実を欲しがる kindan no kajitsu o hoshigaru the more they desire the forbidden fruit.

闇から流れる唄に惑わされ yami kara nagareru uta ni madowasare Led astray by a song flowing from the darkness
世界の終わりに怯え続けて sekai no owari ni obietsuzukete they continue to fear the end of the world
抗えば抗うほど aragaeba aragau hodo and the more they rebel
闇に飲み込まれてく yami ni nomikomarete'ku the more they get swallowed by the darkness.
君が救いを求めるなら kimi ga sukui o motomeru nara For if you seek salvation,
僕が守ってあげるから boku ga mamotte ageru kara I shall protect you.

風無く静かに眠る kaze naku shizuka ni nemuru On the still, windless, sleeping surface of the water,
水面に星屑の空 minamo ni hoshikuzu no sora a sky of stardust.
命蝕み inochi mushibami Eating away at life,
闇を貫く破滅の炎 yami o tsuranuku hametsu no honoo a flame of destruction pierces the darkness.

綴られた詩に裏があり tsuzurareta uta ni ura ga ari The composed lyrics have something behind them,
華やかな世界に闇がある hanayaka na sekai ni yami ga aru and in a florid world there is darkness.
煽り文句に誣いがあり aori monku ni shii ga ari Stirred up complaints contain falsities,
饒舌な語りで陥される jōzetsu na katari de otosareru and profuse talk leads to a fall.

何故に人間は nazeni ningen wa Why are human beings
愚かな生き物なんだろう oroka na ikimono na n darō a foolish form of life?
何故に人間は nazeni ningen wa Why are human beings
愚かな生き物なんだろう oroka na ikimono na n darō a foolish form of life?
『欲望を抑えきれない』 'yokubō o osaekirenai' 'They cannot resist the desire'
禁断の果実 kindan no kajitsu for the forbidden fruit.

何故人はこれほどまでに naze hito wa kore hodo made ni Why are people as miserable
哀しい生き物なんだろう kanashii ikimono na n darō a form of life as this?
自分を犠牲にしてまでも jibun o gisei ni shite made mo There are things they want to defend
守りたい物がある mamoritai mono ga aru even if it takes sacrificing themselves.

何故人はこれほどまでに naze hito wa kore hodo made ni Why are people as miserable
哀しい生き物なんだろう kanashii ikimono na n darō a form of life as this?
例え一瞬でも夢を見たいと tatoe isshun de mo yume o mitai to When they want to dream, even for a moment,
毒と知りながらその手を伸ばす doku to shirinagara sono te o nobasu while knowing it's poison they reach out
禁断の果実 kindan no kajitsu for the forbidden fruit.

English translation by ElectricRaichu

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