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The theme of valor Yǒngqì
Song title
"The theme of valor 勇气"
Traditional Chinese: The theme of valor 勇氣
Pinyin: The theme of valor Yǒngqì
Original Upload Date
August 2, 2016
Mizuhiro (music, illustration, video)
Xi (lyrics)
1,800+ (BB), 500+ (YT)
bilibili Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Chinese Pinyin
风 声狂作 咆哮着 颤抖 fēngshēng kuáng zuò páoxiāozhe chàndǒu
喘息抑制不住 凛冽寒意侵蚀着骨骼 chuǎnxī yìzhì bù zhù lǐnliè hányì qīnshízhe gǔgé
云 色乌浊 攒动着 踟蹰 yún sè wū zhuó cuándòngzhe chíchú
天幕倾压直下 坠落于深渊之中 tiānmù qīng yā zhíxià zhuìluò yú shēnyuān zhī zhōng

微弱闪烁的层云尽头 wéiruò shǎnshuò de céng yún jìntóu
仍有明灭摇曳的火 réng yǒu míngmiè yáoyè de huǒ
自那薄晓向这深暗 zì nà báo xiǎo xiàng zhè shēn àn
投映出 光的前路 tóuyìng chūguāng de qián lù

哪怕待声嘶力竭之后 nǎpà dài shēngsīlìjié zhīhòu
再踏入疲惫的桎梏 zài tà rù píbèi de zhìgù
狂风骤雨中 kuángfēng zhòu yǔzhōng
震破灵魂去怒吼 zhèn pò línghún qù nùhǒu

烟尘 卷风过 翻腾着 缄默 yānchén juǎn fēngguò fānténgzhe jiānmò
阴霾笼罩双瞳 几度自问未来是何处 yīnmái lóngzhào shuāng tóng jǐ dù zìwèn wèilái shì hé chù
雨 倾云落 嘶喊着 挣脱 yǔ qīng yún luò sī hǎnzhe zhēngtuō
雷鸣尽散尘埃 勇者踏上征途 léimíng jǐn sàn chén'āi yǒngzhě tà shàng zhēngtú

跳动不息的心脏之中 tiàodòng bù xī de xīnzàng zhī zhōng
仍存畏惧 踟蹰颤抖 réng cún wèijù chíchú chàndǒu
信念未曾 熄灭火光 xìnniàn wèicéng xímiè huǒguāng
照亮了 勇气之路 zhào liàngle yǒngqì zhī lù

直到让绝望走向尽头 zhídào ràng juéwàng zǒuxiàng jìntóu
我等血液尚在奔腾 wǒ děng xiěyè shàng zài bēnténg
攫住命运咽喉 永不止步 jué zhù mìngyùn yānhóu yǒng bù zhǐbù

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