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Song title
"The Inevitable Demise of a Copycat"
Original Upload Date
January 23, 2018
Zion XYZ (music, lyrics, illustration)
13,000+ (YT), 1,100+ (SC)
YouTube Broadcast (privated) / SoundCloud Broadcast (deleted)


What a gory demise
Contemplating my decisions despite the erosion in our blood

The nightmare rots the brain
It lacerates my flesh
So, tonight the oxidation kills the night]

A chaotic harmony
Mimicry is all I know
It's horrendous
The streets echo with false dreams
An erratic symphony destroys their own pysche

Carbon copies have gone awry
Oh, it's a disturbed narrative
It'll be over in due time
He'll implode on himself shortly

Oh, it's a shame
I'm just a reflection of who I used to be
So many years ago. I can't recall my past
A creative demise succumbed to mimicry
Ah, it's a damn shame you've always assumed the worst

What a gory demise
Contemplating my decisions despite the erosion in our blood

The nightmare rots the brain
It lacerates my flesh
So, tonight the oxidation kills the night

A chaotic fantasy
Cables strangle my throat
Oh, he's delusional

The streets echo with nightmares
An erratic downfall
It's a catastrophe

Pulvis et umbra sumus
(We are dust and shadow.)
Aegri somnia vana
(A sick man's delusive dreams)

Abiit nemine salutato
(He went away without bidding anyone farewell)
Omnia mors aequat
(Death makes all things equal)

Oh, it's a shame
I'm just a reflection of who I used to be
So many years ago. I can't recall myself
A creative demise succumbed to mimicry
Ah, it's a damn shame you've always been the worst

It's my impending doom
Contemplating the decisions to put the infestation to rest

The nightmares just begun
It strikes me in my skull
So, tonight the oxidation kills the cat

[Copy this, copy that
Copy this, copy that and
Copy this, copy that
Copy this, Copycat!]

What a gory demise
Contemplating my decisions despite the erosion in our blood

The cat has been declawed
All his weapons stripped away showing his putrid entrails on the floor

The cat has gone to hell
All his mistakes were all horrific sins
And now he's wasted away

The decayed memories were rusted to the bone
and tonight the oxidation killed the cat!
