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! Warning: This song contains questionable elements (suicidal ideation); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.

The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page are found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice.

Song title
"The Deception of the Brain"
Original Upload Date
February 17, 2019
Hatsune Miku (chorus)
jellystatic (music, lyrics, illustration)
50+ (SC), 200+ (YT)
SoundCloud Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


What a sad reality
I dont deserve this
What a sad reality
I am worthless

I dont deserve this
I don't deserve this
I don't deserve life
I don't deserve life

Whispers of my brain
telling me I'm worthless
No one really likes me
It is all pretend
They'll be glad I'm gone
They'll be glad I'm gone

Just be positive
Just be positive
Just think happy thoughts
Only happy thoughts
I don't like myself
I just can't understand
I'm not likable
Why do people like me
I am just worthless
Just think positively
Can't think positvely
People do like me
Do I have a worth?
I am not worthless
I need validation

Whispers of my brain
telling me I'm worthless
No one really likes me
It is all pretend
They'll be glad I'm gone
They'll be glad I'm gone

Just think positively
Can't think positive
Stop playing these games
I can see the lies
There are no lies here
Don't listen to the lies

Brain lying to me
Just think positively
Everybody hates me
I can't understand
I know they all hate me
and they don't care

All channels of my brain
Broadcasting these lies
Everybody hates me
I am worth nothing
It is all an act
Nobody likes me

Just think positively
Don't believe the lies
Just think positively
Only positive
I know it's not true

Can't ignore my brain
Can't ignore my brain
All channels of my brain
Are emitting lies

Please just make it stop
Please just make it stop
Please just make it stop
Please just make it stop
