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! Warning: This song contains questionable elements (Cannibalism); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.

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Song title
"The Acidic Nature of Spoiled Milk"
Original Upload Date
January 5, 2019
YOHIOloid and DEX
Nessa (music, lyrics)
GHOST (render, tuning)
nico (illustration)
YouTube Broadcast (privated)


How rancid it gets.
when it's left out in the sun
LIke a rotting corpse
unattended in a graveyard

I once tried to eat
A cookie with some milk
The cookie was very soft
But the milk was


acidic, bromidic, originality
here i stand, in the kitchen
with my cookie
and rancid milk

everybody gather 'round the table
and sing a song of the ones who died eating spoiled milk
the acidic nature of spoiled milk
will remain

you will become a cookie in my taste
with a bit of chocolate chip and flesh
you will become a cookie in my taste
with a bit of chocolate chip and flesh

please let me free

no one can escape the rancid milk wrath
not nessa or nico or ghost is especially dead
let the spoiled milk consume you
there's no going back for-

everybody gather 'round the table
and sing a song of the ones who died eating spoiled milk
the acidic nature of spoiled milk
will remain

The MONSTER is alive, he comes for me
I'm cookie, I-
The monster comes for me to eat cookie
that is now me
