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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
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Teto's desire to pearto - kirb the
Song title
"teto's desire to pearto"
Original Upload Date
January 14, 2025
Kasane Teto
Kirb the (music, lyrics, video)
24,000+ (YT), 80+ (SC)
YouTube Broadcast / SoundCloud Broadcast


My sole wish is to become a pear.
And nobody is gonna ever stop me.
Call me odd or call me strange.
But I've just made up my mind.

No need to be perfect, no.
No need to be strong
No one to bother me
No one who'll tell me I'm doing it wrong

I'd let go of the chaos
No pain to bare

Ah, how I wish I could just be a pear
A pear does not worry
A pear does not care
Jesus f-cking christ
I beg of you please
Let me just be
A f-cking soulless pear

What if she does not love me
What if I'm not good enough
What if this and what if that

Do this-
Do that-
Blah, blah, blah.

If I were just a pear,
Nothing like this would cross my mind
Enough with drowning in stress!
Enough with every single one of you!

I'm tired of this bullshit!
Please just shut the fuck up for once
Shut up, shut the fuck up please!


Step by step, I will leave it all behind
No more insecurities.
Clawing in my mind:
A perfect pear

Step by step,
I'll achieve my ultimate form:
A beautiful pear!
My one and only desire
Pa pa ra pa

My sole wish is to become a pear.
And nobody is gonna ever stop me.
Call me odd or call me strange.
But I've just made up my mind.

My sole wish is to become a pear.
And nobody is gonna ever stop me.
Call me odd or call me strange.
But I've just made up my mind.


No thoughts,
No weight,
No fear to
Resolve and

No arms to
Reach too far and
No legs to trip

And fall..
I want to be a

What if
she does not
love me
What if
I'm not
good enough

What if
this and what if
Do this and
Do that

I wanna be a..


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