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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.
People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised.
Song title
"Tell Your World"
Original Upload Date
March 12, 2012
Hatsune Miku
kz(livetune) (music, lyrics, arrangement)
WakamuraP, fantasista utamro, TAKCOM (director)
TOYSFACTORYJP upload: 740,000+
YouTube Broadcast
TOYSFACTORYJP upload: YouTube Broadcast

Alternate Versions

English version
Upload date: March 20, 2013 (album release date)
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): kz(livetune) (music, lyrics)
Water Knee (lyrics)
Circus-P (tuning)
YT (autogen)
Secret Sky 2020 Mix
Tell Your World, Something Comforting
Upload date: May 9, 2020 (album release date)
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): kz(livetune) (music, lyrics)
Porter Robinson (mashup, remix)

An official mashup collabing with Porter Robinson from the event Secret Sky. available on the album "Secret Sky 2020 (DJ Mix)"


Japanese Romaji Official English
形のない気持ち忘れないように katachi no nai kimochi wasurenai you ni Not to forget the intangible feelings
決まりきったレイアウトを消した kimarikitta reiauto o keshita I deleted the routine layout
ふと口ずさんだフレーズを掴まえて futo kuchizusanda fureezu o tsukamaete Grasp the phrase I happened to be humming
胸に秘めた言葉乗せ空に解き放つの mune ni himeta kotoba nose sora ni tokihanatsu no Spread secret words of the heart into the sky

君に伝えたいことが kimi ni tsutaetai koto ga I want to tell you
君に届けたいことが kimi ni todoketai koto ga I want to give you
たくさんの点は線になって takusan no ten wa sen ni natte Nodes of feelings form a link
遠く彼方へと響く tooku kanata e to hibiku Echoing to the faraway distance
君に伝えたい言葉 kimi ni tsutaetai kotoba Words I want to tell you
君に届けたい音が kimi ni todoketai oto ga Sounds I want to give you
いくつもの線は円になって ikutsu mono sen wa en ni natte Links of feelings form a world
全て繋げてく どこにだって subete tsunageteku doko ni datte Connecting everything Connecting to everywhere

真っ白に澄んだ光は君のよう masshiro ni sunda hikari wa kimi no you The pure white light feels like you
かざした手の隙間を伝う声が kazashita te no sukima o tsutau koe ga The voice flows through my hand held against the light
ふと動いた指先刻むリズムに futo ugoita yubisaki kizamu rizumu ni On the rhythm my fingertips suddenly make
ありったけの言葉乗せ空に解き放つの arittake no kotoba nose sora ni tokihanatsu no Spread all words of the heart into the sky

君に伝えたいことが kimi ni tsutaetai koto ga I want to tell you
君に届けたいことが kimi ni todoketai koto ga I want to give you
たくさんの点は線になって takusan no ten wa sen ni natte Nodes of feelings form a link
遠く彼方まで穿(うが) tooku kanata made ugatsu Reaching over the faraway distance
君に伝えたい言葉 kimi ni tsutaetai kotoba Words I want to tell you
君に届けたい音が kimi ni todoketai oto ga Sounds I want to give you
いくつもの線は円になって ikutsu mono sen wa en ni natte Links of feelings form a world
全て繋げてく どこにだって subete tsunageteku doko ni datte Connecting everything Connecting to everywhere

奏でていた 変わらない日々を疑わずに kanadete ita kawaranai hibi o utagawazu ni I had been playing the tune without a doubt about the rhythm of my days
朝は誰かがくれるものだと思ってた asa wa dareka ga kureru mono da to omotteta I had thought the coming of mornings is a given
一瞬でも信じた音 景色を揺らすの isshun demo shinjita oto keshiki o yurasu no The sounds I believe in even for a second, shift my sceneries
教えてよ 君だけの世界 oshiete yo kimi dake no sekai Tell your world

君が伝えたいことは kimi ga tsutaetai koto wa You want to tell
君が届けたいことは kimi ga todoketai koto wa You want to give
たくさんの点は線になって takusan no ten wa sen ni natte Nodes of feelings form a link
遠く彼方へと響く tooku kanata e to hibiku Echoing to the faraway distance
君が伝えたい言葉 kimi ga tsutaetai kotoba Words you want to tell
君が届けたい音は kimi ga todoketai oto wa Sounds you want to give
いくつもの線は円になって ikutsu mono sen wa en ni natte Links of feelings form a world
全て繋げてく どこにだって subete tsunageteku doko ni datte Connecting everything Connecting to everywhere

the shapeless feelings deep
that I possess to cherish forever
I just deleted the templates
in my mind to clear my heart
I caught this little phrase that flew
by and put it inside my heart
and put my intimate words to
sing and shot it out
to break through the sky

It's all the things to share
and bare with your heart
It's all the things to shout
and send to your heart
then all the dots combine
into one line and
they echo faraway
across the distance

It's all the words to share
and bear with your heart
It's all the notes to shout
and send to your heart
Then all the lines combine
into a circle
Comes down to one to
tell your world it's here
and everywhere

The crystal clear light that fills
the air it always resembles you
Voices slipping through
the fingers that
I held toward the light
I felt this rhythm through
my fingers moving
and it came suddenly
grasping all the words I could
find and shot it out
to break through the sky

It's all the things to share
and bare with your heart
It's all the things to shout

and send to your heart
Then all the dot combine
into one line and
They sing through out
the sky beyond the distance

It's all the words to share
and bear with your heart
It's all the notes to shout
and send to your heart
Then all the lines
combine into a circle
Comes down to one to
tell your world it's here
and everywhere

Never doubted the days
the sound that I played
I always thought the morning light
It was such an easy gift
that will come and
simply pour and rain on me
But still the sound that
came and made me believe
It would shake my atmosphere
Tell Your World today
the sound inside within your heart

It's all the things to share
and bare with your heart
It's all the things to shout
and send to your heart
then all the dots
combine into one line and
they echo faraway
across the distance

It's all the words to share
and bear with your heart
It's all the notes to shout
and send to your heart
Then all the lines
combine into a circle
Comes down to one to
tell your world it's here
and everywhere

Notable Derivatives

JubyPhonic's English cover
Featuring: JubyPhonic
Producer(s): JubyPhonic (mixing, subs, lyrics)
Marasy's piano cover
Producer(s): Marasy (instrumentalist), Tab Clear (video)
Goose house's cover
Featuring: Goose house

Nakanishi's guitar cover
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): Nakanishi (guitar), Yairesu (mixing, encoding)
Tell Your World - Ensemble Stars
Switch & 2wink cover feat. Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len
Featuring: Switch, 2wink, Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len
Producer(s): kz (music, lyrics), Nor (arrange)


This song was featured on the following albums:

a Mashup with this song was featured on the following album:

  • Secret Sky 2020 (DJ Mix) (album)

