! | Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors. People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised. |
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Song title | |||
"TФЯMЗИT" | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
August 4, 2013 | |||
Singer | |||
Kagamine Rin | |||
Producer(s) | |||
nyanyannya (music, lyrics)
Yokanko (illustration) Hara (video) HAL.0 (logotype design) Fukuda Shinichirou (guitar) seramikaru (video mastering) | |||
Views | |||
110,000+ (NN), 18,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
"Pouring monochrome informations......" |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
厳正ニ忠誠ヲ頂戴 | gensei ni chuusei o choudai | Inviting panic to the weak |
弱者ニ恐慌ヲ招来 | jakusha ni kyoukou o shourai | who impartially give their loyalty; |
題セヨ迫害ノ存在 | daise yo hakugai no sonzai | Entitle it-- the existence of persecution |
異口同音「知ラナイ」 | ikudouon "shiranai" | With one voice now “I dunno!”[1] |
例えるなら偶像 | tatoeru nara guuzou | For example : an icon |
閉塞感の象徴 | heisokukan no shouchou | A symbol of claustrophobia[2] |
六拾四平米に圧倒的 |
roku juu shi heibei ni attouteki tawiranto | An overwhelming tyrant in the space of 64 square meters |
薄ら寒い同調 | usurasamui douchou | Chilly conformity |
保身の階級闘争 | hoshin no kaikyuu tousou | A self protecting class struggle |
ありふれた悪趣味の |
arifureta aku shumi no korekushiyon | A commonplace, poor taste collection- |
例えるなら教条 | tatoeru nara kyoujou | For example : a dogma-- |
炙り出す |
aburidasu ruuzaa | A loser[3] brought to light |
侵されざる"空気"は不文律 | okasarezaru "kuuki" wa fubun ritsu | The inviolable “atmosphere” is unwritten law |
さあ罪状認否を |
saa zaijou ninpi o komurewizu | Come, the arraignment! comrades! |
喝采せよ |
kassaise yo komurewizu | Cheer O comrades! |
開廷される革命裁判 | kaitei sareru kakumei saiban | Revolutionary trial (being held in) court session |
断罪 | danzai | Conviction. |
浴びせ続けた言葉の暴力 | abisetsuzuketa kotoba no bouryoku | A continuously pouring mayhem of words |
「知らなかったって言える?」 | "shiranakatta tte ieru?" | “Can you (really) say you didn’t know?” |
そうやって目を背ければ好いさ | sou yatte me o somukere ba ii sa | Just keep on turning your eyes away like that- |
返り血で穢れた心を | kaeri chi de kegareta kokoro o | Your heart stained by a spurt of blood- |
流されてゆくジシンの無さを | nagasarete yuku jishin no na sa o | The nothinglessness of your [4]self being washed away- |
不幸の蜜では満たされない渇きを | fukou no mitsu de wa mitasarenai kawaki o | And that thirst, unsatisfied by the honey of sadness- |
kanbase no nai "shin'en" wa mite iru | The faceless “abyss” is stare (watch) ing (them) | |
劣等感に乾杯 | rettoukan ni kanpai | A toast to inferiority complex-- |
傍観者で盛況 | boukansha de seikyou | Success by (being a) bystander |
なみなみと注がれた悪意 | naminamito sosogareta akui | Malice filled to the brim |
蹂躙せよ |
juurinse yo komurewizu | Trample O’ comrades |
無作為の |
musakui no taagetsuto | A random defendant (target) |
何かが私タチと | nanika ga watashitachi to | Something about them is- |
違ふ違う違ウ違ウチガうチがウチガアア…… | chigafu chigau chigau chigau chigau chigau chigaaa…… | Different from us (different differeNt difFerEnt DifFEreNT DiFFeRENT DIFFERENT) AA... |
免罪 | menzai | A Pardon |
仕立て上げられた |
shitate agerareta shokuzai no sukewepugooto | A scapegoat, so made out to be |
嘲りで戦慄を塗り潰して | azakeri de senritsu o nuritsubushite | Painting out a shudder with ridicule, |
その |
sono te wa kegarenai to iu no? | Will you really say those palms of yours won’t be dirtied? |
そうやって見下しているとき | sou yatte mikudashite iru toki | When you’re looking down (on others) like that, |
感じていた優越感は | kanjite ita yuuetsukan wa | The superiority complex you felt... |
きっと自分自身にさえ | kitto jibun jishin ni sae | it’s cowardly true nature is surely being seen through, |
臆病な本質を見透かされている | okubyou na honshitsu o misukasarete iru | even by you, yourself |
結末は報復の |
ketsumatsu wa houfuku no rejisawido | The conclusion is a revengeful regicide |
悔蔑と畏れをバラ撒いて | bubetsu to osore o bara maite | Scattering disdain and fear |
手なづけた暴力に屠られる | te nazuketa bouryoku ni hofurareru | {You’re} slaughtered by the very violence (you) tamed |
胸ニ穿タレタ | mune ni ugatareta | Without even knowing the whereabouts |
心ノ居場所モ知ラズニ | kokoro no ibasho mo shirazu ni | Of the heart drilled into my chest |
"深淵"ニ戀シタ | "shin'en" ni koi shita | I fell in love, with the “Abyss”[5] |
哀シミノ君ヨ | kanashimi no kimi yo | O, You (filled with) sadness |
mitsume kaeshitasa nando demo | Returning that gaze, time and time again | |
凭れ溶けあったほど | motaretokeatta hodo | To the extent of learning and melting into one each other; |
口移し弱さの吐寫物を | kuchiutsushi yowasa no toshabutsu o | If you are to call the figure swallowing down that |
飲み下す姿を醜悪だというのなら | nomikudasu sugata o shuuaku da to iu no nara | Mouth-to-mouth[6] weakness’s vomit and excreta “ugliness” |
それはアナタなのだから | sore wa anata na no dakara | That is you, therefore |
"さようなら" | "sayounara" | “Goodbye” |
English translation by Forgetfulsubs
Translation Notes
- ↑ 知ラナイ / I dunno can basically mean "don't know don't care!"
- ↑ lit “feeling of being blocked up”
- ↑ (weakling)
- ↑ ジシン or can mean several things since there’s no kanji, but I think the most probable are “(one)self/自身” (or “by (one)self” http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/自身) which I used, “self confidence/自信” and slightly less probable “mercy/慈心”
- ↑ The "abyss" imo is defined as animate (the girl with the long hair) here, but this could be translated as “fell in love IN the abyss”
- ↑ 口移し is either literal “mouth to mouth feeding” or metaphorically information passed from person to person
This song was featured on the following albums:
External Links
- Hatsune Miku Wiki
- VocaDB
- Forgetfulsubs - Translation source