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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.
People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised.
Song title
Original Upload Date
August 4, 2013
Kagamine Rin
nyanyannya (music, lyrics)
Yokanko (illustration)
Hara (video)
HAL.0 (logotype design)
Fukuda Shinichirou (guitar)
seramikaru (video mastering)
110,000+ (NN), 18,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
厳正ニ忠誠ヲ頂戴 gensei ni chuusei o choudai Inviting panic to the weak
弱者ニ恐慌ヲ招来 jakusha ni kyoukou o shourai who impartially give their loyalty;
題セヨ迫害ノ存在 daise yo hakugai no sonzai Entitle it-- the existence of persecution
異口同音「知ラナイ」 ikudouon "shiranai" With one voice now “I dunno!”[1]

例えるなら偶像 tatoeru nara guuzou For example : an icon
閉塞感の象徴 heisokukan no shouchou A symbol of claustrophobia[2]
六拾四平米に圧倒的専制君主(タヰラント) roku juu shi heibei ni attouteki tawiranto An overwhelming tyrant in the space of 64 square meters

薄ら寒い同調 usurasamui douchou Chilly conformity
保身の階級闘争 hoshin no kaikyuu tousou A self protecting class struggle
ありふれた悪趣味の骨董収集(コレクシヨン) arifureta aku shumi no korekushiyon A commonplace, poor taste collection-

例えるなら教条 tatoeru nara kyoujou For example : a dogma--
炙り出す弱者(ルウザア) aburidasu ruuzaa A loser[3] brought to light
侵されざる"空気"は不文律 okasarezaru "kuuki" wa fubun ritsu The inviolable “atmosphere” is unwritten law

さあ罪状認否を同志諸君(コムレヰヅ) saa zaijou ninpi o komurewizu Come, the arraignment! comrades!
喝采せよ同志諸君(コムレヰヅ) kassaise yo komurewizu Cheer O comrades!
開廷される革命裁判 kaitei sareru kakumei saiban Revolutionary trial (being held in) court session

断罪 danzai Conviction.
浴びせ続けた言葉の暴力 abisetsuzuketa kotoba no bouryoku A continuously pouring mayhem of words

「知らなかったって言える?」 "shiranakatta tte ieru?" “Can you (really) say you didn’t know?”

そうやって目を背ければ好いさ sou yatte me o somukere ba ii sa Just keep on turning your eyes away like that-
返り血で穢れた心を kaeri chi de kegareta kokoro o Your heart stained by a spurt of blood-
流されてゆくジシンの無さを nagasarete yuku jishin no na sa o The nothinglessness of your [4]self being washed away-
不幸の蜜では満たされない渇きを fukou no mitsu de wa mitasarenai kawaki o And that thirst, unsatisfied by the honey of sadness-
(かんばせ)のない"深淵"は凝視()ている kanbase no nai "shin'en" wa mite iru The faceless “abyss” is stare (watch) ing (them)

劣等感に乾杯 rettoukan ni kanpai A toast to inferiority complex--
傍観者で盛況 boukansha de seikyou Success by (being a) bystander
なみなみと注がれた悪意 naminamito sosogareta akui Malice filled to the brim

蹂躙せよ同志諸君(コムレヰヅ) juurinse yo komurewizu Trample O’ comrades
無作為の被告人(タアゲツト) musakui no taagetsuto A random defendant (target)
何かが私タチと nanika ga watashitachi to Something about them is-
違ふ違う違ウ違ウチガうチがウチガアア…… chigafu chigau chigau chigau chigau chigau chigaaa…… Different from us (different differeNt difFerEnt DifFEreNT DiFFeRENT DIFFERENT) AA...

免罪 menzai A Pardon
仕立て上げられた贖罪の羊(スケヱプゴート) shitate agerareta shokuzai no sukewepugooto A scapegoat, so made out to be

嘲りで戦慄を塗り潰して azakeri de senritsu o nuritsubushite Painting out a shudder with ridicule,
その()は汚てれないというの? sono te wa kegarenai to iu no? Will you really say those palms of yours won’t be dirtied?

そうやって見下しているとき sou yatte mikudashite iru toki When you’re looking down (on others) like that,
感じていた優越感は kanjite ita yuuetsukan wa The superiority complex you felt...
きっと自分自身にさえ kitto jibun jishin ni sae it’s cowardly true nature is surely being seen through,
臆病な本質を見透かされている okubyou na honshitsu o misukasarete iru even by you, yourself
結末は報復の王殺し(レヂサヰド) ketsumatsu wa houfuku no rejisawido The conclusion is a revengeful regicide

悔蔑と畏れをバラ撒いて bubetsu to osore o bara maite Scattering disdain and fear
手なづけた暴力に屠られる te nazuketa bouryoku ni hofurareru {You’re} slaughtered by the very violence (you) tamed

胸ニ穿タレタ mune ni ugatareta Without even knowing the whereabouts
心ノ居場所モ知ラズニ kokoro no ibasho mo shirazu ni Of the heart drilled into my chest
"深淵"ニ戀シタ "shin'en" ni koi shita I fell in love, with the “Abyss”[5]
哀シミノ君ヨ kanashimi no kimi yo O, You (filled with) sadness

凝視()つめ返したさ何度でも mitsume kaeshitasa nando demo Returning that gaze, time and time again
凭れ溶けあったほど motaretokeatta hodo To the extent of learning and melting into one each other;
口移し弱さの吐寫物を kuchiutsushi yowasa no toshabutsu o If you are to call the figure swallowing down that
飲み下す姿を醜悪だというのなら nomikudasu sugata o shuuaku da to iu no nara Mouth-to-mouth[6] weakness’s vomit and excreta “ugliness”
それはアナタなのだから sore wa anata na no dakara That is you, therefore

"さようなら" "sayounara" “Goodbye”

English translation by Forgetfulsubs

Translation Notes

  1. 知ラナイ / I dunno can basically mean "don't know don't care!"
  2. lit “feeling of being blocked up”
  3. (weakling)
  4. ジシン or can mean several things since there’s no kanji, but I think the most probable are “(one)self/自身” (or “by (one)self” http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/自身) which I used, “self confidence/自信” and slightly less probable “mercy/慈心”
  5. The "abyss" imo is defined as animate (the girl with the long hair) here, but this could be translated as “fell in love IN the abyss”
  6. 口移し is either literal “mouth to mouth feeding” or metaphorically information passed from person to person


This song was featured on the following albums:

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