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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Original Upload Date
November 22, 2010
Hatsune Miku
Nio-P (music, lyrics)
meisa (illustration, movie)
180,000+ (NN), 1,600+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
渇き切った部屋 kawakikitta heya A completely dried up room
僕独り、の部屋 boku hitori, no heya Where I’m all alone
本当に真っ(さら) hontou ni massara de It’s really brand new
丸で、何も無かったようだ marude, nani mo nakatta you da As if there really was nothing there

そんな未来があって sonna mirai ga atte That’s the kind of future that awaits
そんな世界があって sonna sekai ga atte That’s the kind of world that’s out there
そんな、そんな僕が居る sonna, sonna boku ga iru That’s the…that’s the kind of person I am

あと何回、あと何回、 ato nankai, ato nankai, How many more times, how many more times,
あと何回、あと何回、 ato nankai, ato nankai, how many more times, how many more
この夜を越えて往こうと云うの kono yoru o koete ikou to iu no Nights are you telling me to spend alone?

ぽつり、独り言 potsuri, hitorigoto Sigh, I mumble to myself
未だ見当たらない imada miataranai I still can’t find it
本当に真っ(さら) hontou ni massara da It really is brand new
きっと僕の所為(せい)なんだろう kitto boku no sei na ndarou I’m sure that this is my fault

それは傷のようで sore wa kizu no you de It’s like a scar
それは嘘のようで sore wa uso no you de It’s like a lie
それは、それは、 sore wa, sore wa, It's…it’s…

あと何回、あと何回、 ato nankai, ato nankai, How many more times, how many more times
あと何回だ? あと何回? ato nankai da? ato nankai? How many more times will it be? How many more times?

そんな未来があって sonna mirai ga atte That’s the kind of future that awaits
そんな世界があって sonna sekai ga atte That’s the kind of world that’s out there
そんな、そんな僕が居て sonna, sonna boku ga ite That’s the…that’s the kind of me that exists

そこにキスがあって soko ni kisu ga atte There was a kiss there
そこに痛みがあって soko ni itami ga atte And there, there was pain
そこに、ここに。 soko ni, koko ni. It’s there, it’s here

君が居た、君が居た kimi ga ita, kimi ga ita You were here, you were here
君が居て、僕が居た kimi ga ite, boku ga ita While you were here, I was not
僕が居て、君が居た boku ga ite, kimi ga ita While I am here, you were not

English translation by Shiopaca


This song was featured on the following albums:

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