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Supernova explosion
Song title
"Supernova explosion"
Original Upload Date
July 31, 2018
Momone Momo and Kasane Teto
A_II (music, lyrics, illustration)
13,000+ (NN), 25,000+ (YT, original), 3,000+ (YT, reupload)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (privated) / YouTube Broadcast (reupload)


Singer Momo Teto
Japanese Romaji English
やっと目覚めが yatto mezame ga Finally wakefulness
巡って来たんだよ megutte kita nda yo Has come around

遠い tooi In these

記憶の中で kioku no naka de Distant memories
死んでしまったの? shinde shimatta no? Have you died off?

狭い semai Were you
瞬きの内に笑ってたんだよ? mabataki no uchi ni waratteta nda yo? Smiling in the narrow span of an instant?

想い omoi Did your feelings

ヒカリを超えて hikari o koete Surpass the light
泣いたんだよ? naita nda yo? And lead you to cry?

今総てが無に帰さぬ ように ima subete ga mu ni kisanu you ni So that everything now doesn’t go back to nothing
僕に詰めた愛おし思い出 宇宙に散らすよ boku ni tsumeta itooshi omoide sora ni chirasu yo I will scatter the lovely memories that fill me, into the sky
明日目覚める総ての瞳に asu mezameru subete no hitomi ni I will strum it into the eyes of all that will
掻き鳴らすよ kakinarasu yo Awaken tomorrow
今僕が全て無くなっても ima boku ga subete naku natte mo Even if I lose it all now

また君と巡り会えるように mata kimi to meguriaeru you ni So that I might be able to chance across you again
ただ叫ぶよ ただ叫ぶよ tada sakebu yo tada sakebu yo I will simply scream, just scream
想いが伝わるまで omoi ga tsutawaru made Until my feelings are conveyed

ただ君でいてくれて tada kimi de itekurete Thank you
ありがとう arigatou Just for having been there

ただ消えゆく君に tada kieyuku kimi ni Farewell to you
さようなら sayounara As you just disappear

English translation by Pricecheck Translations

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