! | Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors. People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised. |
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Song title | |||
"Strangers" | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
July 9, 2012 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
710,000+ (NN), 15,000+ (YT) Re-upload: 65,000+ | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (deleted) Reupload: YouTube Broadcast YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed) | |||
"Even so, you were there for me, for us." |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
不安ばかり先行して 未熟な僕が辿り着いた街は | fuan bakari senkou shite mijuku na boku ga tadoritsuita machi wa | Preceded by pure anxiety, I came inexperienced to a new town, |
気付けば反発ばっか それ必要なんですか? | kizukeba hanpatsu bakka sore hitsuyou nan desu ka? | Deep in rebellion before I knew it. Is that so necessary? |
囲われた世界だった 僕が自由と定義していたとこは | kakowareta sekai datta boku ga jiyuu to teigi shite ita toko wa | It was an enclosed world. The place I'd defined "freedom" |
やっぱり飛び出したって 怖いもんだ | yappari tobidashitatte kowai mon da | Was great to break into, but still scary after all. |
画面の奥 カウンターな僕らに | gamen no oku kauntaa na bokura ni | Into the screen, where we're counter to it all, |
不快極まりない クエスチョン | fukai kiwamarinai kuesuchon | Full of unbounded discomfort in the form of questions. |
わだかまりは「ダウト!」 そう叫んだんだ | wadakamari wa "dauto!" sou sakendan da | Our ill feelings cried, "Doubt!" That's what they shouted |
その声で | sono koe de | In that voice. |
気付いてたんだ 本質も本来も | kizuitetan da honshitsu mo honrai mo | I'd realized. Then and in being |
分かってたんだ もうずっと前から | wakattetan da mou zutto mae kara | I'd understood, since long ago. |
“誰かの為” 自分の為だ | “dareka no tame” jibun no tame da | "For someone" was actually "for me." |
それでも 貴方は 貴方は 貴方だけは | soredemo anata wa anata wa anata dake wa | Even so, you had, only you had. |
期待ばかり先行して 未熟な僕が辿り着いた街は | kitai bakari senkou shite mijuku na boku ga tadoritsuita machi wa | Preceded by pure expectation, I came inexperienced to a new town |
表面をスケートするだけで 言葉はリフレクション | hyoumen o sukeeto suru dake de kotoba wa rifurekushon | Where by just skating its surface, the words made reflections. |
着飾るだけ着飾って 見られたいのはホントは中身なんだ | kikazaru dake kikazatte miraretai no wa honto wa nakami nanda | Dressing up ourselves in finery, when we really want them to see us inside. |
それでも浸透してる 怖いくらい | soredemo shintou shiteru kowai kurai | Even so, their attention penetrates, so frightfully deep. |
依然アウトサイダーな 僕らは | izen autosaidaa na bokura wa | Even now, we're outsiders |
時にラジカルに 吠えてんだ | toki ni rajikaru ni hoeten da | Who sometimes bark radically. |
聞かせてよ僕に 本当の意思をさ | kikasete yo boku ni hontou no ishi o sa | Let me hear you, your real intention |
その声で | sono koe de | In that voice. |
塞いでたんだ この瞼を | fusaidetan da kono mabuta o | I'd squeezed shut my eyes. |
救われたんだ 与えるはずが | sukuwaretan da ataeru hazu ga | I was saved or so I was supposed to. |
孤独の中 笑われても | kodoku no naka warawarete mo | For in the loneliness, even if they laugh at me, |
届いた 貴方に 貴方に 貴方にはさ | todoita anata ni anata ni anata ni wa sa | I reached you, to you, to you, at least to you. |
誰かが 誰かが ってしがみ付いてたんだろう | dareka ga dareka ga tte shigami tsuitetan darou | "It was someone, it was someone..." I must have clung to that phrase. |
包み込む声も雑音で 何も聴き取れないまま | tsutsumikomu koe mo zatsuon de nanimo kikitorenai mama | The enveloping sounds are just noise, and through it I can't pick out anything |
貴方が 貴方が そこには居てくれたんだろう | anata ga anata ga soko ni wa ite kuretan darou | But you, you were still there, weren't you. |
例えば迷子のような 僕らは | tatoeba maigo no you na bokura wa | It is to say, we are like lost children |
独りきりじゃなかった | hitorikiri ja nakatta | but we are not all alone. |
English translation by zcatcracker
This song was featured on the following albums:
- Humanoid Being
- Hatsune Miku "Magical Mirai 2016" OFFICIAL ALBUM