Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Original Upload Date
October 17, 2009
Hatsune Miku
JimmyThumb-P (music, lyrics)
Sayukichi (illustration)
1,000,000+ (NN), 37,000+ (PP), 45,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / piapro Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)


Japanese Romaji English
誰より大切な君に dare yori taisetsu na kimi ni Fearing that I'm not loved by you
愛されないことを恐れて aisarenai koto o osorete Who are more precious than anyone,
一万年先の星まで ichimannen saki no hoshi made I escaped in a single bound
ひとっ跳びで逃げた hitottobi de nigeta To a planet ten thousand years ahead.

そっと(まぶた)を開けてみる sotto mabuta o akete miru I try opening my eyelid gently,
目の前は黒い空の海 me no mae wa kuroi sora no umi A sea like a black sky lies before me.
一億年先の地平まで ichiokunen saki no chihei made It flows to the horizon
流れてゆくんだ nagarete yuku nda One hundred million years ahead.

吸い込んだ真空の温度で suikonda shinkuu no ondo de Before my senses freeze up
感覚が凍りつく前に kankaku ga kooritsuku mae ni From the temperature of the vacuum I inhaled,
この身体一つ分の 愛を kono karada hitotsubun no ai o Give my body its share of love.

愛を 今すぐ ai o ima sugu Give me love at once
愛を 私に ai o watashi ni Give love to me
愛を どうか ai o douka Please give me love
愛を ai o Give me love

光射さぬ星の上で hikari sasanu hoshi no ue de On a planet where no light shines,
暗闇に飲まれないように kurayami ni nomarenai you ni Not to be swallowed up by the darkness,
一万年先の夕焼けを ichimannen saki no yuuyake o I watched the evening glow
ひとりで見てた hitori de miteta Ten thousand years ahead, alone.

きっとこの宇宙の塵と kitto kono uchuu no chiri to Surely I'll do nothing but drift along
ずっと漂うだけなんだろう zutto tadayou dake na ndarou With this space dust forever.
そうやって消えて無くなる前にどうか… souyatte kiete nakunaru mae ni douka… Before thus disappearing into nothing, please …

愛を 今すぐ ai o ima sugu Give me love at once
愛を 私に ai o watashi ni Give love to me
愛を どうか ai o douka Please give me love
愛を ai o Give me love

愛を… ai o… Give me love …

愛を ai o Give me love

English translation by ikuy398 and ElectricRaichu


This song was featured on the following albums:

An orchestral version of this song was featured on the following album:

External Links

