Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Original Upload Date
September 19, 2012
HoneyWorks: チョリスP (music, lyrics, bass)
海賊王 (guitar)
闘魂 (guitar)
ChaChagoma (illustration)
ziro (video)
160,000+ (NN), 980,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Hazuki no Yume has requested past usages of her translations to be removed. We would normally respect the author's wishes to remove their work. However, given the circumstances under which the request was made, the fact that she previously gave us explicit permission to use her translations (see also Good faith), and the best interest of the fandom, we have decided against removing the translations and only replacing those where another translation of sufficient quality is available. If you have found such a translation and has been checked as accurate, please replace this one or leave a comment with a link to that translation so another editor can replace it.

Japanese Romaji English
「応答せよ!こちらクルミン」 「outou seyo! kochira kurumin」 “This is Kurumin reporting. Please respond!”
「未発達惑星Eより宇宙への侵入の危険性を確認しました」 「mihattatsu wakusei E yori uchuu e no shinnyuu no kikensei wo kaku nin shimashita」 “Confirmed danger of undeveloped planet E invading space.”
宇宙で乗れる船も知識も皆無の少年だが uchuu de noreru fune mo chishiki mo kaimu no shounen da ga I’m just a boy without any means or knowledge needed to travel in space,
これは強いエネルギー 監視するとしよう kore wa tsuyoi enerugi kanshi suru to shiyou but I can sense a great energy from there. I’m gonna keep an eye on it.

空の上の憧れを持って少年は勉強しました sora no ue no akogare wo motte shounen wa benkyou shimashita Longing to travel beyond the sky, the boy studied diligently.
「5メートルすら飛べるわけないさ」 「go metoru sura toberu wakenai sa」 “You can’t even fly 5 meters.”
「やってみなきゃわかんないだろ」 「yatte minakya wakannai daro」 “I won’t know unless I try.”
100メートルだって飛んでやるさ 夢を開始するとしよう hyaku metoru datte tonde yaru sa yume wo kaishi suru to shiyou I’m going to fly 100 meters, even. I’ll make this the first step toward my dream.

あぁ 焦(じ)れったいな いつになったら飛べるやら ah jirettai na itsu ni nattara toberu yara Aah, I’m getting impatient. When am I going to be able to fly?
なんて不器用な生き物だ nante bukiyou na iki mono da What a clumsy creature we are.
孤独な監視任務 退屈で仕方ない 眠そうな星のあくびが聞こえた kodoku na kanshi ninmu taikutsu de shikata nai ne musou na hoshi no akubi ga kikoeta I’m stuck with this lonely lookout duty, bored out of my mind. I can even hear the sleepy stars yawning.

こんなんじゃもう らちがあかない 一つくらいならバレないかな konnan ja mou rachi ga akanai hitotsu kurai nara barenai kana I won’t get anywhere, at this rate. I guess they won’t find out if I take just one.
青年の前に見た事ない様な 持ち主不明の宇宙の欠片(おとしもの) seinen no mae ni mita koto nai you na mochi nushi fumei no otoshi mono The young man found before him a piece of space of unknown origin, the kind he’d never seen before.
「宇宙からのヒントだよ」と 疑心も暗鬼の聴衆らに 「uchuu kara no hinto dayo」 to gishin mo anki no choushuura ni “This must be a hint from space for me,” he said. Those around him had their doubts, but he was determined:
「100キロだって飛べるさ 落し物返そう!」 「hyaku kiro datte toberu sa otoshimono kaesou!」 “I can fly hundreds of miles, even. I’m going to return this to its owner!”

空の上への確信を持って青年は駆け回った sora no ue e no kakushin wo motte seinen wa kake mawatta With his renewed determination, the young man was constantly running around.
その時気づいた孤独に呆然と立ち尽くしてた sono toki kizuita kodoku ni bouzen to tachi tsukushite ta It was only then that he became aware of his solitude. The realization brought him to a standstill, his mind in a daze.
一人きりだってやってやるさ 時は手伝ってくれなかった hitori kiri datte yatte yaru sa toki wa tetsu datte kure nakatta I’ll do it, even if I’m on my own. Time wasn’t on my side.

あぁ 悔しいな 髪の毛だって真っ白に 「歩くころもできなくなったか?」 ah kuyashii na kaminoke datte masshiro ni「aruku koto mo dekinaku natta ka?」 Aah, I hate that there’s nothing I can do. Even your hair has turned completely white. “You’re no longer able to walk now?”
悔し涙を流し寝てる姿を 君の夢の場所で僕はずっと待ってた kuyashi namida wo nagashi neteru sugata wo kimi no yume no basho de boku wa zutto matteta Crying bitter tears, I fall asleep, waiting all this time for you in your dream.

別れの時間(とき)だ 残念だ 何て儚い種族なんだ wakare no toki da zannen da nante hakanai shuzoku nanda It’s time to say goodbye. How unfortunate. What a short-lived race we are.
これを何回繰り返せば 会いにきてくれるのだろうか kore wo nankai kurikaeseba ai ni kite kureru no darou ka How many times must I go through this before you’d come to see me?

あぁ 未来では 月にも火星にも届いて いる事を君に伝えたい ah mirai de wa tsuki ni mo kasei ni mo todoite iru koto wo kimi ni tsutae tai Aah, I wish I could tell you about how in the future, we’ve made it to the moon, and to Mars as well.
「君の気持ちを受け継いだ人間がいた事も全部 きっかけはキミの夢からだった」 「kimi no kimochi wo uke tsuida ningen ga ita koto mo zenbu kikkake wa kimi no yume kara datta」 “And all about how there are people who have realized your wish. Yes, everything began with your dream.”

English translation by Hazuki no Yume

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