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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
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Snowflakes Story Heavenz
Song title
"Snowflakes Story"
Original Upload Date
December 1, 2023
Hatsune Miku
Heavenz (music, lyrics, arrangement)
木屋 町, ゆにぃ, Nanahara Shie, 姐川, Omutatsu, まおう (illustration)
YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by ElectricRaichu, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his user page.
Japanese Romaji English
また、この季節が来たから 真っ白な桜が見れるよ mata, kono kisetsu ga kita kara masshiro na sakura ga mireru yo This season has arrived again so we can see pure white cherry trees
光が舞う 夜に会えたらいいね hikari ga mau yoru ni aetara ii ne I hope we can meet up on a night of dancing lights
ほら、今年も雪が来るよ 星がふわふわ降るみたいで hora, kotoshi mo yuki ga kuru yo hoshi ga fuwafuwa furu mitai de See how snow is coming again this year, like stars drifting down
赤い実に かけてみれば綺麗ね akai mi ni kakete mireba kirei ne When I sprinkle it on red fruit, it's pretty, isn't it?

きっと絵本みたいな 別世界に居られる kitto ehon mitai na betsusekai ni irareru We can be in an alternate world like in a picture storybook
曲がり角ひとつ覗くたび 新しい何か見つけるの magarikado hitotsu nozoku tabi atarashii nanika mitsukeru no Whenever I peek around a corner, I discover something new

Hello Twinkling 空が見れる Hello Twinkling sora ga mireru Hello, I can see the sky twinkling
Hello Tick,tack 時間さえ経っちゃえば Hello Tick,tack jikan sae tacchaeba Hello Tick-tock All it takes is time to pass
歩き出せる Snowflakes Story arukidaseru Snowflakes Story and I can start walking into a Snowflakes Story

Hello Twilight 繰り出そう Hello Twilight kuridasou Hello Twilight Let's move out together
Hello Linking 今こそ繋ごうよ Hello Linking ima koso tsunagou yo Hello Linking Now's the time we connect
静かすぎて 声が近づいていく shizukasugite koe ga chikazuite iku It's so quiet, voices are getting closer

あっという間のトンネル先 足元に星が落ちているね attoiuma no tonneru saki ashimoto ni hoshi ga ochite iru ne In a moment, we're at the end of the tunnel where stars have fallen at our feet
下向いたって ここは良い事あるかも shitamuitatte koko wa ii koto aru kamo Even if you look down, there might still be something nice
キミの肩にある雪 結晶がよく見える kimi no kata ni aru yuki kesshou ga yoku mieru I can clearly see snow crystals on your shoulder
誰かと繋がろうとしてる 真似してみたい dareka to tsunagarou to shiteru mane shite mitai I want to copy how they're trying to connect with someone

俯く気持ちが 夜なんて事はない utsumuku kimochi ga yoru nante koto wa nai There won't be a night where our feelings are down
暗いほど明るく見えるの 銀の世界なら尚更 kurai hodo akaruku mieru no gin no sekai nara naosara As dark as it seems, that's how bright it looks, even more so for a silvery world

まだ終わりなんて知らない まだ見飽きることもない mada owari nante shiranai mada miakiru koto mo nai There's no end in sight yet, nor will we get sick of seeing this yet
もう触れてもいいよねキミに こっそり願ってたの mou furete mo ii yo ne kimi ni kossori negatteta no I can touch you now, it was my secret wish

Hello Twinkling 顔が見れる Hello Twinkling kao ga mireru Hello Twinkling I can see your face
Hello Lip,Lip 口元、笑っちゃうの Hello Lip,Lip kuchimoto, waracchau no Hello Lip, Lip Your lips are making a smile
聴かせたいよ Snowflakes Story kikasetai yo Snowflakes Story Let me hear a Snowflakes Story

Hello Twilight 繰り出そう Hello Twilight kuridasou Hello Twilight Let's move out together
Hello Linking 今なら繋ごうよ Hello Linking ima nara tsunagou yo Hello Linking Now's the time we join hands
眩しすぎて 声が近づいていく mabushisugite koe ga chikazuite iku It's so dazzling, voices are getting closer

to talking,to walking,to making...

English translation by ElectricRaichu

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