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Sleepless Night
Song title
"Sleepless Night"
Original Upload Date
November 24, 2009
Hatsune Miku
AwaawaP (music, lyrics)
Niconico Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
眠れない夜 nemurenai yoru On a sleepless night
瞼を閉じれば mabuta o tojireba When I close my eyes,
あなたがいる気がして anata ga iru ki ga shite I feel like you're here with me

独りの時間が怖い hitori no jikan ga kowai Being alone scares me
忘れるなんて出来ない wasureru nante dekinai How can I forget you?
広い部屋の中また hiroi heya no naka mata In this bigger room
あなたを探してる anata o sagashiteru I'm still looking for you

触れることは出来ない fureru koto wa dekinai Because I can neither touch it
顔なんか見れない kao nanka mirenai Nor look at you in it
あの写真立てはまだ ano shashindate wa mada The picture frame
動かせないままで ugokasenai mama de Still stays there untouched

あなたは今どこにいるの? anata wa ima doko ni iru no? Where are you now?
すぐ傍にいるの? sugu soba ni iru no? Are you right next to me?
返らない返事を kaeranai henji o I'm waiting for an answer
ただ待ってるの tada matteru no That is unlikely to be said

出会わなければ deawanakereba I shouldn't even
良かったなんて yokatta nante Have met you
思ってしまう omotte shimau My weak mind
弱い心 yowai kokoro Tells me so

眠れない夜 nemurenai yoru On a sleepless night
瞼を閉じれば mabuta o tojireba When I close my eyes,
あなたがいる気がして anata ga iru ki ga shite I feel like you're here with me

気付かなければ kizuka nakereba I shouldn't even
良かったなんて yokatta nante Have noticed it
思ってしまう omotte shimau My weak mind
弱い心 yowai kokoro Tells me so

眠れない夜 nemurenai yoru On a sleepless night
瞼を閉じれば mabuta o tojireba When I close my eyes,
あなたがいる気がして anata ga iru ki ga shite I feel like you're here with me

出会わなければ deawanakereba I shouldn't even
良かったなんて yokatta nante Have met you
思ってしまう omotte shimau My weak mind
弱い心 yowai kokoro Tells me so

眠れない夜 nemurenai yoru On a sleepless night
瞼を閉じれば mabuta o tojireba When I close my eyes,
あなたがいる気がして anata ga iru ki ga shite I feel like you're here with me

English translation by motokokusanagi2009

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