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Song title | |||
"Shuteye" | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
June 28, 2020 | |||
Singer | |||
Sweet ANN | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Meg Moore (music, lyrics)
Feru (illustration) | |||
Views | |||
600+ | |||
Links | |||
YouTube Broadcast | |||
"Hello! I wrote this song back in March! I didn't do anything for Ann's anniversary last year (despite owning her vb.... ok meg) and I felt bad about that so I gave her a really really long song to make up for it. She's my favorite Vocaloid of all time and it would perhaps be a Crime to ignore her 13th anniversary. She's one of the oldest Vocaloids still available to be purchased, but her incredible voice stands the test of time. I beg you to look past her admittedly off-putting boxart and appreciate the shining gold underneath. This song is my ultimate tribute to her, a song about a former cowboy adventurer who settles down with her wife (Prima) and lives a peaceful life on, like, a farm or something. Gay rights, yeehaw. Ann was released during pride month.... coincidence? Probably. But she is a lesbian (because I'm a lesbian and I said so)"-Composer's comment |
I ain't no film star cowboy
Left that life
Long ago
But I can't get no shuteye
As I hear
That ol' creek flow
I hear bugs out the window
Coyotes crying to the moon
They all
Call me
To pack up and go
But I
ain't leaving
anything soon
I left 'bout a million girls in the dust
But now I've got a babe that I trust
And I've
Got a heart of gold
It may be weak
But iron rusts
Once on every wanted poster
Guns-a-blazing, live of bravery
It's one deadly game of poker
But I think it's just...
And I left 'bout a million towns in the dust
'Cause now I've got a babe that I trust
And I've
got a heart of gold
It may be weak
But iron rusts
And I can't get no shuteye
No matter how I try
The past, it never leaves
'Least you're here
Right by my side