Song title | |||
"she" | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
June 28, 2020 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
260,000+ (NN), 350,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
"Thank you for the 10th anniversary." - Composer's comment |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
いつの間にか私の中の | itsu no ma ni ka watashi no naka no | Before I knew it, it was there |
ずっと奥にそれはあって | zutto oku ni sore wa atte | Deep inside of me. |
空の青より夕暮れの赤より | sora no ao yori yuugure no aka yori | More than the blue of the sky and the red of the dusk, |
当たり前になっていたの | atarimae ni natte ita no | I just take it for granted. |
瞬きさえ忘れるほどに | mabataki sae wasureru hodo ni | To the point of forgetting to blink, |
街の音も聞こえないほど | machi no oto mo kikoenai hodo | To the point where I can't hear the noises of the town, |
大丈夫だよ 届かないのは知ってる | daijoubu da yo todokanai no wa shitteru | It's okay, I know that it won't ever reach you. |
ただずっと見つめていたい | tada zutto mitsumete itai | I just want to keep looking at you forever. |
君の隣で笑っている | kimi no tonari de waratte iru | I just can't be that person |
あの人にはなれないや | ano hito ni wa narenai ya | Who laughs beside you. |
どうしたらいい?わかんないよ | dou shitara ii? wakannai yo | Just what should I do? I don't know. |
ただ痛いの | tada itai no | It just hurts. |
だからこれ以上 | dakara kore ijou | So any further than this... |
君に惹かれないようにぎゅっと目を閉じて | kimi ni hikarenai you ni gyutto me o tojite | So that I won't be drawn to you anymore, I close my eyes tightly. |
耳を塞いで蹲っていた | mimi o fusaide uzukumatte ita | I covered my ears and crouched down. |
私の身体中 流れる赤い | watashi no karadajuu nagareru akai | The red heat flowing through my body |
熱は脈をまだ止めないまま | netsu wa myaku o mada tomenai mama | Has not stopped my pulse yet. |
今にも張り裂けてしまいそうなほど | ima ni mo harisakete shimaisou na hodo | It's almost like it's about to tear up at any moment. |
燃えそうなほど | moesou na hodo | To the extent that it's burning, |
狂いそうになる | kuruisou ni naru | I feel like I'll lose my mind. |
だからお願いよ ねぇ | dakara onegai yo nee | So please, do me a favor, will you? |
もしも君が気付いたなら | moshimo kimi ga kizuita nara | If you were to notice it, |
困り顔でもいいから笑って見せて | komari kao demo ii kara waratte misete | It's fine, even if it's with a troubled face, show me your smile. |
君をまだ知らないあの人がいて | kimi o mada shiranai ano hito ga ite | If there's that person who's yet to know you, |
あの人をまだ知らない君がいたとして | ano hito o mada shiranai kimi ga ita to shite | And a you who has yet to know that person, |
どうか出会わないで惹かれ合わないで | douka deawanaide hikareawanaide | Please, may they not run into each other, may they not get drawn to each other. |
そんなこと夢見て酷く惨めになる | sonna koto yume mite hidoku mijime ni naru | Dreaming about that kind of thing makes me feel so terribly miserable. |
こんな私はもう嫌だ 大嫌いだ | konna watashi wa mou iya da daikirai da | I can't stand this kind of "me" anymore. I hate it. |
ただ恋してるだけなのに | tada koishiteru dake nano ni | Even though I'm only in love... |
君の傍に少し居させて | kimi no soba ni sukoshi isasete | Let me stay beside you a little longer, |
声を聞かせて | koe o kikasete | Let me hear your voice. |
それだけでよかったのに | sore dake de yokatta no ni | I should be fine with just that— |
君のせいじゃないからそんな顔しないで | kimi no sei ja nai kara sonna kao shinaide | It's not your fault, so please don't make that kind of face. |
きっともう少しで泣き止むから | kitto mou sukoshi de nakiyamu kara | I'm sure I'll stop crying after a while. |
言葉にしてしまった恋はあまりにも頼りなくて | kotoba ni shite shimatta koi wa amari ni mo tayorinakute | The love that I've put into words is too unreliable. |
ほら届かなくて | hora todokanakute | See? It's just unreachable. |
もう惹かれないように目を閉じたって | mou hikarenai you ni me o tojita tte | So that I won't be attracted to you anymore, I closed my eyes, |
耳を塞いだってどうしようもなくて | mimi o fusaida tte doushiyou mo nakute | and even if I cover my ears, there's just nothing I could do with it. |
もう戻れないからそんな顔しないで | mou modorenai kara sonna kao shinaide | We can't go back anymore, so please don't make that kind of face. |
あの人への半分でいいから | ano hito e no hanbun de ii kara | It's fine, even if it's partially for that person. |
嘘でもいいの 笑って見せてよ | uso demo ii no waratte misete yo | It's fine, even if you're faking it. Let me see your smile. |
きっとそれだけで今だけ笑えるから | kitto sore dake de ima dake waraeru kara | I'm sure with just that, I can smile just for now. |
English translation by Anonymous