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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Sharari yunosuke
Song title
English: Swish
Original Upload Date
June 2, 2020
Hatsune Miku
Yunosuke (music)
Gyuuniku (lyrics)
Heremia (illustration)
Osamu (tuning, video)
48,000+ (NN), 410,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
飛んでけと下駄飛ばし tondeke to getatobashi I send my pair of geta flying
百里先の貴方へと hyakuri saki no anata e to a hundred miles away to where you are
届いた夢花火 ドンと光る todoita yume hanabi don to hikaru Reaching to you like dreamy fireworks it sparkles with a "bang!"

結んで開けない 心は刹那さ musunde hirakenai kokoro wa setsuna sa My heart is aching as if it's been tied, unable to open.
思い出してごらんよ omoidashite goran yo So let us make this memorable
狼煙上げて踊れば noroshi agete odoreba Just light up a signal fire and dance away

シャラリとシャルラリと ほら sharari to sharurari to hora Swish and swoosh, see-
雪の蕩けるような yuki no torokeru you na Leave your body to the rhythm
リズムに身を寄せて rizumu ni mi o yosete that might just melt the snow away
こちらにおいで kochira ni oide and come to my side.

ピントずれしたけれど pinto zure shita keredo I tried to keep my focus
調子だけで合わせたい choushi dake de awasetai but I'd rather go with the tune
迷惑千万な惚れた強み meiwakusenban na horeta tsuyomi I feel so annoyed at how I fell for your strengths

流れに粛々と逆らい続けても nagare ni shukushuku to sakarai tsuzukete mo Even if you try to silently fight against the current flow of things
叩くのは手拍子だけ tataku no wa tebyoushi dake You're simply clapping your hands with the beat
得てして不得手さえ eteshite fuete sae It's fine if you're not good at it
好きだと言うなら suki da to iu nara It's enough if you tell me "I love you"
どうせ夜は明けるし douse yoru wa akeru shi Either way, the dawn will come
袂分かち踊れば tamoto wakachi odoreba So won't you pull up your sleeves and dance?

シャラリとシャルラリと ほら sharari to sharurari to hora Swish and swoosh, see-
月の色めくような tsuki no iromeku you na Shake up those words
言葉を震わせて こちらにおいで kotoba o furuwasete kochira ni oide that might brighten up the moon and come to my side.

騒げや見紛う事さえ sawage ya mimagau koto sae Even within this noise and misunderstandings,
違えぬ声で tagaenu koe de Your clear voice
騒げや限りある時を sawage ya kagiri aru toki o makes this short, noisy moment
一途なままで ichizu na mama de Remain so sincere.

シャラリとシャルラリと なり sharari to sharurari to nari It goes swish and swoosh-
ちょいと聞いて欲しい choi to kiite hoshii Could you hear me out for a bit?
蓋した場所にさえ futashita basho ni sae You see, even in a hidden place
芽吹き出すよ花は今 mebukidasu yo hana wa ima Flowers can start to bloom, now,

シャラリとシャルラリと ほら sharari to sharurari to hora Swish and swoosh, see-
雪の蕩けるような yuki no torokeru you na Just leave your body to the rhythm
リズムに身を寄せて rizumu ni mi o yosete that might just melt the snow away
こちらにおいで kochira ni oide and come to my side.

English translation by Anonymous


This song was featured on the following albums:

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