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Sebuah lagu untukmu nan837 ft Miku
Song title
"Sebuah Lagu Untukmu"
English: A Song for You
Original Upload Date
August 22, 2013
Hatsune Miku
nan837 (music, lyrics)
Kevin Mateus Ongo (illustration)
HeadSet Team (video)
YouTube Broadcast


Indonesian English
Berharap tuk ikuti kata hati Wondering whether to follow what the heart saying
Ataukah jadikan bunga tidur saja or just let it be a dream in the sleep
Tetapi kehendak di hati Nevertheless the will inside the heart
Ingin wujudkan harapan dan cita-cita want to realize the hopes and ideals

Seperti mendung halangi mentari Just like a clouded sky blocking the sun
Memang banyak yang ragukan niat ini indeed there are many doubts in this intention
Mencoba tuk slalu bertahan while struggling to endure it
Bersiap tuk mengejar cahaya disana in order to chase the light over there

Rasa ragu yang kadang menghampiri The hesitation come sometimes
Dikala warna abu menyelimuti when it is covered by ash-like color
Tapi lihat cahaya itu But look up to that light
Bertekadlah tuk meraihnya be determined to reach it

Terbang tinggi bersama hati kecilmu Fly high along with your little heart
Tersenyum ceria gapailah cahaya itu Smile cheerfully reach up that light
Walaupun dikelilingi warna abu yang kusam Though it surrounded by gloomy ash-like color
Bertahan. Ikuti kata hati Endure. Follow what your heart saying

Memang ada saat jatuh dan tersungkur Indeed there are time to stumble and fall
Tak bisa tersenyum kembali seperti dulu unable to smile again like before
Jika ingin menangis tak apa, lakukan saja It is alright to cry, just do it
Tapi, ingat tuk bangkit kembali But, always remember to get up
Wujudkan asa dari dalam hati Realize the hope from inside the heart

Seperti mendung halangi mentari Just like a clouded sky blocking the sun
Memang banyak yang ragukan niat ini indeed there are many doubts in this intention
Mencoba tuk slalu bertahan while struggling to endure it
Bersiap tuk mengejar cahaya disana in order to chase the light over there

Rasa ragu yang kadang menghampiri The hesitation come sometimes
Dikala warna abu menyelimuti when it is covered by ash-like color
Tapi lihat cahaya itu But look up to that light
Bertekadlah tuk meraihnya be determined to reach it

Terbang tinggi bersama hati kecilmu Fly high along with your little heart
Tersenyum ceria gapailah cahaya itu Smile cheerfully reach up that light
Walaupun dikelilingi warna abu yang kusam Though it surrounded by gloomy ash-like color
Bertahan. Ikuti kata hati Endure. Follow what your heart saying

Memang ada saat jatuh dan tersungkur Indeed there are time to stumble and fall
Tak bisa tersenyum kembali seperti dulu unable to smile again like before
Jika ingin menangis tak apa, lakukan saja It is alright to cry, just do it
Tapi, ingat tuk bangkit kembali But, always remember to get up
Wujudkan asa dari dalam hati Realize the hope from inside the heart

Kata demi kata yang menjadi syair Word by word which turn into verse
Nada-nada yang bernyanyi dan mengiringinya Tone by tone which sing and accompany them
Harmoni dan warna warni musik yang menghiasi The harmony and the adorning colorfulness of music
Kurangkai menjadi lagu ini I assemble them to become this song

Kiranya ini yang dapat kutuangkan And that's all what I can convey
Didalam karyaku sebuah lagu untukmu in my creation of a song for you
Semoga lagu ini dapat menyemangatimu May this song will encourage you
Kembangkanlah senyummu kembali Flourish your smile once again
Wujudkan asa dari dalam hati Realize the hope from inside the heart

English translation by Yuhihe


This song was featured on the following albums:

External Links[]
