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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
"S O U L"
Original Upload Date
December 9, 2018
Gekiyaku and Kasane Teto
Momone Momo (chorus)
A_II (music, lyrics)
Miyajima Noro (illustration)
42,000+ (NN), 67,000+ (YT, original), 26,000+ (YT, reupload)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (privated)
Reupload: YouTube Broadcast


Singer Teto Gekiyaku Momo
Japanese Romaji English
命は inochi wa We have only one life[1]
独つしかないのに hitotsu shikanai no ni And yet...

目も当てられなくなった性を me mo aterarenaku natta sei o My own nature has become unbearable to look at
何処まで行ったって流れ (流れ) doko made itta tte nagare (nagare) No matter where I go, I go with the flow (go with the flow)
君と居たいなんて 一瞬 瞬間 そう kimi to itai nante isshun shunkan sou Just for a tiny instant, I thought I wanted to be with you, yes
分かる全てを 流していく wakaru subete o nagashite iku Everything I understand, I drain it down
考える思考全て 分からない kangaeru shikou subete wakaranai All the thoughts I have, I understand none

君が全てだ 堕ちたの 私 kimi ga subete da ochita no watashi You're everything. I'm the one who fell so low
解る全てを 流していく wakaru subete o nagashite iku Everything I know, I drain it down
考える思考 全て分からない kangaeru shikou subete wakaranai All the thoughts I have, I understand none
一瞬 瞬間 そう (SOUL) isshun shunkan sou Just for a tiny instant, yes[2]
何処まで行ったって ()がれ doko made itta tte nagare No matter where I go, I'm mowed down

苛まれた数を数えながら sainamareta kazu o kazoe nagara If I were to close my eyes now
今瞼を閉じれば 遮った 遮った ima mabuta o tojireba saegitta saegitta while I'm counting the tormented numbers-- It blocked my way, it blocked my way,
日々から憎悪があふれ出し hibi kara zouo ga afuredashi the hatred that poured out of every day
もういいよ もういいよ mou ii yo mou ii yo That's enough, that's enough
そっと耳を塞いで sotto mimi o fusaide I'll gently cover my ears--
葬った 葬った 底から恨み僕を描き houmutta houmutta soko kara urami boku o egaki It buried me, it buried me, the deep grudge that sketched me
明日 明日 また考えるから ashita ashita mata kangaeru kara because tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll think again

君が全てだ 堕ちたの 私 kimi ga subete da ochita no watashi You're everything. I'm the one who fell so low
解る全てを(なが)して(いく) wakaru subete o nagashite iku Everything I know, I let it live long[3]
考える kangaeru And I think

うっさい馬鹿 うっさい馬鹿 ussai baka ussai baka Shut up, dumbass! Shut up, dumbass!
今逃げ出して ima nigedashite Run away right now!
嫌いだな 嫌いだな kirai da na kirai da na You hate me, yeah? You hate me, yeah?
想い今吐いて omoi ima haite Tell me how you feel right now
臭い匂いを放つ僕を みんな笑って kusai nioi o hanatsu boku o minna waratte Everyone, laugh at the stinking person that I am!
いたんだ いたんだ ita nda ita nda And so they did, and so they did

一切合切 有象無象 issaigassai uzoumuzou Any and every thing, any and every person,
今振り払って ima furiharatte I shake them off me now
劣等葛藤 抹消失踪 rettou kattou masshou shissou An inferior conflict, the concealment of suppression
もみんな叶って mo minna kanatte have all come true
一生懸命に命を ()いで削って isshoukenmei ni inochi o naide kezutte With all I've got, I mow down life and erode it
みたいな みたいな mitai na mitai na Or so I'd like to try, or so I'd like to try

ばーか baaka Dummy

English translation by 25239x

Translation notes

  1. The word "hitotsu" (one) is written here as 独つ, which isn't really common. It emphasizes the feeling of solitude.
  2. You can also read this as "A SOUL that lasts just for a tiny instant".
  3. Here, the word 流していく (draining down) has been written using the kanji 永 (eternity) and 生 (life).

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