Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Original Upload Date
October 30, 2009
Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len
Yukita (music, lyrics)
Wasabi (illustration)
5,900+ (NN), 800+ (PP)
Niconico Broadcast / piapro Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint)


The following translation was made by ElectricRaichu, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his website.
Japanese Romaji English
未来を乗せて列車は走り出す mirai o nosete ressha wa hashiridasu The train starts running, riding on the future,
流れ星を背に受けて nagareboshi o se ni ukete propelled by a shooting star.
夢の切符をにぎりしめて君と二人 yume no kippu o nigirishimete kimi to futari Clutching a dream ticket, let's together
大空へ飛び出そう oozora e tobidasou jump out into the huge sky.

思い出はいつでもキレイな顔をして omoide wa itsu demo kirei na kao o shite Memories show me a pretty face all the time
今を生きる僕を惑わせるんだ ima o ikiru boku o madowaseru nda and perplex me who lives in the moment.
夢のスキマに潜むエゴはもういらない yume no sukima ni hisomu ego wa mou iranai I don't need the selfishness that lurks amongst my dreams anymore.
強く自分に言い聞かせるんだ tsuyoku jibun ni iikikaseru nda That's what I firmly tell myself.

夜空かけめぐる列車に飛び乗って yozora kakemeguru ressha ni tobinotte I jump aboard a train that runs around the night sky,
不安だらけの地図を胸にひっさげて fuan darake no chizu o mune ni hissagete hold a map covered in anxiety to my chest,
まっしろな明日へ キミと一緒に masshiro na ashita e kimi to issho ni and head to a pure white tomorrow together with you.

雲のスキマに覗く街にほんの少し泣きだしたくなる kumo no sukima ni nozoku machi ni honno sukoshi nakidashitaku naru At the town that peeps between the clouds, I feel a tiny bit tearful.
昨日までの弱虫な僕らをこの空に投げ捨てて行こう kinou made no yowamushi na bokura o kono sora ni nagesutete yukou Let's throw off the weaklings we were into this sky and go.

いつか知った自分の無力さ目的地の遠さを itsuka shitta jibun no muryokusa mokutekichi no toosa o I once discovered my own powerlessness, the distance to my goal.
もう諦めたふりをすれば mou akirameta furi o sureba What if I pretend I've given up already,
傷つくこともなく一人つぶやいた kizutsuku koto mo naku hitori tsubuyaita I muttered alone without getting hurt.

立ち止まって道迷って tachidomatte michi mayotte I'm standing still, uncertain which way to go,
それでも僕は夢を見続けるんだ soredemo boku wa yume o mitsuzukeru nda yet I still keep having my dream.

生きてる限り夢は終わりじゃない ikiteru kagiri yume wa owari ja nai As long as I live, the dream isn't over.

いつか"キミ"の元に届くかもしれない itsuka "kimi" no moto ni todoku kamo shirenai Maybe someday I'll reach where "you" are.
この夢の切符 kono yume no kippu Whether I use this dream ticket or not
使うかは"キミ"次第なんだ tsukau ka wa "kimi" shidai nanda depends on "you".

ここから始まる僕らの物語 koko kara hajimaru bokura no monogatari This is where our story begins.
君の顔をみて大きくうなずいた kimi no kao o mite ookiku unazuita When I watched your face, you gave a huge nod.
震える心に少しだけ勇気を furueru kokoro ni sukoshi dake yuuki o To give just a little courage for my trembling heart,
繋いだ手をぎゅっと握りしめてて tsunaida te o gyutto nigirishimetete keep hold of my hand in yours.

新しい明日へ atarashii ashita e Off to a new tomorrow.

English translation by ElectricRaichu

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