Song title | |||
"SAKURA" | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
July 21, 2019 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
20,000+ (NN), 310,000+ (YT), 100,000+ (YT, album) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YouTube) | |||
"It's finally getting hot" |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
僕らは偶然の確率で | bokura wa guuzen no kakuritsu de | By a sudden chance |
歩幅は違うけど手を取り合っている | hohaba wa chigau kedo te o toriatte iru | Our pace is different but we're holding hands |
短くも長い一瞬だけど | mijikaku mo nagai isshun dakedo | It's a brief yet long moment |
方角が同じなら進んで行けるよ | hougaku ga onaji nara susunde yukeru yo | But If our direction is the same, we can move forward. |
広い広大な世界 | hiroi koudai na sekai | The world wide and vast |
欠けた星のパズル | kaketa hoshi no pazuru | An incomplete star puzzle |
弱さを埋めるように | yowasa o umeru you ni | So as to make up for our weakness |
出会ってく | deatteku | We meet |
輝き続けるいくつもの物語 | kagayaki tsuzukeru ikutsumo no monogatari | Many stories continue to shine |
次のページは桜咲く頃に | tsugi no peeji wa sakura saku koro ni | The next page is when the cherry trees blossom |
僕らは繰り返しにいきづいて | bokura wa kurikaeshi ni ikizuite | We breathe repeatedly |
思い出を語り合う時を共に | omoide o katariau toki o tomoni | and spend time together to share our memories |
言葉か通じなくても感じてた | kotoba ga tsuujinakute mo kanjiteta | I felt it even if I didn't understand a word |
わかり合えていたよ心と心で | wakariaete ita yo kokoro to kokoro de | We could understand each other, heart to heart |
いつかいつの日かまた巡り会えるはず | itsuka itsu no hi ka mata meguriaeru hazu | We're sure to meet again one day, some day |
その時が来ることを信じてる | sono toki ga kuru koto o shinjiteru | I believe that time will come |
月夜照らされた桜道旅の日々 | tsukiyo terasareta sakura michi tabi no hibi | Days of trips to cherry blossom streets illuminated by the moonlight |
記憶に花をくれて | kioku ni hana o kurete | For giving me flowers in my memory |
ありがとう ありがとう | arigatou arigatou | Thank you thank you |
ありがとう | arigatou | Thank you |
違う時の中僕らは歩んできた | chigau toki no naka bokura wa ayunde kita | We've walked in different times |
悲しみも苦しみも乗り越えて | kanashimi mo kurushimi mo norikoete | Overcoming grief and suffering |
僕の終点は少し手前だけれど | boku no shuuten wa sukoshi temae dakeredo | My last stop isn't far |
側にいてくれたこと | soba ni ite kureta koto | For being by my side ... |
ありがとう ありがとう | arigatou arigatou | Thank you thank you |
ありがとう | arigatou | Thank you |
記憶に花をくれて | kioku ni hana o kurete | For giving me flowers in my memory |
ありがとう | arigatou | Thank you |
Anonymous English translation revised by ElectricRaichu
This song was featured on the following albums:
External Links
- piapro - Illustration