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Song title | |||
"resolution" | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
February 20, 2014 Lily's version: Feb.20.2014 Merli's version: Jul.19.2014 | |||
Singer | |||
Camui Gackpo with Lily (chorus) Lily Merli | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Sperion (music, lyrics)
| |||
Views | |||
400+ Lily's version: 100+ Merli's version: 400+ | |||
Links | |||
YouTube Broadcast Lily's version: YouTube Broadcast Merli's version: Niconico Broadcast | |||
Japanese | Romaji | Official English |
夢で見た景色はいつも 現実と違いすぎ むせる | Yume de mita keshiki wa itsumo genjitsu to chigaisugi museru | The scenery I saw in dreams was always too different from reality; it's suffocating |
深い夜 迷い込んでる | fukai yoru mayoi konderu | Deep at night, I am losing my way |
生きることに戸惑う 今 | ikiru koto ni tomadou ima | Now, I am puzzled about living |
道さえも見えなくても 暗闇に抱かれても | michisae mo mienakutemo kurayami ni dakarete mo | Even if the way is not visible, even if embraced in darkness |
進むべき道標は 心の中にある | susumu beki michishirube wa kokoro no naka ni aru | The signpost for the way to go is in the heart |
揺れる想いを抱いた自分は 決意をこめて明日へ向かって | yureru omoi o daita jibun wa ketsui o komete ashita e mukatte | Embracing the swaying thoughts, I go towards tomorrow with determination |
胸に積もった悲しみ 切り捨てて進んで | mune ni tsumotta kanashimi kirisutete susunde | I throw away the sadness accumulated in my heart and move forward |
熱く燃える灯火のように 願いをこめて強く輝いて | atsuku moeru tomoshibi no you ni negai o komete tsuyoku kagayaite | Like the blazing hot lamplight, I shine brightly with wishes |
誰にも消せやしないさ | dare ni mo kese yashinai sa | I will not allow anyone to extinguish it |
決して二度と迷わない | kesshite nidoto mayowanai | I will never waver again |
人々の出会いはいつも 運命の気まぐれ そう | hitobito no deai wa itsumo unmei no kimagure sou | Encounter between people is always the whim of fate |
出会いがあれば 別れもあるさ | deai ga areba wakare mo aru sa | If there is encounter, there is parting, too |
それがこの世の定めかな | sore ga konoyo no sadame ka na | That really is the rule of the world |
別れるのは辛くても 一人ぽっちなっても | wakareru no wa tsuraku te mo hitoripocchi natte mo | Even if parting is painful, even if left alone |
これから振り返らずに 前だけを見て進もう | korekara furikaerazu ni mae dake o mite susumou | From now on, without turning back, let's move forward looking only ahead |
揺れる想いを抱いた自分は 決意をこめて明日へ向かって | yureru omoi o daita jibun wa ketsui o komete ashita e mukatte | Embracing the swaying thoughts, I go towards tomorrow with determination |
大切なものを気づき もう二度と離さない | taisetsu na mono o kizuki mou nidoto hanasanai | Realizing my precious thing, I will not let go again |
赤く染まる夕日に向かって 希望をこめた道を走り出せ | akaku somaru yuuhi ni mukatte kibou o kometa michi o hashiridase | Facing the red-tainted sunset, run with hope |
何も止められないから | nani mo tomerarenai kara | I cannot be stopped, so |
さあ 限りなき未来へ | saa kagiri naki mirai e | let's head towards the limitless future |
揺れる想いを抱いた自分は 決意をこめて明日へ向かって | yureru omoi o daita jibun wa ketsui o komete ashita e mukatte | Embracing the swaying thoughts, I go towards tomorrow with determination |
大切なものを気づき もう二度と離さない | taisetsu na mono o kizuki mou nidoto hanasanai | Realizing my precious thing, I will not let go again |
赤く染まる夕日に向かって 希望をこめた道を走り出せ | akaku somaru yuuhi ni mukatte kibou o kometa michi o hashiridase | Facing the red-tainted sunset, run with hope |
何も止められないから | nani mo tomerarenai kara | I cannot be stopped, so |
さあ 限りなき未来へ | saa kagiri naki mirai e | let's head towards the limitless future |
External Links[]
- sperion - Official Lyrics