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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Spacelectro Reincarnation
Song title
Original Upload Date
May 18, 2022
Hatsune Miku
Spacelectro (music, video)
Nagahisa Itsumo (lyrics)
Chiku Wasabi (illustration)
49,000+ (NN), 59,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
Are you still sleeping?
産声をあげて 青い世界で今宵 ubugoe o agete aoi sekai de koyoi Cry out for the first time, and in this blue world tonight
聞かせて 鳴り止まない音を 満たせAlive kikasete nariyamanai oto o mitase Alive Make yourself heard, and fill it with the sound of unending cries, you’re Alive

巡る meaning meguru meaning The meaning surrounds you

愛 舞い きらりひらり (そら)へこぼれそう ai mai kirari hirari sora e koboresou Love, dancing - with a vague flash of light, the open air of the sky seems to peek through
かき分けてく星 君はそこに居るのかな? kakiwaketeku hoshi kimi wa soko ni iru no kana? The stars push their way through - is that where you are?
何度目の三日月 願いごとひとつ nandome no mikazuki negaigoto hitotsu It's my one wish for the gazillionth crescent moon
カコミライ リンク 還る場所はここだよ kakomirai rinku kaeru basho wa koko da yo There’s a link between the past and the future, and the place we’ll return to is right here

生まれてく 星灯りwaveな 青い世界で今宵 umareteku hoshi akari wave na aoi sekai de koyoi In the blue world, like a wave made of starlight, something is being born tonight
奇跡 spark 惹かれ逢うタマシイ kiseki spark hikareau tamashii Our souls are drawn to each other with a miraculous spark

ゆるぎない煌めきを抱いて 夜明け前の wish 歌う yurugi nai kirameki o daite yoake mae no wish utau I embrace that unwavering twinkle, and sing my wish before the dawn comes
don't stopしてよ 鳴り止まない音を 君とAlive don't stop shite yo nariyamanai oto o kimi to Alive don't stop doing it! The sound of those unending cries is what makes you and I Alive

巡る meaning meguru meaning The meaning surrounds you

I say good morning
産声をあげた 青い世界で二人 ubugoe o ageta aoi sekai de futari We cried out for the first time, and in this blue world, the two of us
触れ合う 鳴り止まない心 fureau nariyamanai kokoro will touch each other, and the cry of our hearts will never cease

English translation by Aceredshirt13, with edits by Violet


This song was featured on the following album:

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