! | Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors. People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised. |
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Song title | |||
"Q and...!?" | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
July 1, 2021 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
87,000+ (NN), 107,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
Japanese | Romaji | English |
ようこそ! ここは謎解きの国 | youkoso! koko wa nazotoki no kuni | Welcome! This here is the land of mystery-solving |
キミとボクで歌うワンダーランド | kimi to boku de utau wandaarando | A wonderland where you and I will sing |
虹の彼方を 目指して進め | niji no kanata o mezashite susume | We’ll go forward, and advance, over the rainbow |
キミの頭脳で さあ 快刀乱麻! | kimi no zunou de saa kaitou ranma! | So, using your intellect, let’s solve these problems quickly and skillfully! |
やあやあ皆様 調子はどうだい? | yaayaa minasama choushi wa dou dai? | Hey, everybody, how are you feeling? |
どうやら困惑 お困りなのかな | douyara konwaku okomari na no ka na | You seem baffled somehow… Are you having trouble? |
まあまあ焦らず 気楽に行こうよ | maamaa aserazu kiraku ni ikou yo | Now, now, don’t rush - let’s take it easy! |
まだまだ時間はあるんだから | madamada jikan wa aru ndakara | Because we still have plenty of time |
とにかくゲームを始めてちょうだい? | tonikaku geemu o hajimete choudai? | Anyway, why don’t we start the game? |
なにやら貪欲 欲しがりなのかな | nani yara don'yoku hoshigari na no ka na | I wonder if you have some sort of greedy desire…? |
それでは問題! これから言うこと | sore de wa mondai! kore kara iu koto | Now, for the questions! From here on out, |
きちんと聞いてて? | kichin to kiitete? | listen carefully to what I say, all right? |
【Q】 | [Q] | [Q] |
数字のどこかに 隠れている虫 | suuji no dokoka ni kakurete iru mushi | Somewhere, hiding in these numbers, there's a bug |
ぶんぶん飛んでる そいつの名前は? | bunbun tonderu soitsu no namae wa? | that’s flying buzzily around - what’s its name?[1] |
【Q】 | [Q] | [Q] |
毎日形が 変わってゆくもの | mainichi katachi ga kawatte yuku mono | It’s something that changes its shape every day. |
お空で光るよ これはなあに? | osora de hikaru yo kore wa naani? | It shines in the sky. Whaat is it?[2] |
【Q】 | [Q] | [Q] |
12の生き物 いちばん最初で | juuni no ikimono ichiban saisho de | There are 12 creatures. That first one, |
猫から逃げてる 動物何かな? | neko kara nigeteru doubutsu nani ka na? | that’s escaping from the cat - what animal is it?[3] |
ひとまず練習 これなら楽勝 | hitomazu renshuu kore nara rakushou | Practice with those for now. These ones are super simple. |
ちょっぴりサービスしすぎてるかも | choppiri saabisu shi sugiteru kamo | Maybe they’re even a little too easy! |
ひと息つくなら 今のうちだよ | hitoiki tsuku nara ima no uchi da yo | If you want to take a break, now’s the time |
野ばらが咲いてる 穏やか小道 | nobara ga saiteru odayaka komichi | Wild roses are blooming on a peaceful path |
とはいえ油断は しないようにね | to wa ie yudan wa shinai you ni ne | But even so, you mustn’t be careless while on it! |
たとえば足元 ここにはウサギ穴が…… | tatoeba ashimoto koko ni wa usagi ana ga…… | For example, here’s a rabbit hole right underfoot….. |
あらあら皆様 落っこちちゃったね | araara minasama okkochichatta ne | Tut, tut, everyone, you’ve all fallen down it! |
あわあわあたふた 迷子のご様子 | awaawa atafuta maigo no go yousu | You’re like panicked, hurried lost children |
この先行くなら これまで以上に | kono saki iku nara kore made ijou ni | If you go any further down this path, |
頭をまあるく 柔らかくね | atama o maaruku yawarakaku ne | it’ll make your heads even more round and flexible. |
ほらほらそんなに 落ち込まないでよ | hora hora sonna ni ochikomanaide yo | Hey, hey, don’t look so down! |
しょんぼりげんなり 見たくはないのさ | shonborigennari mitaku wa nai no sa | I don’t want to see you look so tired and dejected! |
それでは問題! これから言うこと | sore de wa mondai! kore kara iu koto | Now, for the questions! From here on out, |
きちんと聞いてて? | kichinto kiitete? | listen carefully to what I say, all right? |
【Q】 | [Q] | [Q] |
トマトはトマトで 子猫は子猫で | tomato wa tomato de koneko wa koneko de | A tomato is a tomato, and a kitten is a kitten. |
イルカは軽いよ クルミはどうなる? | iruka wa karui yo kurumi wa dou naru? | A dolphin is nimble. What does that make a walnut?[4] |
【Q】 | [Q] | [Q] |
白・白・黒・黒 白色足したら | shiro shiro kuro kuro hakushoku tashitara | White - white - black - black. When you add white to each of the above, |
なくなっちゃうのは どっちの色? | nakunacchau no wa docchi no iro? | which color disappears?[5] |
今度は2問で 済ませてあげるよ | kondo wa nimon de sumasete ageru yo | This time, we’re wrapping it up with just two questions! |
少しはやり甲斐 出てきた頃かな | sukoshi wa yarigai dete kita koro ka na | It’s about time we made it a little more worth your while. |
なかなか優秀 今後も快勝 | nakanaka yuushuu kongo mo kaishou | You’re doing absolutely wonderfully! From here, it’s an easy win! |
期待をしたって構わないよね | kitai o shitatte kamawanai yo ne | Whatever you were expecting, don’t worry about it! |
ようこそ! ここは謎解きの国 | youkoso! koko wa nazotoki no kuni | Welcome! This here is the land of mystery-solving |
夢あふれるキミのワンダーランド | yume afureru kimi no wandaarando | A wonderland overflowing with your dreams |
暗がりの森 引っかけの道 | kuragari no mori hikkake no michi | The dark forests, the trick paths - |
切り開くなら そう 前途洋々! | kirihiraku nara sou zento youyou! | If you cut your way through, great things lie ahead! |
時計は回る 頭も回る | tokei wa mawaru atama mo mawaru | The clock hands spin, and your head spins, too |
キミとボクで巡るワンダーランド | kimi to boku de meguru wandaarando | A wonderland where you and I go round and round |
闇を照らして ナゾをほどいて | yami o terashite nazo o hodoite | Illuminate the darkness, and unravel these riddles - |
ラストスパート さあ 急転直下! | rasutosupaato saa kyuutenchokka! | We’re in the home stretch! So, let’s make a sudden turn! |
そらそら急いで ゴールは近いよ | sorasora isoide gooru wa chikai yo | Look, look, hurry up! The goal is close |
なんとも難関 超えたら終わりだ | nantomo nankan koetara owari da | If you can get over these last few hurdles, you'll be done! |
さよならするのは さみしいけれども | sayonara suru no wa samishii keredomo | It’ll be lonely to say goodbye, but |
キミならできるさ 楽しんでね | kimi nara dekiru sa tanoshinde ne | you can do it! Have fun! |
そろそろ始まる 大事な局面 | sorosoro hajimaru daiji na kyokumen | Soon, we’ll start! This is a crucial part of the game. |
どうにも洞察 必要みたいだ | dounimo dousatsu hitsuyou mitai da | It seems you’ll need an awful lot of insight. |
それでは問題! これから言うこと | sore de wa mondai! korekara iu koto | Now, for the questions! From here on out, |
きちんと聞いてて? | kichinto kiitete? | listen carefully to what I say, all right? |
【Q】 | [Q] | [Q] |
ラクダの頭と クジラのお腹と | rakuda no atama to kujira no onaka to | If a camel’s head, a whale’s stomach, |
カツオの尾びれを 合体させたら? | katsuo no obire o gattai sasetara? | and a skipjack tuna’s tail fin are combined, what do you get?[6] |
【Q】 | [Q] | [Q] |
豚・玉・窓・歌 間抜けなタヌキが | buta tama mado uta manukena tanuki ga | A pig - a ball - a window - a song. To a foolish tanuki, |
美味しく食べてる ものはなあに? | oishiku tabeteru mono wa naani? | whaat would be the most delicious?[7] |
【Q】 | [Q] | [Q] |
最後の問題! これまで答えた | saigo no mondai! kore made kotaeta | Final question! If you connect the first letters |
最初の1文字 繋げた言葉は? | saisho no ichimoji tsunageta kotoba wa? | of all your answers up to now, what word does it spell? |
きちんと言えたら 扉は開くよ | kichinto ietara tobira wa hiraku yo | If you spoke correctly, the gate will open. |
見事な正解 ボクに聞かせて? | migoto na seikai boku ni kikasete? | Were you able to listen, and get all the right answers?[8] |
English translation by Aceredshirt13, with corrections and riddle answers from Violet
Translation Notes
- ↑ The answer to this riddle is "bee". The word "hachi", depending on how it's written, can mean "bee" (ハチ, 蜂) or "eight" (八) - thus, it is the "bug" hiding in the "numbers".
- ↑ The answer is "the moon", or 月 (tsuki). It shines in the sky, and changes its shape as it waxes and wanes.
- ↑ This riddle refers to the legend of the animals of the zodiac. The cat, not a member of the zodiac due to betrayal by the rat, has never liked the rat since - and thus, the "creature" - zodiac animal - fleeing from the cat is the rat - or ネズミ (nezumi).
- ↑ This riddle wants you to read the words backwards based on the Japanese kana. "Tomato" (トマト - the romaji is literally just "tomato") and "kitten" (子猫, or "koneko") are both palindromes in Japanese - "to-ma-to" and "ko-ne-ko" - so when read forwards and backwards, a tomato is a tomato and a kitten is a kitten. A "dolphin" (イルカ, or "iruka") backwards is "nimble" (軽い, or "karui") because "i-ru-ka" backwards is "ka-ru-i". So when it asks about a walnut (クルミ, or "kurumi"), the answer it's looking for is "milk" (ミルク, or "miruku").
- ↑ If you add white to white, it's still white. If you add white to black, it's not black anymore. So 黒 - "kuro", or "black" - is the answer.
- ↑ "Camel", "whale", and "skipjack tuna" are ラクダ (rakuda), クジラ (kujira), and カツオ (katsuo), respectively. The "head" of the camel is the first kana in ラクダ, the "stomach" of the whale is the second character in クジラ, and the "tail fin" of the skipjack tuna is the third and final character of カツオ. So if you put them all together, you get ラジオ (rajio) - better known in English as "radio".
- ↑ The phrase "foolish tanuki" is actually a pun here. "Foolish" is 間抜け (manuke), which sounds like ま・抜け (ma nuke), or "remove 'ma'". "Tanuki" is タヌキ, which sounds like た・抜き (ta nuki), or "remove 'ta'". So if you remove the "ma" and "ta" from the four words given - a pig (豚, or "buta"), a ball (玉, or "tama"), a window (窓, or "mado"), and a song (歌, or "uta"), the only sounds left are ぶ・ど・う (bu-do-u). So the favorite food of the foolish tanuki is ブドウ (budou) - which means "grapes".
- ↑ Our answers, in order, are "bee" (hachi), "moon" (tsuki), "rat" (nezumi), "milk" (miruku), "black" (kuro), "radio" (rajio), and "grapes" (budou). If you take the first kana of all these words in Japanese, and put them side-by-side, you get は・つ・ね・み・く・ら・ぶ (ha-tsu-ne-mi-ku-ra-bu) - or "Hatsune Miku Love". Of course, in English translation, it'd be "bmrmbrg", so it's safe to say anyone reading it in translation would not be able to go through the gate. But don't worry - I wouldn't have been able to figure it out, either!
This song was featured in the following albums: