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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Original Upload Date
June 11, 2011
niki (music, lyrics)
260,000+ (NN), 6,800+ (PP), 74,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / piapro Broadcast (deleted) / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
空虚な嘘を呟いた ―どこまで続くの? kuukyo na uso o tsubuyaita ― doko made tsuzuku no? I muttered a hollow lie. —How long will this go on?
願えば残る虚しさが 心に溢れた negaeba nokoru munashisa ga kokoro ni afureta When I dared to hope, the emptiness left behind flooded my heart.

瞳 閉じて 夢を 見たの… hitomi tojite yume o mita no... I closed my eyes and dreamt…

ここにいる私は― いつか輝いて koko ni iru watashi wa ― itsuka kagayaite Now that I’m here— I start to shine,
鮮やかに 色づいて 微笑んで… azayaka ni irozuite hohoende... coloring vibrantly, and I smile…
愛を失い なぜ? 愛を与えてく? ai o ushinai naze? ai o ataeteku? Why must love be lost? So it will be bestowed?
答えてよ 胸の中 透明な― kotaete yo mune no naka toumei na― Answer me! Take the fading time—
世界 落ちていく 時を… sekai ochite iku toki o... from the transparent world in my heart and…

過ぎれば音が響いてく 吐息を残して tsugireba oto ga hibiiteku to iki o nokoshite As time passes, the sound resonates. With a sigh,
守った特別な物が 離れてしまうの mamotta tokubetsu na mono ga hanarete shimau no I finally let go of that special something I’d protected.

見えて 見せて ここに― いるよ miete misete koko ni ― iru yo I can see it, show it to me! I’m— right here.

ただ想う心 細く繋ぎ止めて― tada omou kokoro hosoku tsunagitomete ― My heart merely feels. Securing it tightly—
夢を見て 悲しくて 苦しくて yume o mite kanashikute kurushikute I dream, but it’s sad and painful,
心潤すほど 涙こぼれてく kokoro uruosu hodo namida koboreteku and the more my heart soaks in it, the more the tears overflow.
しゃがみ込み 震えてる 色あせた shagamikomi furueteru iroaseta I curl in on myself and tremble. My faded
セカイ 落ちていく 私 声 届いて sekai ochite iku watashi koe todoite world is falling. Let my voice get through!

遠くなる光を 見ていた tooku naru hikari o mite ita I gazed at the receding light.
何を望む? 築く? 呼んでいたい nani o nozomu? kizuku? yonde itai What does it desire? What will it build? I want to cry out to it.

ここにいる私は― いつか輝いて koko ni iru watashi wa ― itsuka kagayaite Now that I’m here— I start to shine,
鮮やかに 色づいて 微笑んでいるの そして… azayaka ni iro zuite hohoende iru no soshite... coloring vibrantly, and I smile. And then…
愛を失うほど 愛を与えてく ai o ushinau hodo ai o ataeteku The more love I lose, the more I bestow.
生きてるの― 生きてくの 輝くの そしていつか… ikiteru no ― ikiteku no kagayaku no soshite itsuka... I am alive— I am living. I will shine. And someday…

永久の夢 見る最期ころ 愛に包まれて towa no yumemiru koro ai ni tsutsumarete In my final moments, as I dream an eternal dream, I’m enveloped by love,
本当の微笑を この心を伝えて hontou no hohoemi o kono kokoro o tsutaete conveying my sincere smile, my true heart.
ここにいた私は― いつも輝いて koko ni ita watashi wa ― itsumo kagayaite The person I was here— was always shining,
鮮やかに 色づいて 微笑んだ ―と残して azayaka ni iro zuite hohoenda ― to nokoshite coloring vibrantly, and smiling. —That’s what I leave behind.

English translation by Violet

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