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Song title
Original Upload Date
October 24, 2009
Hatsune Miku
164 (music, lyrics)
Niconico Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
見えかけてた mie kaketeta I was about to see
苦しみの kurushimi no A suffering
シチュエーション shichueeshon Situation
理想に触れるこの手は risou ni fureru kono te wa This hand touching the ideal
君の事見えなくて kimi no koto mienakute Trembled because
震えた furueta I couldn't see you

今僕を殺して ima boku o koroshite I'm killing myself now
その理由も sono riyuu mo The reason,
この涙も kono namida mo The tears,
吐息も toiki mo The sighs,
心臓も shinzou mo Heart,
帽子も boushi mo Hat,
ギターも gitaa mo Guitar,
何もかも nani mo kamo Everything
ここにない koko ni nai Isn't here.

望んでいた nozonde ita The wanted
身勝手な migattena Selfish
シチュエーション shichueeshon Situation
汚い僕の心は kitanai boku no kokoro wa My dirty heart
張りつめた糸のように haritsumeta ito no you ni Like a taut thread
千切れた chikireta Broke

揺れる yureru Swaying
綺麗事も kireigoto mo Beauty
もうそこには mou soko ni wa Didn't reach there
届かず todokazu Anymore
苦しんだ kurushin da And I
僕には boku ni wa Suffered
明日が ashita ga Even if tomorrow
来なくても ko nakute mo Doesn't come
流れてく nagareteku It will flow

望んでいた nozonde ita I wanted
身勝手な migattena The selfish
シチュエーション shichueeshon Situation
繰り返し望んだ kurikaeshi nozonda I wanted it repeatedly

今僕を殺して ima boku o koroshite I'm killing myself now.
その理由も sono riyuu mo The reason,
この涙も kono namida mo The tears,
吐息も toiki mo The sighs,
許される yurusareru Aren't for
ためのものじゃなく tame no mono ja naku Forgiveness
君だけのためだから kimi dake no tame dakara They're just for you.

English translation by Anonymous


The album version of this song was featured on the following albums:

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