! | Warning: This song contains explicit elements (Sexual themes); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences. All external links may also contain explicit elements. The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice. |
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Song title | |||
"pet❤me!" | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
February 22, 2013 | |||
Singer | |||
Kagamine Rin | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
74,000+ | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed) | |||
"Keep me! Touch me! |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
首輪をつけた日から | kubiwa o tsuketa hi kara | From the day I put on this collar, |
きみはあたしのものだし | kimi wa atashi no mono dashi | You belonged to me |
ぺろり 舐めたときから | perori nameta toki kara | From the moment I licked you, |
きみはあたしのもの | kimi wa atashi no mono | you belonged to me |
愛しいな ほてった指が | itoshii na hotetta yubi ga | Lovely, your flushed fingers |
頬をくすぐって | hoo o kusugutte | Tickle my cheek |
唇をかすめて | kuchibiru o kasumete | Brush along my lips |
ちょっとだけえっちになる | chotto dake ecchi ni naru | It's becoming just a little bit lewd |
あなたの熱がイイの | anata no netsu ga ii no | Your hot skin feels good |
きみを見ているの | kimi o mite iru no | I'm watching you |
きみに恋してるの | kimi ni koishiteru no | I'm falling in love with you |
どーしようもない | dooshiyou mo nai | I can't help it |
このキモチ | kono kimochi | this feeling |
キスしたいけど | kisu shitai kedo | I wanna kiss you, but |
全部言いたいけど | zenbu iitai kedo | I wanna say it all, but |
幸せはあとまわし | shiawase wa atomawashi | I'm leaving happiness for later |
なんちゃって! | nanchatte! | Just kidding! |
ほんとはあたしのこと | honto wa atashi no koto | I know that you really |
遊んでるんだってくらい | asonderu ndatte kurai | Think of me as nothing more than a game, |
わかってはいるけれど | wakatte wa iru keredo | I understand it, but |
ハマっちゃってもうダメ | hamacchatte mou dame | I'm obsessed with you, I can't take it anymore |
言わないで トキメキのまま | iwanaide tokimeki no mama | Don't say it. My heart is pounding |
誰にでもしちゃうなんて | dare ni demo shichau nante | Everybody's done it, y'know, |
そんなのはうそでしょ? | sonna no wa uso desho? | Something like that, that's a lie, isn't it? |
もっともっと触って | motto motto sawatte | Touch me, more and more |
不安忘れるくらい | fuan wasureru kurai | Until I forget my insecurity |
きみを見ているの | kimi o mite iru no | I'm watching you |
きみに恋してるの | kimi ni koishiteru no | I'm falling in love with you |
どーしようもない | dooshiyou mo nai | I can't help it |
このキモチ | kono kimochi | This feeling |
キスしたいけど | kisu shitai kedo | I wanna kiss you, but |
全部言いたいけど | zenbu iitai kedo | I wanna say it all, but |
幸せはあとまわし | shiawase wa atomawashi | I'm leaving happiness for later |
なんちゃって! | nanchatte! | Just kidding! |
変わらないふたりでいたら | kawaranai futari de itara | As long as nothing changes between the two of us, |
それはそれでいっか。 | sore wa sore de ikka. | If that were the case, would it be fine? |
でも、やっぱつまんない! | demo, yappa tsumannai! | But, it's awfully boring! |
耐えきれなくなって | taekirenaku natte | I can't bear it much longer |
背伸びをしたの I love you! | senobi o shita no I love you! | Pushing my limits, I love you! |
きみを見ているの | kimi o mite iru no | I'm watching you |
きみに恋してるの | kimi ni koishiteru no | I'm falling in love with you |
どーしようもない | dooshiyou mo nai | I can't help it |
このキモチ | kono kimochi | This feeling |
キスで伝えたら | kisu de tsutaetara | When I expressed my feelings with a kiss |
君は微笑んだ | kimi wa hohoenda | you smiled |
幸せはすぐとなり | shiawase wa sugu tonari | I'll be able to find happiness soon... |
なんちゃって! | nanchatte! | Just kidding! |
English translation by chocoyouchuu, edited by CoolMikeHatsune22
This song was featured on the following albums: