Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Ozaki (おざき), also known as Ozaki Imari (尾崎伊万里) is an illustrator who often works together with Nuyuri. They are known for using dark colours in their images.


Links Title Vocalists Date Roles
"Fixer" (フィクサー) flower Mar 22, 2017 illustration
"Hyper Reality Show" (ハイパーリアリティショウ) Hatsune Miku Apr 4, 2019 illustration
"Haze" (ヘイズ) KAFU Dec 29, 2023 key visual
"Na mo Naki Shuujin" (名も無き囚人)
(Nameless Prisoners)
Hatsune Miku Jul 1, 2018 illustration
"Salad Bowl" (サラダボウル) flower Jul 17, 2020 video
"Tsumetai Machi no Onnanoko" (つめたいまちのおんなのこ)
(A girl tamed in the cruel garden.)
Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len May 15, 2017 illustration
"vivid a" flower and Kaai Yuki Mar 5, 2021 video, storyboard, illustration
"Zuttomo Revengers" (ズッ友リベンジャーズ)
(BFF Revengers)
IA May 13, 2014 illustration