Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Nunununununununununununununununu (ぬぬぬぬぬぬぬぬぬぬぬぬぬぬぬぬ) is a producer who mostly uses VOICEVOX, but often uses many different software. Apart from original songs, they also regularly make remixes, drama PV's and parodies of other songs. For example, they've made a remix/parody of "Gocha Gocha Urusee!", which got ranked 1st place in the REMIX section of "The VOCALOID Collection ~2022 Spring~"[1]


Links Title Vocalists Date Roles
"Chi○po Hayashitete Gomen" (チ○ポはやしててごめん) Zundamon (NEUTRINO and VOICEVOX), Tohoku Kiritan and KAFU
Feb 4, 2023 changed lyrics
"Gocha Gocha Urusee!!!" (ゴ⠀チ⠀ャ⠀ゴ⠀チ⠀ャ⠀う⠀る⠀せ⠀ー⠀!⠀!⠀!) Zundamon, Tohoku Kiritan and Otomachi Una
Apr 22, 2022 arrangement, lyrics, illustration, video
Removed "I ♡ SHIGETAKA" Zundamon May 10, 2022 music, lyrics
"Oishii Yummy❗️✨⚡️Kansha❗️✨Kansha❗️✨Mata Ippai Tabetai na❗️✨Deliciou!✨ciou!!✨ciou!!✨ciou!!✨ciou!!✨ciou"!!✨⚡✨⚡✨Happy⚡Smile❗️❗️❗⚡✨⚡( ⌒ ͜ ⌒ )" (美味しいヤミー❗️✨⚡️感謝❗️✨感謝❗️✨またいっぱい食べたいな❗️✨デリシャッ!✨シャ!!✨シャ!!✨シャ!!✨シャ!!✨シャッッ!!✨⚡✨⚡✨ハッピー⚡スマイル❗️❗️❗⚡✨⚡( ⌒ ͜ ⌒ )) KAFU, Zundamon, and Tohoku Kiritan Jan 14, 2023 music, lyrics
"Momiage o Shakaage o" (モミアゲヲシャカアゲヲ)
(mayonnaise fried chicken)
Various Dec 15, 2023 music, lyrics, illustration, video
"Shakai Kouken ☆ Ganbaru no DA!!." (ネ 土 会 ェ 貝 南 犬 ☆ カ ゞ ん I よ ″ る ノ D A !!。) Zundamon Aug 5, 2023 music, lyrics, illustration, video
"Youkoso, Stew Udon Sentou e!!" (よ う こ そ、 シ チ ュ ー う ど ん 銭 湯 へ !!) Various Mar 17, 2023 music, lyrics, illustration, video
"Mimukauwa Nice Try" (みむかゥわナイストライ) Hatsune Miku Dec 6, 2024 music, lyrics, illustration, video
"Zundamon wa Otoko no Ko Desu" (ず ん だ も ん は 男 の 娘 で す)
(mayonnaise fried chicken)
Various Feb 23, 2024 music, lyrics, illustration, video

