Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Original Upload Date
Radio Edit: February 8, 2008
Single Edit: Feb.28.2010
MEIKO-SAN mix: Nov.5.2014
yuukiss (music, lyrics)
Yumiko (performance, single edit)
MasatakaP (video, single edit)
Anko (design, meiko-san mix)
Radio Edit: 660,000+
Single Edit: 1,100,000+
MEIKO-SAN mix: 2,300,000+
Radio Edit: Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint)
Single Edit: Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint)
MEIKO-SAN mix: Niconico Broadcast

Alternate Versions

Upload date: March 1, 2022
Featuring: Kiritani Haruka, Hinomori Shizuku, and MEIKO
YT (autogen)


Japanese Romaji English

(M-E-I-K-O M-E-I-K-O…)

(Uh Yeah A-ha…)

(Fuh Ooh…)

ふいに()ぎる ハシャギ声 fui ni yogiru hashagigoe The merry voices flash through my mind suddenly
"0"と"1"で残された Passed days "zero" to "ichi" de nokosareta Passed days The passed days were remained as "0"s and "1"s
胸を()く 痛みの理由(わけ) mune o tsuku itami no wake wa Is the reason why they’re poignant
後悔? それとも Nostalogic…? akirame? soretomo Nostalogic...? coming from resignation? Or Nostalogic?

(またた)く 光に誘われ matataku hikari ni sasoware As I was lured by the flickering light
過去を 辿り・巡り・我に返り kako o tadori/meguri/ware ni kaeri I made the past come alive and when I come back to myself
目の前に 広がる景色は me no mae ni hirogaru keshiki wa I see the sight spreading beyond me is
君と観た 未来と同じ kimi to mita mirai to onaji Just the same as the future I dreamed with you

遠くに消えた tooku ni kieta I’m sure the song of
落描きの唄 きっと rakugaki no uta kitto graffiti that was gone far away
()せないで iroasenai de has not lost its colour
今も 僕に 聴こえてる ima mo boku ni kikoeteru Still I can still hear it

遠くに見えた tooku ni kieta The far place we promised and
約束の場所 ずっと yakusoku no basho zutto headed for a long time
息 弾ませて iki hazumasete With panting
今も 僕は 目指してる ima mo boku wa mezashiteru Still I’m heading to it
今も 君は 目指してる…? ima mo kimi wa mezashiteru…? Are you still heading to it?

(La La La La Ha-aah…)

Japanese Romaji English

(M-E-I-K-O M-E-I-K-O…)

(Uh Yeah A-ha…)

(Fuh Ooh…)

不意に()ぎる ハシャギ声 fui ni yogiru hashagigoe The merry voices flash through my mind suddenly
"0"と"1"で残された Passed days "zero" to "ichi" de nokosareta Passed days The passed days were remained as "0"s and "1"s
胸を()く 痛みの理由(わけ) mune o tsuku itami no wake wa Is the reason why they’re poignant
諦め? それとも Nostalogic…? akirame? soretomo Nostalogic...? coming from resignation? Or Nostalogic?

(またた)く 光に誘われ matataku hikari ni sasoware As I was lured by the flickering light
過去を 辿り・巡り・我に返り kako o tadori/meguri/ware ni kaeri I made the past come alive and when I come back to myself
目の前に 広がる景色は me no mae ni hirogaru keshiki wa I see the sight spreading beyond me is
君と観た 未来と同じ kimi to mita mirai to onaji Just the same as the future I dreamed with you

遠くに消えた 落描きの唄 きっと tooku ni kieta rakugaki no uta kitto I’m sure the song of graffiti that was gone far away
()せないで iroasenai de has not lost its colour
今も 僕に 聴こえてる ima mo boku ni kikoeteru Still I can still hear it
今も 僕に 聴こえてる ima mo boku ni kikoeteru Still I can still hear it

(M-E-I-K-O M-E-I-K-O…)

(Uh Yeah A-ha…)

(Fuh Ooh…)

無為に過ぎる 時間だけ mui ni sugiru jikan dake I just watched the time passed vainly
同じ位置で眺めてた Like chess pieces onaji ichi de nagameteta Like chess pieces At the same place like chess pieces
薄れ往く輝き それは usure yuku kagayaki sore wa The brightness fades away
目的? それとも Nostalogic…? mokuteki? soretomo Nostalogic...? Is that a goal? Or Nostalogic…?

羽ばたく翼を横目に habataku tsubasa o yokome ni I cast a side-glance at the fluttering wings
空回り・ばかり・焦り募り karamawari/bakari/aseri tsunori I just go in circles and I feel frustrations
語り合った 「希望+可能性」 katariatta "kibou + kanousei" I talked about “hopes and prospects” with you
あの日々が ただ恋しい ano hibi ga tada koishii I just miss those days

遠く見据えた 始まりの場所 きっと tooku misueta hajimari no basho kitto I’m sure the place of beginning we viewed faraway
ただそれだけが tada sore dake ga is the only thing
今の 僕を 支えてる ima no boku o sasaeteru that supports what I am now
今の 僕を 支えてる ima no boku o sasaeteru That supports what I am now

(M-E-I-K-O M-E-I-K-O…)



朝が来るまで 目を閉じて asa ga kuru made me o tojite Till the morning comes I’ll close my eyes
そして羊と後悔を 数えるの soshite hitsuji to koukai o kazoeru no And count sheep and regrets
戻れないことぐらい 判ってるけど modorenai koto gurai wakatteru kedo I know I can’t go back
でも だけど 理想は捨てずに demo dakedo risou wa sutezu ni But, however, I’ll retain the vision

遠くに消えた 落描きの唄 きっと tooku ni kieta rakugaki no uta kitto I’m sure the song of graffiti that was gone far away
()せないで iroasenai de has not lost its colour
今も 僕に 聴こえてる ima mo boku ni kikoeteru Still I can still hear it

遠く目指した 約束の場所 ずっと tooku mezashita yakusoku no basho zutto The far place we promised and headed for a long time
息 弾ませて iki hazumasete With panting
今も 僕は 目指してる ima mo boku wa mezashiteru Still I’m heading to it
今も 君は 目指してる…? ima mo kimi wa mezashiteru...? Are you still heading to it...?

(La La La La Ha-aah…)

English translation by Blacksaingrain


The single edit was featured on the following album:

The THE VOCALOID edit was featured on the following album:

The game version was featured on the following album:

The MEIKO-SAN mix was featured on the following albums:

The "M-E-I-K-O" mix was featured on the following album:

External Links

