! | Warning: This song contains questionable elements (sexual themes); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences. All external links may also contain questionable elements. The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice. |
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Song title | |||
"my crush" | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
March 31, 2020 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
100,000+ (NN), 200,000+ (YT) 51,000+ (YT, autogen) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (privated) YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YT) | |||
Japanese | Romaji | English |
白く光ってるiphone | shiroku hikatteru iphone | My iphone shines white |
夜の終わりを告げてて葛藤 | yoru no owari o tsugetete kattou | A conflict signaling the end of night |
ねえまだカーテンは閉めたままでいい | nee mada kaaten wa shimeta mama de ii | Hey, keep the curtains closed |
二人まだまだ That’s alright. | futari mada mada That’s alright. | That's alright for the two of us |
寒々しい言葉はいらない | samuzamushii kotoba wa iranai | I don't need cold words |
だって誰も介入できやしない | datte dare mo kainyuu dekiyashinai | Because no one can interfere |
二人だけの温度で話そうか | futari dake no ondo de hanasou ka | Let's talk with just the warmth of us two |
炭酸の抜けきってるコーラ | tansan no nuke kitteru koora | Cola that's lost all of its carbonation |
You’re my sweet darling. | You’re my sweet darling. | You’re my sweet darling. |
ふざけてcalling | fuzakete calling | Jokingly calling |
笑い合うweekend night | waraiau weekend night | We laugh together on the weekend nights |
今だけ 愛 愛 愛 | ima dake ai ai ai | Just for now love love love |
お語ってく | ogatatteku | That's what we talk about |
夜を徘徊していく | yoru o haikai shite iku | In the night we wander around |
いつまで経ってもbeating | itsu made tatte mo beating | No matter how much time passes, Beating |
鳴りやまない | nariyamanai | The sound doesn't stop |
まるでkickみたいに | marude kick mitai ni | It's like a kick |
打ち続ける | uchitsuzukeru | It keeps on hitting |
「君が好き」 | “kimi ga suki” | "I love you" |
なんで言葉じゃ | nande kotoba ja | Words like that |
伝えきれないよ | tsutaekirenai yo | Won't get it all across to you |
my acute pain | my acute pain | my acute pain |
もうちょとだけ長くキスをしたい | mou chotto dake nagaku kisu o shitai | I want to kiss you for a little bit longer |
意味ない会話ばっかでいいから | imi nai kaiwa bakka de ii kara | I don't care if they're all pointless conversations |
知らない君がもっと見たいから | shiranai kimi ga motto mitai kara | I want to see more of the you that I haven't seen before |
ねえきっと今二人同じ気持ちだよね? | nee kitto ima futari onaji kimochi da yo ne? | Hey, we've gotta be feeling the same right now, right? |
kiss me and please j*** in my face. | kiss me and please j*** in my face. | kiss me and please j*** in my face. |
baby, baby, I have a crush on you. | baby, baby, I have a crush on you. | baby, baby, I have a crush on you. |
oh, yeah. | oh, yeah. | oh, yeah. |
いっそ世界から隔離されたい | isso sekai kara kakurisaretai | I wish I could be cut off from the world |
きっと気配さえなくしちゃえば | kitto kehai sae nakushichaeba | If I erase even the traces of my presence |
あぁ 見たくないもの映さずに | aa mitakunai mono utsusazu ni | Ah, if only I could stop seeing what I don't want to |
綺麗なものだけ見てられるのになあ | kirei na mono dake miterareru noni naa | And just look at the beautiful things |
昏々と眠る夜は | konkon to nemuru yoru wa | The nights that I used to sleep deep |
そんなに嫌いじゃなかったのにさ | sonna ni kirai ja nakatta noni sa | I didn't hate them so much |
何だか勿体ないじゃない? | nandaka mottainai ja nai? | But isn't it kind of a waste? |
色々思い出したいじゃない? | iroiro omoidashitai ja nai? | Don't I want to remember all kinds of things? |
…変かな | …hen ka na | …is that weird? |
You’re making me high. | You’re making me high. | You’re making me high. |
溺れてcarving | oborete craving | I'm drowning, craving |
手が触れてdirty time | te ga furete dirty time | Our hands touch, dirty time |
「いや」なんて 吐いた嘘 | “iya” nante haita uso | I spat out "I don't want to" but that's a lie |
もおざなりに | mo ozanari ni | We forget about it |
愛は深まってく | ai wa fukamatteku | And our love becomes deeper |
いつまで経ってもleaning | itsu made tatte mo leaning | No matter how much time passes, Leaning |
君にだけ | kimi ni dake | Only on you |
ねえ 待って だって | nee matte datte | Hey, wait, because |
ひとりは嫌 | hitori wa iya | I don't want to be alone |
絡めた指先で知れる | karameta yubisaki de shireru | I can tell from our entwined fingers |
君の切なさに泣いてばかりだ | kimi no setsunasa ni naite bakari da | I'm always crying from your melancholy |
もうちょとだけ甘い夢が見たい | mou chotto dake amai yume ga mitai | I want to see this sweet dream for a little bit longer |
もう他のことなんか考えられないくらい | mou hoka no koto nanka kangaerarenai kurai | So much that I can't think about anything else |
ずっともっと嫌ってくらい | zutto motto iyatte kurai | Forever, more, overwhelmingly |
きっと言葉は今は必要ないんじゃない? | kitto kotoba wa ima wa hitsuyou nain ja nai? | Surely, we don't need words right now, right? |
kiss me and please j*** in my face. | kiss me and please j*** in my face. | kiss me and please j*** in my face. |
baby, baby, I have a crush on you. | baby, baby, I have a crush on you. | baby, baby, I have a crush on you. |
oh, yeah. | oh, yeah. | oh, yeah. |
きっとずっと先まではいられない | kitto zutto saki made wa irarenai | I know that this can't go on forever |
愛は有限 長くは持たない | ai wa yuugen nagaku wa motanai | Love is finite, it doesn't last for long |
ふいに痛みが走って | fui ni itami ga hashitte | Suddenly a pain runs through me |
どうしよう、深く落ち過ぎた | doushiyou, fukaku ochisugita | What should I do, I've fallen too deep |
愛してなんて ずっといてなんて | aishite nante zutto ite nante | Even if I say "Love me", or "Stay forever" |
どうしたの?って笑われちゃうよな | doushita no? tte warawarechau yo na | You'll just laugh at me, asking "what's wrong?" |
言いたいな 言えないな | iitai na ienai na | I want to say it, I can't say it |
音にならぬ声で呟いた | oto ni naranu koe de tsubuyaita | I whispered with a soundless voice |
もうちょっとだけ長くキスをしたいなぁ… | mou chotto dake nagaku kisu o shitai naa… | I wanna kiss you for a little bit longer... |
ねえきっと今二人同じ気持ちだよね…? | nee kitto ima futari onaji kimochi da yo ne…? | Hey, we've gotta be feeling the same right now, right? |
もうちょっとだけ心近付いたら | mou chotto dake kokoro chikazuitara | If our hearts could become a little bit closer |
もう離さないなんて言葉が聞けちゃうくらい | mou hanasanai nante kotoba ga kikechai kurai | So much that I could hear the words "I won't let you go" |
強く愛してくれるのかな | tsuyoku aishite kureru no ka na | I wonder if you would love me that hard |
Give meなんてきっと求めすぎてるよな | Give me nante kitto motome sugiteru yo na | "Give me", that's probably asking for too much |
ただ傍にいるだけでいい | tada soba ni iru dake de ii | I'm happy with just having you by my side |
このままの関係でいいんだ | kono mama no kankei de iin da | I'm happy with the relationship we have now |
English translation by Anonymous
This song was featured on the following album:
External Links
- Dropbox - Off vocal