Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Mogelatte (モゲラッタ) is an illustrator, video creator, and support member of the creative circle "HoneyWorks". She has been actively involved with HoneyWorks starting with the MV "Taketori Overnight Sensation" and later contributing to the Confession Executive Committee series. In 2021, she established the apparel brand "Latte.ism" (ラテイズム) with a concept inspired by a metropolitan casual world.

Mogelatte is also an active manga artist in the BL genre under the pen name "Mochino Okage" (餅野おこげ).

She was born on August 21st.


Links Title Vocalists Date Roles
"Aijou≪Carnation" (愛情≪Carnation) Hatsune Miku Dec 3, 2014 illustration., video
"Answer" (アンサー) Megurine Luka Jul 27, 2012 illustration, video
"Ashita wa Kimi to." (明日は君と。) Hatsune Miku Nov 9, 2016 video
"Attakain Dakaraa♪" (あったかいんだからぁ♪)
(Because It's Warm~♪)
Hatsune Miku
(unaffiliated cover)
Jan 14, 2015 video
"Daikirai na Hazu Datta." (大嫌いなはずだった。) GUMI and Hatsune Miku Dec 6, 2016 video
"Dreamin Chuchu" (どりーみんチュチュ) Megurine Luka Feb 28, 2014 video
"Eternal Rain" Hatsune Miku Jun 21, 2008 illustration
"Glow Fly" (グロウフライ) Majiko Apr 1, 2015 illustration, video
"Hachigatsu no Kaze" (八月の風) GUMI V3 Power Aug 31, 2012 illustration, video
"Hiatus" Hatsune Miku May 31, 2011 illustration, video
"Hikari Shoumeiron" (ヒカリ証明論) GUMI Aug 2, 2018 logo design
"Holy Flag" (ホーリーフラッグ) GUMI Oct 30, 2015 video
"I am a broken umbrella" Hatsune Miku Jun 13, 2013 illustration, video
Removed "Identity Crisis" (アイデンティティークライシス) Hatsune Miku Apr 26, 2012 illustration, video
"in chains" Hatsune Miku Append Jul 20, 2011 illustration

"Kaguya" (迦具夜) Hatsune Miku Feb 19, 2011 illustration
"Kawaranai Basho" (変わらない場所) Hatsune Miku Jun 8, 2011 illustration, video
"Kimi ga Iru" (キミがいる) Various Apr 17, 2014 illustration., video
"Kimi Shinitamou Koto Nakare" (君死にたもうことなかれ) GUMI V3 Whisper Nov 8, 2012 illustration, video
"Koe ga Kikoeru" (声がきこえる) KAITO and Megurine Luka Nov 9, 2010 illustration
"Kore Seishun Understand" (これ青春アンダースタンド) flower and IA Apr 13, 2018 illustration
"Kotoba no Iranai Yakusoku" (言葉のいらない約束) GUMI May 14, 2015 logo
"Kyou mo Sakura Mau Akatsuki ni" (今日もサクラ舞う暁に) GUMI Jul 12, 2018 logo
"Let-ters" IA Jan 11, 2013 illustration, video
"Love Song ni Shukuhai o!" (ラブソングに祝杯を!) Kagamine Rin Mar 7, 2024 illustration
"Love@Liar" (ラブ@ライアー) GUMI Aug 8, 2013 illustration, video
"M7" Megurine Luka Jun 1, 2014 illustration., video
"Magical Ripper" Hatsune Miku Aug 13, 2014 illustration
"Maigo no Ribbon" (迷子のリボン) Hatsune Miku Sep 13, 2014 illustration, video
"Mama" (ママ) Hatsune Miku Jul 9, 2015 video
"Marshall no Kyousei" (マーシャルの嬌声) GUMI Apr 22, 2012 illustration, video
"Merry to Nicolaus" (メリーとニコラウス)
(Merry & Nicolaus)
Hatsune Miku Dec 23, 2011 illustration, video
"Mister Darling" (ミスター・ダーリン) Hatsune Miku Nov 8, 2018 video
"Mono Crossroad" (モノクロスロード) Hatsune Miku Jan 3, 2011 illustration., video
"Nadenade" (なでなで) GUMI Apr 24, 2018 contributor
"Natsu no Owari, Koi no Hajimari" (夏の終わり、恋の始まり) GUMI Aug 16, 2012 illustration, video
"Notebook" GUMI Feb 6, 2012 illustration, video
"Orion no Yume" (オリオンの夢)
(Dream of Orion)
GUMI Oct 10, 2013 illustration., video
"Oshihen Nante Yurusanai!" (推し変なんて許さない!) KAFU May 2, 2022 illustration
"OVER RAIN" Hatsune Miku Append Sep 1, 2011 illustration, video
"Peach Tea" (ピーチティー) GUMI V3 Whisper Apr 13, 2018 illustration
"QUEEN DEVICER" IA Oct 30, 2013 contributor
"Ren'ai Actor" (恋愛アクター) Hatsune Miku Oct 18, 2014 video
"Ruin" Hatsune Miku Nov 26, 2009 illust
"Runway no Fantasista" (ランウェイのファンタジスタ)
(Fantasista of Runway)
Hatsune Miku Jan 27, 2019 video
"Saikyou☆Song" (最強☆ソング)
POPY Apr 30, 2023 illustration
"Shikakui Chikyuu o Maruku suru" (四角い地球を丸くする)
(Round off the Square Earth)
Hatsune Miku Dec 22, 2017 illustration, video
"Shiwa" (しわ) GUMI May 7, 2012 illustration, video
"Snowmotion" GUMI Dec 10, 2014 illustration
"SOUNDS+" IA Jan 29, 2012 illustration
"Stella" (ステラ) Mew Apr 13, 2012 illustration, video
"Sugarvine" (シュガーバイン) Megurine Luka Mar 19, 2015 illustration, video
"Taketori Overnight Sensation" (竹取オーバーナイトセンセーション) Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len Sep 27, 2012 illustration, video
"Tenshi o Mitetanda" (天使を見たんだ) GUMI Apr 13, 2016 illustration., video
"Tokyo Summer Session" (東京サマーセッション) GUMI and flower Jul 24, 2015 illustration, video
"Umbrella" (アンブレラ) Hatsune Miku Sep 21, 2012 illustration, video
"Watashi, Idol Sengen" (私、アイドル宣言) Hatsune Miku Mar 5, 2018 video
"World Lampshade" (ワールド・ランプシェード) GUMI Aug 8, 2013 illustration, video
"World Planet" (ワールドプラネット) GUMI Aug 10, 2012 illustration.
"Yume Fanfare" (夢ファンファーレ) Hatsune Miku and GUMI Oct 11, 2018 video
"Yuuki no Uta" (ゆうきのうた) Hatsune Miku Nov 26, 2010 illustration