Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Mitchie M, also known as Tucada, is a producer who became popular due to his very realistic tuning of Hatsune Miku. His name is derived from The Jimi Hendrix Experience's drummer, Mitch Mitchell, and originally was "Mitchiell Mitchie" before shortening it. He started composing songs in high school in a band which made covers. However, he wanted to write his own songs. His biggest influence is Tom Jobim. He uses Logic Pro 9 to compose his songs. Mitchie M's popularity is steady with most of his videos quickly gaining at least 800,000+ views.


Links Title Vocalists Date Roles
"Ageage Again" (アゲアゲアゲイン) Hatsune Miku Oct 4, 2013 music, lyrics

"Ai Dee" (愛Dee) Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka Jun 9, 2012 music, lyrics
"Amazing Magician" (アメイジング・マジシャン) Hatsune Miku Oct 29, 2015 music, lyrics
"Ansatsu Princess" (暗殺プリンセス)
(Assassin Princess)
Hatsune Miku Oct 30, 2019 music, lyrics
Removed "B Who I Want 2 B" Namie Amuro
Hatsune Miku
Jun 9, 2015 lyrics

"BANZAI! digital trippers" Hatsune Miku NT and Aqours May 4, 2022 music, arrangement
"BELIEVE IN YOURSELF" Hatsune Miku Nov 6, 2019 music, lyrics
"Birthday Song for Miku" (Birthday Song for ミク) Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, Megurine Luka, MEIKO and KAITO Jul 19, 2012 music, lyrics
"Burenai Eye de" (ぶれないアイで)
(With An Unblurred Eye)
Hatsune Miku Aug 29, 2014 music, lyrics
"Bye Bye Blue Memory" Hatsune Miku Nov 6, 2013 music, lyrics
N/A "Change! Shinkalion!" (チェンジ ! シンカリオン !) Hatsune Miku Dec 26, 2019 tuning
"cosmic ballad" Hatsune Miku Jul 15, 2011 music, lyrics
"Datte Princess da mon!" (だってプリンセスだもん!)
(Cause We Are Princesses)
Hatsune Miku NT, Kagamine Rin and Megurine Luka May 10, 2024 music, lyrics, arrangement
"EAZY DANCE" (イージーデンス) Hatsune Miku Jan 2, 2012 music, mix, video

"FREELY TOMORROW" Hatsune Miku Jul 31, 2011 music, lyrics, video

"Girls' Friendship" (ガールズフレンドシップ) Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka Apr 24, 2019 music, lyrics
"Idol o Sakase" (アイドルを咲かせ)
Hatsune Miku Dec 14, 2012 music, lyrics
"Idol Shin'eitai" (アイドル新鋭隊)
(Newly Edgy Idols)
Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin, Megurine Luka, and MEIKO Sep 9, 2020 music, lyrics, arrangement
"Imetore Boogie" (イメトレブギー)
(Image Training Boogie)
Hatsune Miku Dec 31, 2015 music, lyrics
"Jikoaisei Kawaism" (自己愛性カワイズム)
(Narcissism Kawaism)
Hatsune Miku Aug 29, 2017 music, lyrics

"Mǎi Mǎi Mǎi" (买买买) Hatsune Miku Jan 24, 2020 music, lyrics
"Mirai Donna Darou" (ミライどんなだろう)
(What Kind of Future)
Hatsune Miku Oct 13, 2023 music, lyrics, arrangement

(Short vers.)
"Mirai Jokyoku" (未来序曲)
(Future Overture)
Hatsune Miku Aug 10, 2016 music, lyrics
"Nechusho No!No!" Hatsune Miku and MEIKO Jan 24, 2019 music, lyrics
"News 39" (ニュース39) Hatsune Miku May 3, 2015 music, lyrics
"Noiseless Heart" Hatsune Miku Dec 31, 2015 music, lyrics
"Ohedo Julia-Night" (大江戸ジュリアナイト) Hatsune Miku and KAITO Sep 1, 2017 music, lyrics
"REBEL DIVA" Hatsune Miku Nov 6, 2019 music, lyrics
"Ring no Seraph" (リングの熾天使)
(Seraphim On The Ring)
Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin, KAITO Aug 29, 2019 music, lyrics
"Sakurabiyori to Time Machine" (桜日和とタイムマシン)
(Sakura Biyori and Time Machine)
Hatsune Miku and Ado Apr 27, 2024 Miku tuning
"Shoujo A ni Yoroshiku" (少女Aに夜露死苦)
(Bad Girl A)
Hatsune Miku Jan 7, 2023 music, lyrics
"Suki! Yuki! Maji Magic" (好き!雪!本気マジック) Hatsune Miku Feb 1, 2014 music, lyrics
"Tanki Nonki Danshi" (短気呑気男子) Hatsune Miku Nov 6, 2013 music, lyrics
"Tokugawa Cup Noodle Kinshirei" (徳川カップヌードル禁止令)
(Tokugawa Cupnoodle Prohibition)
Kusanagi Nene, Nene Robo, Mikudayo, KAITO and Kagamine Len Feb 16, 2022 music, lyrics
"Uta no Sumu Ie ~Maison Hatsune~" (歌の棲む家~メゾン初音~)
(House Of Songs ~Maison Hatsune~)
Hatsune Miku Jan 6, 2018 lyrics, arrangement, tuning
"Viva Happy" (ビバハピ) Hatsune Miku Jul 26, 2013 music, lyrics
"Viva Happy Sekaishi ver." (ビバハピ 世界史ver.) Hatsune Miku
Feb 19, 2019 music, lyrics
"Wah Wah World" (ワーワーワールド) Hatsune Miku and Kagamine Rin Aug 5, 2020 music, lyrics


Affiliation Title
Lantis "BANZAI! digital trippers"
EXIT TUNES and Pony Canyon "EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Vocalodelight feat. Hatsune Miku" (EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Vocalodelight feat.初音ミク)
EXIT TUNES "EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Vocalodream feat. Hatsune Miku" (EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Vocalodream feat. 初音ミク)
EXIT TUNES "EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Vocalohistory feat. Hatsune Miku" (EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Vocalohistory feat. 初音ミク)
Sony Music Entertainment "Greatest Idol" (グレイテスト・アイドル)
Soul Tag "Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- F Complete Collection" (初音ミク -Project DIVA- F Complete Collection)
Dwango User Entertainment, Inc. "HATSUNE MIKU 10th Anniversary Album 「Re:Start」"
"Hatsune Miku 10th Anniversary Book" (初音ミク 10th Anniversary Book)
Dwango User Entertainment, Inc and Sony Music Entertainment Japan "Hatsune Miku 5th Birthday Best - memories -" (初音ミク 5thバースデー ベスト〜memories〜)
BinaryMixx Records, Dwango User Entertainment, Inc., and Sony Music Entertainment Japan "Hatsune Miku 5th Birthday Best ~impacts~" (初音ミク 5thバースデーベスト ~impacts~)
KarenT "Hatsune Miku "Magical Mirai 2014" (Live)" (初音ミク「マジカルミライ 2014」 [Live])
KarenT "Hatsune Miku "Magical Mirai 2014" OFFICIAL ALBUM" (初音ミク「マジカルミライ 2014」OFFICIAL ALBUM)
KarenT "Hatsune Miku "Magical Mirai 2018" OFFICIAL ALBUM" (初音ミク「マジカルミライ 2018」OFFICIAL ALBUM)
"Hatsune Miku Project DIVA MEGA39's 10th Anniversary Collection" (初音ミク Project DIVA MEGA39’s 10th アニバーサリーコレクション)
breakvag "Hatsune Miku Project DIVA X -Complete Collection-" (初音ミク Project DIVA X -Complete Collection-)
"Hatsune Miku Project mirai Complete" (初音ミク Project mirai こんぷり~と)
KarenT "Hatsune Miku “Magical Mirai 2015″ OFFICIAL ALBUM" (初音ミク「マジカルミライ 2015」OFFICIAL ALBUM)
KarenT "KARENT presents Ginsetsu no Aria feat. Hatsune Miku" (KARENT presents 銀雪のアリア feat. 初音ミク)
KarenT "KARENT presents Snow White Record feat. Hatsune Miku" (KARENT presents Snow White Record feat. 初音ミク)
KARENT and Bushiroad Music "MORE MORE JUMP! SEKAI ALBUM Vol.1"
"Pokémon feat. Hatsune Miku Project VOLTAGE 18 Types/Songs Collection" (ポケモン feat. 初音ミク Project VOLTAGE 18 Types/Songs Collection)
Warner Music Japan "Virtual Popstar" (バーチャル・ポップスター)
EMI Music Japan, Akiba Koubou "VOCALO DANCE feat. Hatsune Miku" (VOCALO DANCE feat.初音ミク)
MUSIC STUDY PROJECT "Vocalo de Oboeru Koukou Sekaishi" (ボカロで覚える高校世界史)
1st PLACE, Crypton Future Media, and IA PROJECT "Vocaloid Ultra Best -memories-" (VOCALOID 超BEST -memories-)
BinaryMixx Records and Dwango User Entertainment, Inc. "V♥25 -Brave Heart-"
BinaryMixx Records and Dwango User Entertainment, Inc. "V♥25 -cantabile-"
BinaryMixx Records and Dwango User Entertainment, Inc. "V♥25 ~Aperios~"