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Song title
Original Upload Date
February 14, 2016
GuitarHeroPianoZero (music, lyrics)
Marilyne06 (illustration)
400+ (NN), 19,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


The clouds are turning gray
All around you day after day
You pray for a break in the sky
But no one seems to hear your cries

It gets harder to hold on
As they tell you to stay strong
But no matter what happens
Just remember this message

If I could be your miracle
I’d bring peace and love to your world
If I could be your miracle
I would take the pain from your soul
If I could be your miracle
I’d bring peace and love to your world
If I could be your miracle
I would take the pain from your soul

The days when you want to cry
They make me hurt so deep inside
I wish I could set you free
From all this pain and misery

I know this world can be so dark
As the pain reaches your heart
But no matter what happens
Please let me give you this message

If I could be your miracle
I’d bring peace and love to your world
If I could be your miracle
I would take the pain from your soul
If I could be your miracle
I’d bring peace and love to your world
If I could be your miracle
I would take the pain from your soul

If I could be your miracle
If I could be your miracle

If I could be your miracle
I’d bring peace and love to your world
If I could be your miracle
I would take the pain from your soul
If I could be your miracle
I’d bring peace and love to your world
If I could be your miracle
I would take the pain from your soul

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