Song title | |||
"Metaphysics" | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
September 21, 2014 | |||
Singer | |||
VY2 | |||
Producer(s) | |||
intermusic (music)
Aironii (lyrics) honesty (photo) | |||
Views | |||
800+ | |||
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Niconico Broadcast | |||
Japanese | Romaji | English |
歪んだモノクロ 君の幻影にうそぶく | yuganda monokuro kimi no gen'ei ni usobuku | Distorted monochrome boasts to your illusion |
その嘲りだけいつまでも | sono azakeri dake itsumade mo | Just that ridicule, forever |
揺らめく残像 穹の戸惑いに零れる | yurameku zanzou sora no tomadoi ni koboreru | The flickering afterimage spills over into the confusion of the firmament |
この焦燥だけどこまでも | kono shousou dake dokomade mo | Just this frustration, to the bitter end |
触れることのない 狂う時計 | fureru koto no nai kuruu tokei | You can't touch the broken clock |
止むことのない |
yamu koto no nai yuudachi o bouzen to nagame tsuzuke | Continuing to stare dumbfounded at the relentless rain shower, |
二度と戻らぬ記憶から誘われ手を伸ばした | nidoto modoranu kioku kara izanaware te o nobashita | Invited by a memory never to return, I outstretched my hand |
未だ現れる消えない瞬き 夢を醒ます | imada arawareru kienai matataki yume o samasu | The sempiternal twinkle which always comes back awakens me from my dream |
果敢なく透明に 虚しく綺麗に | hakanaku toumei ni munashiku kirei ni | In reluctant transparency, in fruitless beauty |
空疎にとめどなく 形なきまま | kuuso ni tomedo naku katachi naki mama | Empty and endless, without form |
歪んだ既視感 君の幻影に纏わる | yuganda kishikan kimi no gen'ei ni matowaru | A distorted sense of déjà vu, wrapped in your illusion |
その煌めきだけもう一度 | sono kirameki dake mou ichido | Just that sparkle once again |
揺らめく想像 穹の閃きに躊躇う | yurameku souzou sora no hirameki ni tamerau | The flickering imagination hesitates in the wavering flashes of the firmament |
この哀しみだけあと一度 | kono kanashimi dake ato ichido | Just this sorrow once again |
逃げることのない 掴む世界 | nigeru koto no nai tsukamu sekai | An inescapable world, in the palm of my hand |
気づかぬうちに涙雨淡々とそそぎ続け | kizukanu uchi ni namida ame tantan to sosogi tsuzuke | Without realizing, I continue to pour a rain of tears |
二度と動かぬ追憶に蹌踉めいて手を放した | nidoto ugokanu tsuioku ni yoromeite te o hanashita | I stumbled in my memories, never to change again, and let go of them |
いつか暴かれる見えないその星 夢を砕く | itsuka abakareru mienai sono hoshi yume o kudaku | The unseen star will shatter your dreams once it's someday revealed |
純白残酷に 漆黒仄かに | junpaku zankoku ni shikkoku honoka ni | Cruelly pure white, faintly pitch black |
欺く蜃気楼 形なきまま | azamuku shinkirou katachi naki mama | A deceiving mirage without form |
唄うことのないオルゴールに 望みなきまま | utau koto no nai orugooru ni nozomi naki mama | Without hope for a music box that never sings |
歪んだモノクロ 君の幻影にうそぶく | yuganda monokuro kimi no gen'ei ni usobuku | Distorted monochrome boasts to your illusion |
その嘲りだけいつまでも | sono azakeri dake itsumade mo | Just that ridicule, forever |
揺らめく残像 穹の戸惑いに零れる | yurameku zanzou sora no tomadoi ni koboreru | The flickering afterimage spills over into the confusion of the firmament |
この焦燥だけどこまでも | kono shousou dake dokomade mo | Just this frustration, to the bitter end |
叶うことのない 僕の願い | kanau koto no nai boku no negai | My wish won't ever come true |
English translation by Anonymous