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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Melody Line
Song title
"Melody Line"
Original Upload Date
November 18, 2010
Hatsune Miku
SmileR (music, mix, lyrics)
Umashio (illustration)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint)


Japanese Romaji English
夢見た続きはここから yumemita tsuzuki wa koko kara The continuation I dreamed of starts from here
キラキラした僕の声を kirakira shita boku no koe o I'll give you my shining voice[1]
あげるよ、あげたらキミから笑って ageru yo, agetara kimi kara waratte and when I do, you’ll smile

気づけばトビラの向こうに kizukeba tobira no mukou ni Before we knew it, the melody line
動きだしたメロディーライン ugokidashita merodii rain connecting us moved on the other side of the door
つながる二人の距離が縮まってく tsunagaru futari no kyori ga chijimatteku and the distance between us shrinks

二人今、口ずさむの futari ima, kuchizusamu no Now, the two of us hum
ドラマチックなメロディー doramachikku na merodii a dramatic melody
めくりめく時の中で mekurimeku toki no naka de In this dazzling time,
すべてを見つめて subete o mitsumete gazing at everything

everything's gonna be allright!!
色とりどりのメモリー irotoridori no memorii A colorful memory
I wanna sing a song
今なら時を超えてもっと!! ima nara toki o koete motto!! Now we can transcend time even more!!
everything's gonna be allright!!
諦めたくはないんだ akirametaku wa nain da I don't want to give up
I wanna sing a song
ここから新しい世界へ!! koko kara atarashii sekai e!! from here to a new world!!

瞳を閉じれば思い出 hitomi o tojireba omoide When I close my eyes, I see memories
歩き出せばキミの笑顔 arukidaseba kimi no egao When I start to walk, I see your smile
いつしか僕らは未来を描きだす itsushika bokura wa mirai o egakidasu Gradually, we'll depict the future

二人今、感じてるの futari ima, kanjiteru no Now, the two of us feel
流れ星のメロディー nagareboshi no merodii a shooting star's melody
つないだ手は離さないで tsunaida te wa hanasanaide Don't let go of my hand that you're holding
ここから始まる koko kara hajimaru and we'll begin from here
everything's gonna be allright!!
色とりどりのメモリー irotoridori no memorii A colorful memory
I wanna sing a song
今なら時を超えてもっと!! ima nara toki o koete motto!! Now we can transcend time even more!!
everything's gonna be allright!!
眩しいほど輝く mabushii hodo kagayaku Shining so brightly that it's almost blinding
I wanna sing a song
光が溢れる世界へ!! hikari ga afureru sekai e!! to a world where that light overflows!!

English translation by lunari162, checked by Violet330

Translation Notes

  1. 声をあげる also means "to raise one's voice"

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