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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Love Logic
Song title
"Love Logic"
Original Upload Date
December 21, 2012
Daniwell (music, lyrics, movie)
さぼてん (model)
720,000+ (NN), 1,600,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
ほんとのコト ほんとのキモチだけ 伝えられたらいいのにね なんて honto no koto honto no kimochi dake tsutaeraretara ii no ni ne It'd be nice if these true thoughts and feelings were conveyed to you...or something like that.
ときどき 考えたりするけど そうそう うまくはいかないみたいね nante tokidoki kangaetari suru kedo sousou umaku wa ikanai mitai ne But thinking about it from time to time, it just seems like I can't come up with a good way to do it, you know?

たとえば そう 愛想よく笑うあの子の真似とかしたりもするけど tatoeba sou aisou yoku warau ano ko no mane toka shitari mo surukedo For example, though I often try imitating that other girl who smiles so sweetly,
たいてい うわべだけで どうにも こうにも なんとも ならないもので taitei uwabe dakede douni mo kouni mo nanto mo naranai mono de It just seems so superficial, no matter what I do, nothing seems to come of it

それでも ほら キミが笑ってる まわりはいつも別世界で soredemo hora kimi ga waratteru mawari wa itsumo betsusekai de And yet, whenever you are smiling, the area around you is like another world
ふとしたとき 目と目があったら ソワソワしちゃう キミのせいだから futoshita toki me to me ga attara sowasowa shichau kimi no sei dakara Whenever we accidentally meet eye to eye, I get so nervous... it's all your fault!

恋のロンリ的に 誇大妄想 集中砲火で koi no ronriteki ni kodai mousou shuuchuu houka de In the midst of this love logic, a sense of megalomania,
キミのコトバのひとつひとつに 撃ち抜かれたハートは kimi no kotoba no hitotsu hitotsu ni uchi nukareta haato wa This heart of mine that has been shot full of holes by every single word you say
たえず 不安定で ときどき 転びそうにもなるけど taezu fuantei de tokidoki korobi souni mo narukedo This constant instability, sometimes seeming like I'm about to fall down,
そっと 支えてくれる そういうところが好きなのさ sotto sasaete kureru sou iu tokoro ga suki nano sa and yet you are always there to gently prop me up, I like that part of you

いつものコト ありふれたコトバさえ 出てこなくて モヤモヤしたりね itsumo no koto arifureta kotoba sae detekonakute moyamoya shitari ne It's the usual thing, even these mundane words won't come out...feeling so gloomy
なんてね 悩んだりもするけど そうそう 答えはみつからないのね nante ne nayandari mo surukedo sou sou kotae wa mitsukaranai no ne Just kidding! Always worried as well...it's true, the answer just can't be found

たとえば そう 曲がり角曲がって 偶然キミと出会ったときには tatoeba sou magarikado magatte guuzen kimi to deatta toki ni wa For example, yes, if I were to turn the corner and meet you by chance,
アタフタしてばかりで どうにも こうにも なんとも ならないもので atafutashite bakaride douni mo kouni mo nanto mo naranai mono de I'd become completely flustered, no matter what I do it just won't work out

それでも ほら キミが見つめてる まわりはいつも別次元で soredemo hora kimi ga mitsumeteru mawari wa itsumo betsujigen de And yet, whenever you are staring at me, it's like we're in another dimension
なにもかもが ちっぽけに見える 机の上に答えは無いから nanimokamo ga chippoke ni mieru tsukue no ue ni kotae wa nai kara Everything looks so tiny from there, since there's no good answer to be found on top of the desk after all..

恋のカガク的に 荒唐無稽 絵空事でも koi no kagakuteki ni koutoumukei esoragoto demo Absurdity within the chemistry of love, even if it's just a pipe-dream,
キミの傍にいたいの コトバなんていらないくらいに kimi no soba ni itai no kotoba nante iranai kurai ni I just want to be near you... I don't need something to say or anything like that
たえず 隣にいて 持ちつ持たれつ もたれかかりつで taezu tonari ni ite machitsu motarezu motarekakaritsu de always being close to you, a system of give and take, relying on one another,
そっと 手と手取り合う そういう二人になりたいのさ sotto te to te toriau sou iu futari ni naritai no sa Gently being hand-in-hand, wanting to become that kind of couple...

恋のロンリ的に 矛盾だらけの 夢物語で koi no ronriteki ni mujun darake no yume monogatari de In the midst of this love logic, a dream-like story full of contradictions
キミの右手左手 つかまえて離さないくらいは kimi no migite hidarite tsukamaete hanasanai kurai wa up to the point of taking your right hand in my left and not letting go...
たえず 空回りで ときどき 転びそうにもなるけど taezu sora mawaride tokidoki korobi souni mo narukedo Always spinning in idle on this quest, from time to time it looks like I might fall over,
そっと 抱えてくれる そういうところが好きなのさ sotto kakaete kureru sou iu tokoro ga suki nano sa and yet you are always there to gently hold me and carry me, I like that part of you...

English translation by descentsubs


This song was featured on the following albums:

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