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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.
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Lll Toluthin Antenna lll
Song title
English: lll Toluthin Antenna lll
Original Upload Date
September 25, 2012
Kagamine Len
LettuceP (music)
Miwashiba (lyrics, illustration, video)
Giga (arrangement)
OrebananaP (tuning)
880,000+ (NN), 4,800+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (deleted)
YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)


Japanese Romaji English
ちょっと いけめんとぶつかった chotto ikemen to butsukatta I just bumped into a pretty handsome guy.
しゅくだいを するのわすれた shukudai o suru no wasureta So I forgot all about doing my homework!

ぼくも まっちょになれるかな boku mo maccho ni nareru kana I wonder if I can become a macho too…
ごみばこに あたまぶつけた gomibako ni atama butsuketa I hit my head on a dustbin!

ちいさなためいきつく すきっぷをしたらこけた chiisana tameiki tsuku sukippu o shitara koketa I sigh softly, falling when I try skipping.
さかだちなまこりずむ きょうはどんなまりもがつれる のかな sakadachi namako rizumu kyou wa donna marimo ga tsureru no kana Sea cucumber, handstand, rhythm. I wonder what type of algae I’ll catch today?[1]

ぼくのことをむししたら こいのあんてなにとぅるすぞ boku no koto o mushi shitara koi no antenna ni turusu zo If you try to ignore me, you’ll be hung up on by love’s antenna.
あちこちしせんそらしても すきができちゃうから achikochi shisen sorashite mo suki ga dekichau kara Because even if you avert your gaze, you’ll still fall in love.

こねこのひげゆらしたら にどねしたなんてぬかしおる koneko no hige yurashitara nidoneshita nante nukashioru If the cat’s whiskers flicker, I’m going back to sleep, so I say.
ぽっけにつめたちょこれーと あくびをしてとけた pokke ni tsumeta chokkoretto akubi o shite toketa The chocolate I stuffed into my pocket yawned and melted.

ぽいすてされてた らぶれたー poisute sareteta raburetaa A love letter was carelessly tossed away.
かたつむり だっそうしてた katatsumuri dassou shite'ta And the snail escaped!

ほわいとのいずかきまわす かぎかけたらしめちゃうぞ howaito noizu kakimawasu kagi kaketara shimechau zo The white noise is disturbing me. I’ll close it once it’s been locked.
かれーのぐはみそしる あしたはどんなつけまがはやるかな? karee no gu wa miso shiru ashita wa donna tsukema ga hayaru ka na? Curry's ingredients are miso soup. I wonder what kind of fake eyelashes will become popular tomorrow?

きみのそのとぅるとぅるな ひとみのひみつをおしえてよ kimi no sono turuturu na hitomi no himitsu o oshiete yo Please tell me the secret of your twinkling eyes
ふらふらかげをあつめても なにもかわらないでしょ furafura kage o atsumete mo nanimo kawaranai desho Even if I collect shadows in a daze, nothing will change, right?

あしあとけしてうわがきして わんとぅみーでつたえるよ ashiato keshite uwagaki shite wantumii de tsutaeru yo Erasing and overwriting my footprints, on 1 & 2 & 3, I’ll tell you.
かさぶたにはったねむけは ほほえみかわしきえた kasabuta ni hatta nemuke wa hohoemi kawashi kieta The drowsiness that formed on my scab disappeared after exchanging a smile.

あいうえおくまで やゆよーくみて a-i-u-e-oku made ya-yu-yoku mite H-I-J-K-Look carefully all the u-v-way in.[2]
ぼくのはなしきいて boku no hanashi kiite Listen to what I have to say!

すきもきらいもどっちだって うけとめてあげるから suki mo kirai mo docchi datte uketomete ageru kara Because I’ll accept both things I love and things I hate.

とぅるたすかみーあうぃるぺろてぃーの turu tasuka miia wiru perotiino Tulu, my pocket, Will Perotino.[3]
ぱすたたべたいちゅるとぅるっちゅー pasuta tabetai churuturucchuu I want to eat pasta, I say-ay-ay.

まよっていたってしょーがない mayotte ita tte shoo ga nai It can’t be helped that you’re giving into temptation,
こんやは<うどん>にしよー konya wa <udon> ni shiyo So let’s eat udon (your favourite food) today!

English translation by AmeSubs and ElectricRaichu

Translation Notes

  1. Marimo is a type of algae that forms into a green ball and is one of Japan's "natural treasures".
  2. The words in this line of lyrics are mixed with sounds from the Japanese alphabet.
  3. "Tulu" is a language spoken in India (but also note "tsuru" in Japanese can mean "crane" (bird), "vine" or "to fish"). "Tasca mia" means "my pocket" in Italian. "Will" sounds like an English first name and "Perotino" sounds like an Italian surname. Most of this could be complete coincidence.

Notable Derivatives

Lll Toluthin Antenna lll
Reol's cover
Featuring: Reol
Lll Toluthin Antenna lll
Rinu's cover
Featuring: Rinu
Lll Toluthin Antenna lll
Ririri's dance cover
Featuring: Kagamine Len
Producer(s): Melochin (choreography), Ririri (dance)


This song was featured on the following albums:

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