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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
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Song title
Original Upload Date
February 22, 2014
GUMI and Kagamine Rin
Giga-P (music, lyrics)
Reol (lyrics)
Makoto (illustration)
Funmatsu (video)
2,400,000+ (NN), 2,800,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast

Alternate Version

Reol and nqrse's cover
Upload date: March 9, 2014
Featuring: Reol and nqrse


Singer Rin Gumi Together
Japanese Romaji English
振り切ったメーター プログラミング furikitta meetaa puroguramingu Free from the meter programming
「好き」なんてね お決まりの文句 "suki" nante ne okimari no monku "I like you." just kidding -- the usual complaints
ボルト?ナット?そんなんじゃ Bad boruto? natto? sonna nja Bad Bolts? Nuts? They’re all just Bad
君に視線 戦況は危険 kimi ni shisen senkyou wa kiken My gaze on you, a dangerous war
高鳴ってく鼓動 射止めてよ you know? takanatteku kodou itomete yo you know? My chest pounding; shoot an arrow in my heart, you know?
色仕掛けのフロウで おとすのよメロウ irojikake no furou de otosu no yo merou I'll use my feminine charms and take you down, bitch
君君だけ SICK させちゃう verse KICK! kimi kimi dake SICK sasechau verse KICK! I'll make only you SICK, so here’s this verse, KICK!
ねぇこっち向いて Give us kiss! nee kotchi muite Give us kiss! Hey, look over at me! Give us kiss!

嘘つきな唇で もっとあたしを騙してみせてよ usotsuki na kuchibiru de motto atashi o damashite misete yo With the lips of a liar, show me the limits of your deceit
君じゃなきゃヤダなんて ワガママももっと言わせて? kimi janakya yada nante wagamama mo motto iwasete? I won’t take anyone but you and more - won't you let me be even more selfish?


恋は連覇、百戦錬磨とか koi wa renpa, hyakusen renma toka Love’s a winning streak, only for seasoned veterans
嘘ついて (うそぶ)いて 傾いて fall down usotsuite usobuite katamuite fall down Spout lies, show off, lean and fall down
君はいつも通りの 困り顔向けて kimi wa itsumo doori no komari gao mukete You turn, giving me your usual troubled face
「はいはい」「ちょっと聞いてるの!?」 "hai hai" "chotto kiiteru no!?" "Yeah, yeah." "Hey, are you even listening?!"
でも そんなとこも憎めないから demo sonna toko mo nikumenai kara But, I can’t bring myself to hate that part of you,
一枚上な君に うたれちゃうから ichimai ue na kimi ni utarechau kara and you’re a step above, you’d hit me
言い返せない とても言えない! iikaesenai totemo ienai! I can’t talk back, I just can’t say a thing!
君に見せる怒った face は fake kimi ni miseru okotta face wa fake The angry face I show you is fake


もっとあたしに(すが)ってよ motto atashi ni sugatte yo Rely on me even more
More More 欲しがってよ More More hoshigatte yo Desire me even more, more
(Love me Love me Love me Do!)
(Give me Give me Give me Hug!)
もっとあたしに困ってよ motto atashi ni komatte yo Trouble yourself over me even more
Wanna Wanna Be せがんでよ Wanna Wanna Be segande yo I want, want you to bother me for it

(Love me Love me Love me Do!)
(Give me Give me Give me Hug!)

Love Me Baby Baby
Give Me Very Very

息吐く間もないほどに どうぞやっちゃって ikitsuku ma mo nai hodo ni douzo yatchatte Please, go ahead, do it so rough there’s no time to breathe

Beasty Gimmick Gimmick
Knock Out Gimmi Gimmi

このまま壊されたい Knock Down kono mama kowasaretai Knock Down I wanna be destroyed with us as we are right now, Knock Down

Love Me Baby Baby
Give Me Very Very

息もできないようなやつ かましてやって iki mo dekinai you na yatsu kamashite yatte Take that unbreathing thing and force it in my mouth

Beasty Gimmick Gimmick
Knock Out Gimmi Gimmi

このまま壊されたい Knock Down kono mama kowasaretai Knock Down I wanna be destroyed with us as we are right now, Knock Down

あたしの声をもっと聴いて atashi no koe o motto kiite Listen to my voice even more
君の言葉で惑わせてよ Baby kimi no kotoba de madowasete yo Baby Lead me astray with your words
プログラムされたんじゃ意味がない puroguramu sareta nja imi ga nai If you’ve been programmed to do so, Baby, it’s all meaningless
欲しいのは I(あたし)だけに向けた「愛」 hoshii no wa atashi dake ni muketa “ai” You know what I want? I, I alone to be the subject of your LOVE
強がってばっかなの my mind tsuyogatte bakka na no my mind In my mind, I keep pretending to be tough
ほんとは気付いてんでしょ? my Daring honto wa kidzuite ndesho? my Daring But you’ve realized the truth, right, my Darling?
エンタルピー変わって「Why!?」 もうわかんないよ entarupii kawatte “Why!?” mou wakan nai yo A change in enthalpy, “Why?!” I don’t know what’s going on anymore
ただ君が傍にいればいいのに tada kimi ga soba ni ireba ii no ni All I want is for you to be next to me


Love Me Baby Baby
Give Me Very Very

息吐く間もないほどに どうぞやっちゃって ikitsuku ma mo nai hodo ni douzo yatchatte Please, go ahead, do it so rough there’s no time to breathe
Beasty Gimmick Gimmick
Knock Out Gimmi Gimmi

このまま壊されたい Knock Down kono mama kowasaretai Knock Down I wanna be destroyed with us as we are right now, Knock Down

Love Me Baby Baby
Give Me Very Very

息もできないようなやつ かましてやって iki mo dekinai you na yatsu kamashite yatte Take that unbreathing thing and force it in my mouth
Beasty Gimmick Gimmick
Knock Out Gimmi Gimmi

このまま壊されたい Knock Down kono mama kowasaretai Knock Down I wanna be destroyed with us as we are right now, Knock Down

English translation by Coleena Wu

Notable Derivatives

96neko's cover
Featuring: 96neko
kradness's cover
Featuring: kradness
JubyPhonic and rachie's English cover
Featuring: JubyPhonic and rachie

Yozora Mel, Amane Kanata, and Mori Calliope's cover and rap arrange
Featuring: Yozora Mel, Amane Kanata and Mori Calliope

External Links

