Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

kian, previously known as anakin and AnakinPlays, is a producer who uses VOCALOID, Synthesizer V, and CeVIO.


Links Title Vocalists Date Roles
"3AM" Utatane Piko and Fukase May 13, 2020 music, lyrics, illustration
"A Twilight Carol" Utatane Piko and Fukase Dec 24, 2019 music, illustration
"All That I Know" Hatsune Miku Nov 16, 2020 music, lyrics
"Amalgamation" Kagamine Rin, Eleanor Forte and IA May 26, 2019 music, lyrics, illustration
"Annabelle" flower and Chika Nov 11, 2020 music, lyrics
"Anomaly" Utatane Piko Dec 10, 2020 music, lyrics, illustration
"Arm and Leg" IA English C Jan 12, 2020 music, lyrics, illustration
"ATTACK OF THE KILLER CANDY" Tsuina-chan Oct 26, 2022 music, lyrics, illustration
"Bad Luck Bunny" Fukase Apr 12, 2020 music, lyrics, illustration
"BEDEVIL" GUMI May 29, 2021 music, lyrics
Removed "Blood on Film" KAITO Sep 6, 2019 tuning
"Clairvoyant" Kagamine Rin and Eleanor Forte Dec 3, 2018 music, lyrics, illustration
"COEXIST" IA English C Feb 25, 2021 music, lyrics, video
"DIM-WITTED POLKA" Tsuina-chan Jan 24, 2022 music, lyrics, illustration
"Feigned Truth" IA Jul 19, 2019 music, lyrics, illustration
Removed "Fighter" Fukase, Chika and Eleanor Forte Oct 10, 2018 music, lyrics
Removed "Fools" Eleanor Forte Apr 1, 2019 music, lyrics
N/A "Fran" Rana Sep 10, 2018 music, lyrics

"Fright Fair" Various Oct 27, 2019 music, lyrics, illustration
"Frontline" IA English Jan 31, 2020 music, lyrics
"GHOSTLY HALLOWEEN PARTY" RIME and KAFU Oct 31, 2022 music, lyrics
"GUTS" IA Feb 26, 2023 music, lyrics
Removed "Haunted by the Love" YOHIOloid Oct 30, 2021 music, lyrics
"Humanity" Chris Jul 21, 2020 music, lyrics
"I"LL KEEP ON LOVING YOU" SOLARIA Apr 4, 2022 music, lyrics
"In My Dreams" Fukase Oct 31, 2017 music, lyrics
"In My Dreams" Yuma Jan 11, 2023 music, lyrics
"in the dark, they'll return" Koezu YAWA Apr 19, 2021 music, lyrics, illustration
"In The Palm Of Her Hand, The Universe Was Reborn" Eleanor Forte Aug 18, 2020 music, lyrics, illustration
N/A "Infestation of the Shit-Talking Plants" YOHIOloid Feb 23, 2018 music, lyrics
"Jack's Admonition" Chika Oct 17, 2019 music, lyrics, illustration
"Laughingstock" Eleanor Forte Apr 9, 2020 lyrics, render, tuning
"Like the Bile From My Mouth" Kevin and KAFU Nov 29, 2022 music, lyrics
"LIMINAL" KAFU Aug 18, 2021 music, lyrics
"Make Me A Promise" Eleanor Forte Sep 3, 2019 music, lyrics, illustration
"MAYBE I'M A CAT" ASTERIAN Jun 23, 2024 music, lyrics, PV

"Mothman" Rana and flower Sep 9, 2019 music, lyrics, illustration
"Mud to Mud" flower and Eleanor Forte Feb 25, 2020 music, lyrics, illustration
"Mystery of the Haunted House" Eleanor Forte Oct 30, 2023 music, lyrics, video
"Neglected" Yuzuki Yukari Dec 27, 2018 music, lyrics
"Paranormal Reality" Kagamine Len Jun 26, 2018 music, lyrics, illustration, video
"Point of No Return" Amy and Chris Aug 13, 2020 music, lyrics
"Presence" Hatsune Miku Aug 7, 2019 music, lyrics, illustration
"Quarantine" YOHIOloid Feb 7, 2020 music, lyrics, illustration
"Recollected" Yamine Renri Aug 12, 2019 music, lyrics
"Resistance/anakin" Koezu YAWA Jul 11, 2019 music, lyrics, illustration
"RETALIATE" Eleanor Forte and IA Dec 31, 2021 music, lyrics
"RUINING BELLS" Eleanor Forte Jun 23, 2022 music, lyrics
"Second Sun" Kagamine Len Apr 9, 2021 illustration
"SERIOUSLY GROSS!" Kevin Apr 15, 2022 music, lyrics
"Sinister Soul" Eleanor Forte Oct 23, 2018 music, lyrics, illustration
"SLASHER'S HALLOWEEN NIGHT" GUMI Oct 31, 2021 music, lyrics, illust
"Soul of Halloween" Rana and flower Oct 31, 2020 music, lyrics, illustration
"Spirits of Halloween" Rana and flower Oct 31, 2018 music, lyrics, illustration
"Superficial Reality" Eleanor Forte Oct 6, 2020 tuning
"Tale of the Caravans" KAITO Feb 13, 2022 music, lyrics
"Tear Off" Fukase Jan 28, 2019 music, lyrics, illustration
"that wasn't love!" SOLARIA Jun 19, 2022 music, lyrics, illustration
"The Faces We Wear" YOHIOloid Jul 9, 2020 lyrics, tuning
"THE FIRST OF HALLOWEEN" Fukase Oct 1, 2020 music, lyrics, illustration
"The First of Halloween" Fukase Oct 1, 2020 music, lyrics, illustration
"The Scampish Witch" Amy and IA English Oct 30, 2020 music, lyrics, illustration
N/A "The Story of a Missing Child" Fukase Oct 7, 2017 music, lyrics
"there's something missing" GUMI Jan 14, 2021 music, lyrics
"They'll Return" IA Jul 14, 2019 music, lyrics, illustration
N/A "This Sugary Craving" OLIVER Sep 24, 2018 music, lyrics, illustration
"Thornbush" Fukase Oct 7, 2019 music, lyrics, illustration
"Tic Tac Toe" Ninezero Nov 2, 2024 music
"To You Forever" Eleanor Forte Jun 24, 2019 tuning
"Turtle" GUMI May 10, 2020 music, lyrics
"UNCANNY" KAFU Feb 26, 2022 music, lyrics
"Undermined" Utatane Piko Dec 9, 2018 music, lyrics, illustration
"V i v i d" Fukase Sep 7, 2018 music, lyrics, illustration
"WHAT IS GOING ON" Hanakuma Chifuyu Feb 25, 2024 music, lyrics, illustration
"Wintry Grasp" GUMI and YOHIOloid Dec 24, 2020 music, lyrics, illustration
"year's end" Yuzuki Yukari Jan 2, 2021 music, lyrics
"YESTERDAY" Kaori Mar 6, 2020 illustration
"Zip It" Fukase May 16, 2019 music, lyrics, illustration