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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Just Be Friends
Song title
"Just Be Friends"
Original Upload Date
July 3, 2009
Megurine Luka
Dixie Flatline (music, lyrics)
Yunomi (illustration, video)
PiroriroP (encode)
5,400,000+ (NN), 300,000+ (YT), 140,000+ (PP), 3,800,000+ (YT, autogen)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / piapro Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated)
YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)

Alternate Versions

Just Be Friends
Virtual Singer Ver.
Featuring: Megurine Luka


Japanese Romaji English
Just be friends. All we gotta do.
Just be friends. It's time to say goodbye.
Just be friends. All we gotta do.
Just be friends. Just be friends.
Just be friends...

浮かんだんだ ukanda nda It came to mind
昨日の朝 早くに kinou no asa hayaku ni In the early morning yesterday
割れたグラス wareta gurasu As if I
かき集めるような kakiatsumeru you na Gathered broken pieces of glass
これは一体なんだろう kore wa ittai nan darou What the heck is this?
切った指からしたたる滴 kitta yubi kara shitataru shizuku A drop from a cut on my finger
僕らはこんなことしたかったのかな bokura wa konna koto shitakatta no kana Is this what we really hoped for?

分かってたよ wakatteta yo I knew it
心の奥底では kokoro no okusoko de wa At the bottom of my heart
最も辛い mottomo tsurai That the hardest choice
選択がベスト sentaku ga besuto Would be the best
それを拒む自己愛と sore o kobamu jikoai to My self-love refuses it
結果自家撞着の繰り返し kekka jikadouchaku no kurikaeshi And repeats self-contradiction
僕はいつになれば言えるのかな boku wa itsu ni nareba ieru no kana When can I tell it to you?

緩やかに朽ちてゆくこの世界で yuruyaka ni kuchite yuku kono sekai de In this slowly decaying world
足掻僕の唯一の活路 agaku boku no yuiitsu no katsuro I'm struggling but it's the only way
色褪せた君の iroaseta kimi no Carving your
微笑み刻んで hohoemi kizande Faded smiles,
栓を抜いた sen o nuita I pulled out the plug

声を枯らして叫んだ koe o karashite sakenda I screamed with my hoarse voice
反響 残響 空しく響く hankyou zankyou munashiku hibiku Rebound and resonance echo in vain
外された鎖の その先は hazusareta kusari no sono saki wa Nothing is left at the end
なにひとつ残ってやしないけど nanihitotsu nokotte ya shinai kedo Of the unchained me
ふたりを重ねてた偶然 futari o kasaneteta guuzen The coincidences that we'd piled up
暗転 断線 儚く 千々に anten dansen hakanaku chiji ni Degenerate into the dark and are broken in pieces
所詮こんなものさ 呟いた shosen konna mono sa tsubuyaita "No matter what we do, life is just like that"
枯れた頬に伝う誰かの涙 kareta hoho ni tsutau dareka no namida I mumbled as somebody's tears flow down the dried cheeks

Just be friends. All we gotta do.
Just be friends. It's time to say goodbye.
Just be friends. All we gotta do.
Just be friends. Just be friends.
Just be friends...

気づいたんだ kizuita nda Yesterday
昨日の 凪いだ夜に kinou no naida yoru ni A tranquil night made me realize
落ちた花弁 ochita kaben It'd be useless
拾い上げたとして hiroiageta to shite To pick up fallen petals
また咲き戻ることはない mata saki modoru koto wa nai Because it'd never bloom again
そう手の平の上の小さな死 sou tenohira no ue no chiisana shi It's tiny but already dead on my palms
僕らの時間は止まったまま bokura no jikan wa tomatta mama Our time stopped long ago

思い出すよ 初めて会った季節を omoidasu yo hajimete atta kisetsu o I remember the season we first met
君の優しく微笑む顔を kimi no yasashiku hohoemu kao o And your graceful smile
今を過去に押しやって ima o kako ni oshiyatte Bringing up old issues,
二人傷つく限り傷ついた futari kizutsuku kagiri kizutsuita We hurt each other as badly as possible
僕らの心は(とげ)だらけだ bokura no kokoro wa toge darake da Our hearts are full of thorns

重苦しく続くこの関係で omokurushiku tsuzuku kono kankei de With this continuous dull relationship
悲しい程 変わらない心 kanashii hodo kawaranai kokoro Grievously I can't change my mind
愛してるのに aishiteru no ni I still love you,
離れがたいのに hanaregatai no ni I don't wanna be apart from you,
僕が言わなきゃ boku ga iwanakya But I have to tell you

心に土砂降りの雨が kokoro ni doshaburi no ame ga It's raining heavily in my mind
呆然(ぼうぜん)竦然(しょうぜん) 視界も煙る bouzen shouzen shikai mo kemuru I'm stunned, I'm standing dead, my vision is blurry
覚悟してた(はず)の その痛み kakugo shiteta hazu no sono itami Despite my determination,
それでも貫かれるこの体 soredemo tsuranukareru kono karada The pain is still penetrating
ふたりを繋いでた絆 futari o tsunaideta kizuna The bond between us had come apart
(ほころ)び 解け 日常に消えてく hokorobi hodoke nichijou ni kieteku And is dying away in everyday
さよなら愛した人 ここまでだ sayonara aishita hito koko made da Goodbye, my sweetheart, it's over
もう振り向かないで歩き出すんだ mou furimukanaide arukidasu nda We had to leave without turning back

一度だけ 一度だけ ichido dake ichido dake Just once, just once
願いが叶うのならば negai ga kanau no naraba If I could have my wish to come true
何度でも生まれ変わって nando demo umarekawatte I'd be born again and again,
あの日の君に逢いに行くよ ano hi no kimi ni ai ni iku yo And go see you on those days

声を枯らして叫んだ koe o karashite sakenda I screamed with my hoarse voice
反響 残響 空しく響く hankyou zankyou munashiku hibiku Rebound and resonance echo in vain
外された鎖の その先は hazusareta kusari no sono saki wa Nothing is left at the end
なにひとつ残ってやしないけど nanihitotsu nokotte ya shinai kedo Of the unchained me
ふたりを繋いでた絆 futari o tsunaideta kizuna The bond between us had come apart
(ほころ)び 解け 日常に消えてく hokorobi hodoke nichijou ni kieteku And is dying away in everyday
さよなら愛した人 ここまでだ sayonara aishita hito koko made da Goodbye, my sweetheart, it's over
もう振り向かないで歩き出すんだ mou furimukanaide arukidasu nda We had to leave without turning back

これでおしまいさ kore de oshimai sa It's all over

(Just be friends All we gotta do Just be friends It's time to say goodbye)
Just be friends All we gotta do
Just be friends (Just be friends) It's time to say goodbye
Just be friends (Just be friends) All we gotta do
Just be friends (Just be frien~ds) It's time to say goodbye
Just be friends (We should be, Just should be) All we gotta do
Just be friends (We should just be friends) It's time to say goodbye
Just be friends

English translation by motokokusanagi2009

Notable Derivatives

Just Be Friends
marasy's Piano Cover
Producer(s): marasy (piano)
Just Be Friends
Gero's cover
Featuring: Gero
Just Be Friends
halyosy's cover
Featuring: halyosy

Just Be Friends
Piko's cover
Featuring: Piko
Just Be Friends
Nakanishi's guitar cover
Featuring: Megurine Luka
Producer(s): Nakanishi (guitar)


This song was featured on the following albums:

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