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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
! Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.

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Song title
"Hunting Night"
Original Upload Date
October 7, 2023
Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len
Hitoshizuku-P (music, lyrics)
Yama△ (music, lyrics)
180,000+ (YT), 50+ (YT, single)
YouTube Broadcast
Single: YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YouTube)


Japanese Romaji English
『そこ行く狼さん、お一人でどこ行くの? “soko iku ookami-san, ohitori de doko iku no?” "Mr. Wolf over there, where are you going all by yourself?
暇ならちょっとだけ付き合って?』 hima nara chotto dake tsukiatte? If you have spare time, can you walk with me just for a bit?”
赤いずきんの娘は 狼の手を引いて akaizukin no musume wa ookami no te o hiite The red-hooded girl pulled the wolf’s hand,
深い暗い森の奥へ誘い込んだ fukai kurai mori no oku e sasoikonda And lured him to the depths of the deep, dark forest

『ねえ、とびっきり楽しい “ne, tobikkiri tanoshii “Hey, let’s play
遊びをしましょう?』 asobi o shimashou?” A super fun game, alright?”
『え?』 “e?” “Huh?”
真っ暗で不気味な森で鬼ごっこ makkura de bukimi na mori de onigokko A game of tag in the ominous forest in complete darkness
『はい! 私が鬼ね』 “hai! watashi ga oni ne” “That’s right, and I’m it!”
『!! ......待って!』 “!!.......matte!” “!... hold on!”
本気のサバイバル honki no sabaibaru Who will be the one to survive this
生き残るのは、どっちだ? iki nokoru no wa, docchi da? serious survival?

おいでおいで oide oide Come, come
今宵二人 秘密の狩り場(遊技場) koyoi futari himitsu no yuugijou de Let’s play a dead or alive hunting game
デッドオアアライブのハンティングゲームで遊ぼう♪ deddo oa raibu no hantingu geemu de tonight in the secret hunting ground (playground)! ♪
甘い甘い 怖い怖い amai amai kowai kowai In between sweet, sweet, scary, scary dreams,
夢の狭間で独り 抗ってみせて? yume no hazama de hitori aragatte misete? All alone, can you show me your resistance?
嗚呼、もっと! aa, motto! Ah, more, more!
スリリングなほど 楽しいでしょ? suriringu na hodo tanoshii desho? Isn’t it so fun that it’s thrilling?

静寂を彩る 怯えた息づかい seijaku o irodoru obieta ikizukai My frightened breathing colors the silence
ゾクゾクしちゃう zokuzoku shichau I’m getting chills
嗚呼、もう我慢できない aa, mou gaman dekinai Ah, I can’t take it anymore
『ねえ、全力で逃げ切って? “nee, zenryoku de nigekitte? “Hey, can you run away as fast as you can?
ほら、もっと速く~!』 hora, motto hayaku~!” Come on, go faster!”
絶望に染まる表情() zetsubou ni somaru kao wa Your face full of despair
たまらなくセクシー tamaranaku sekushii Is irresistibly sexy
防戦一方も 飽きてきちゃったなぁ bousen ippou mo akitekichatta naa I’m getting tired of your defensive mode
そろそろ本気でいくよ? soro soro honki de iku yo? It’s time, it’s time, let’s get serious?

踊れ踊れ odore odore Dance, dance,
今宵二人 秘密の狩り場(舞台) koyoi futari himitsu no butai de Let’s act out a dead or alive suspense play
デッドオアアライブのサスペンス劇を演ろうよ♪ deddo oa araibu no sesupensu geki o yarou yo♪ tonight in the secret hunting ground ( theatre stage)! ♪
甘い甘い 怖い怖い amai amai kowai kowai In between the sweet, sweet, scary, scary dreams,
夢の狭間で 絶叫(メロディ)響かせてみせて? yume no hazama de merodi hibikasete misete? Can you let me hear your screams (melody)?
嗚呼、もっと! aa, motto! Ah, more, more!
スクリームな歓声 心地いいでしょ? sukuriimu na kansei kokochi ii desho? Don't your screaming cheers feel so good?

弔いのレクイエムを tomurai no rekuiemu o With your death cries (singing), sinner,
罪人(あなた)断末魔()で捧げて? anata no uta de sasagete? Can you dedicate a requiem of condolence?
釈明は届かない shakumei wa todokanai My explanation for my acts wasn’t heard
逃げろ 逃げろ nigero nigero Run away, run away,
謂われなき断罪から...... iwarenaki danzai kara…… From an unjustifiable condemnation......

それはそれは sore wa sore wa That was, that was,
めくるめく夢のような時間 mekurumeku yume no you na jikan A dazzling dream-like time
あっという間のグランドフィナーレ atto iu ma no gurando finaare A grand finale in the blink of an eye
惜しいな oshii na What a shame
そろりそろり 距離を詰めて sorori sorori kyori o tsumete Slowly and quietly, I closed the distance,
最後の仕上げ saigo no shiage And with this, the final touch,
これでチェックメイト kore de chekkumeito Checkmate
つーかまーえた♪ tsu~kama~eta♪ I caught you

歌え歌え utae utae Sing, sing,
今宵二人 秘密の狩り場(舞台) koyoi futari himitsu no butai de It’s the end of the dead or alive hunting game
デッドオアアライブのリベンジゲームはお終い♪ deddo oa araibu no ribenji geemu wa oshimai♪ Tonight in the secret hunting ground (theatre stage)! ♪
甘い甘い 怖い怖い amai amai kowai kowai Caught in a sweet, sweet, scary, scary trap
罠に囚われ wana ni toraware Let me see if you make the
結末(エンディング)盛り上げてみせて endingu moriagate misete ending more exciting
嗚呼、もっと! aa, motto! Ah, more, more!
土壇場の逆襲に イレギュラーなどんでん返し!? dotanba no gyakushuu ni ireguraa na dondengaeshi!? A last-minute counterattack, an irregular plot twist!?
全部ごちゃ混ぜて zenbu gochamazete Mix and jumble everything,
おあいこ(ハッピーエンド)...... happii endo…… And make it even (a happy end)……

English translation by Gestalte

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